Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Well hello! Sorry for my absence< i seem to have picked up a virus from here and even after I cleaned my computer it wasn't letting me back on here :( but all seems to be ok now :)

I have, as always, been working a lot lately. I have to take a day off just over a week ago as my knee has finally decided it's had enough and gave up :( but I was back to work for the bank holiday and as soon as normal working had resumed I went straight to see the physio on Wednesday morning. My usual physio was away so I had to see someone else and she worked on my poor knee for over an hour but couldn't fix it. She booked me in to see my usual physio this wednesday and advised I get the ball rolling with the docs, a process I was dreading. So on Friday I went to the docs. Not looking forward to seeing a locum as previous experience has not been good. They seem very disinterested as you are not their patients and in a week or 2 you can be another doctors problem! But I was pleasantly surprised by this one. On first glance he said it was seriously inflamed and I should take regular ibuprofen, regular ice compressions and rest to try to reduce it. He did a few tests and concluded that he will skip the investigatory stages and has referred me straight to the muscular-skeletal clinic which should take 3-4 weeks for an appointment. Last time it took almost a year to get to that stage so I am really pleased he has fast tracked. He said because of my condition and because I have already had one knee 'done' there was no point in wasting time.

So now I am waiting for my appointment and hoping my knee will hold out for a while. I need to stay in work for at least the next 5 weeks but ideally I would like the knee to hold out for a few months. It seems inevitable that this will not get better on it's own so I have to do all I can to hold it off. I have crutches on order for when my knee can no longer weight bear but I have also been advised to use them when not at work to keep the pressure off it. I don't like that idea as I'd feel like a fraud! But at least I will have them ready as I know from last time that it can jusr 'go' without much warning. But for now it's manageable so I just have to limp on :8855:
Morning Taz

Not a good read - I hope everything holds out until you can get it sorted xxx
Good morning Taz - I hope the knee is a bit easier today x
The pain is quite random at the moment. I get moments where I can walk almost normally, if a little slowly, then the pain crashes in. Had the call I didn't want from my manager this mosning, it seems that my knee is now famous in the upper levels at work and a lot of emails have been sent about it! There have apparently been discussions about what to do with me and my manager seems to be fighting my corner to keep me in work. But he has to refer me to Bupa for them to decide what to do. I'm hoping that appointment will take a while to come through, I only have to last another 4 and a half weeks to get some overtime etc then they can do what they want with me!
I hope it happens the way you want it Taz x
I had more managers on my case yesterday, one of which I have to spend the next 2 days with and I'm sure he will try all he can to prove I can't do my job :mad: I have worked out that as long as I can avoid them for the next 2 weeks I will be ok. Luckily my knee seems to be a little more manageable at the moment with random bursts of crippling pain so I am using the easier times to play it down as much as I can. I can only hope that it is my friend for the next 2 days but I have physio this afternoon which could wake up the ouchie bits :cry:

In happier news, my gorgeous new phone I received 2 weeks ago was not charging properly so I called Vodafone yesterday and they arranged for a replacement to be sent. Replacement arrived at 8.30 this morning :cool: VERY impressed with Vodafone! I'd pre-ordered my phone and I received it at 8am on the day the phone was released (my local Carphone Warehouse still hadn't received their stock at 11am that day!) and Mr Taz who had ordered the same in a different colour had to wait as all the ones in that colour had a fault with the casings and all were delayed. He received his only 12 days late when the anticipated delay was 2-3 weeks. Now that's what I call service! :D
Well I am glad that week is over! The week ended with a gruelling 2 day exam. Day one of that did NOT go well and I very nearly earned myself a place on a 2 day training course, development plan, and a whole lot of trouble! Really not what I need :eek: But I scraped through day one, even when the manager concerned insisted on taking me out on as many trains as he could, watching me like a hawk for any signs I couldn't do what I had to do. I didn't give him the satisfaction :cool: Day 2 started with me butting heads with another manager over my knee where he insisted they were only concerned for my welfare. I pointed out that if that were the case they would have spoken to me and trusted my opinion rather than trying to get me off my job. They are only concerned about the legal and insurance aspects. He did have the decency to admit that was a concern :8855:

So with that hurdle crossed I just have to get through a medical on Tuesday and my plan will be on! It's another weekend of work and yesterday I had to call the police to my train as 3 very drunk lads had a punch up on board. There was lager all over the train floor, blood all over their faces and I had 3 terrified women I had to rescue :rolleyes: Unfortunately we next arrived at a station in the middle of nowhere which meant we had to wait half hour for the police to arrive and me and my driver had to contain the situation ourselves without tipping the lads off that the police were on their way. All this meant that I missed my break so I was very happy to finish and get home. Not such a late day today but still later than I like to work.

Happy fathers day to all the dads :D
What an awful week Taz but so glad you got through it ok. You are good at your job and deal well with difficult situations - you don't need the extra carp the managers are throwing at you - far too stressful x
Afternoon all! Well the managers got what they wanted, I have been to see Bupa today and they said I am not allowed to do my job! So I am now on light duties for the foreseeable which I am NOT happy about at all :cry:
That's a pile of pants Taz - not what you wanted at all. On the bright side, it may bring things forward a little for your op x
Well after much arguements and a lot of badgering from me my manager has finally agreed to send me back to Bupa for a return to work assessment :D I told him that I know my knee will go completely but that could take months and while I am ok it's ridiculous for me to be off, wandering around the depot getting bored every day! After he finally agreed I promised that I would tell him as soon as I am no longer fit to do my job and he said that if that's within a month he will assume I compromised my health for financial reasons!!! No pressure then :rolleyes: So first I have to convince the doctor to let me back to work, then I have to stay on my feet for at least 2 months!

I spoke to the doctor today. I have an appointment with the muscularskeletal assessment and treatment (MATS) team in 2 weeks. The doctor said that once I have seem the MATS things will move fast. Not too sure what she meant by that but if I can stay working and earning until I get the knee fixed then that will be a bonus :D

Now for the not so good news: Mr Taz has been made redundant and we have just found out that his insurance wont pay out til 2 months after leaving us to find mortgage and car payments for 2 months :(

The worst news: This last week me and Elf have been visiting a friend in hospital. She has a benign tumour on her brain which has been causing no end of trouble for her. She was supposed to have it removed yesterday but the op didn't go well. I heard yesterday evening that they started then had to close up due to problems and will try again on thursday. Today I found out that the problem was her brain had swollen and the tumour was bigger than they thought so they had to replan the op. This was after 7 hours on the table! I also heard today that the doctors aren't hopeful :cry:I gave her bloke a lift to the hospital this afternoon and he thinks she may not make it through the next month. REALLY not what we wanted to hear :( I am now waiting to hear from him to find out if we can visit her tonight or tomorrow. We were nervy enough yesterday waiting for news but knowing what we now know Thursday is going to be a horrible day. I will be back with an update on Friday
Oh Taz - I am SO sorry to read the above - Everything sounded so hopeful for her and now this.

Good news about going back to BUPA - I hope all goes to plan x