Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Hi Kitty
No not a late night, she works at stupid o'clock in the morning. It was 3am a few mornings back x
Yeah I was up really early as usual. Been a bit naughty today, I was spare at work so I snacked out a little. Ah well, just have to be extra good for a few days
you and me both! i had chinese last night and some ice cream. i ate so much that my body still hadn't digested it all by the morning, so i wasn't even hungry until 1pm even though i'd been up since 7am. it's wierd how you start to listen to your body when you're on SW.
I wasn't as bad as I could have been though. I got some treats and didn't eat most of them cus, as you say, you learn to listen to your body and I know that I wouldn't have felt good if I ate it all
Ha ha yeah but unfortunately for other people to get to work, I have to go to work first!

Thats very true - I hadn't thought about that LOL.

Don't worry about today - you'll sonn fix it again tomorrow :)

I had my Nana's funeral today so I can't even start to think about the points in a the 2 scones I ate...plus sherry's and now glasses of wine! :eek:

It's not a normal day tho so am not going to beat myself up too much :)

Have you got anything nice planned for the weekend?

Oh sorry hun I didn't know that. I think you have to put the diet aside for an occassion like that.

Yes, I am working all weekend but then I have 2 weeks off!
Sorry about the funeral Kitty - Did they do her proud and give her a good send off? I like to think of funerals as a celebration of life - I hope she had a good one. Check out The Dash Movie. It's quite inspirational. x

Have a lovely 2 weeks Taz. What are you doing? x
Hi Hun.....

Just caught up with your diary..... X Good luck tomorrow for the gradings.... I'm sure you will be great x Love the mini goals by the way x

Love Nas x
Yes, I am working all weekend but then I have 2 weeks off!

ahhhhhhhhh bliss!!!

i'm off sat, sun and mon, back to work tues and wednesday then i've got 18 days off!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooooooooohoooooooooo!
Hi Hun.....

Just caught up with your diary..... X Good luck tomorrow for the gradings.... I'm sure you will be great x Love the mini goals by the way x

Love Nas x
Thanks Nas, but they aren't til next Saturday! The mini goals are tiny so a lot more acheivable
Thanks Nas, but they aren't til next Saturday! The mini goals are tiny so a lot more acheivable

ooops thats what ya get when ya read fast to try and catch up with a week in one go!!!!! :)

Have a lovely day... Have you got any plans?