Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Morning Gemma, loving the new pic!

Jim, it was a stick on light and the whole casing melted enough to stick the 'on' button on so I had to prise it off the cabinet!
I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall watching that - not, however a fly anywhere near your cabinet and light! x
Morning all. Well I officially give up with my finances! For some reason I just can't get a grip on it this month and everytime I think I've cracked it some other random payment leaves my account and puts me back to square one grrrrrrrr
Morning Taz, january is always a hard month on finances :(
It is Jim! And much harder this month knowing that due to training I don't have a good pay to look forward to next week. Unfortunately all this training has resulted in about a £400 drop in wages and this could go on for a few months yet!
That's a lot Taz. Hope you can get it sorted x
Morning all. First exam this morning then on to more learning. Such excitement!

On Monday we found out we were under-insured for our mortgage so we saw an advisor yesterday and it turns out we have to pay an extra £80 a month to get the insurance we need grrrrrrr never rains eh?!
Good luck with your exam. Why an extra £80 a month - we don't pay anything like that on a 3 bedroom house! Sounds odd to me x
Morning Taz, nor do we pay anything like that on a bloody huge 4 bed, sounds a bit much to me.
It would have been a lot cheaper if it was done 6 years ago with our mortgage. We already have life cover but we needed protection for Mr Taz for sickness, accident and disability and for redundancy. Our mortgage is high repayments and we have a long way to go so it reflects that. Jim and Gem, you will have a lot less time to pay your mortgage and your repayments are probably half as much as ours so your policies will be cheaper.

1st 2 exams done today and I haven't booked the next one yet. I wont do that til I know how much work is involved!
How did you get on with the exam Taz and when will you know the result? x
Oops! Just realised I said I'd done them but not that I passed them both. It was 2 separate papers and I found out a few hours before that it included a lot more than I thought it would so I had to do some last minute revision
Well done Taz - we never doubted that you would pass x