Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Just go for it - you've done it before Taz. Look at how far you've come. I am confident you can go as far as you need to x
hey, well done on your loss, what ya aiming for next week, Im aiming for 3 lb xxxxx
I know but I keep losing then putting on the same lb's over and over again
Hi Taz, i know this must be getting you down when you say you keep losing then putting the same lbs back on, but imagine if you didn't lose them pounds, so something positive is happening even though you don't see it that way. Keep going you know you can do it as youv'e proved it once before, when i first joined this forum you were one of the main people that inspired me and helped me through with excellent advice and tips. So thanks for that and be positive. xxx Loobylou
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Thanks Looby, a few people have said I inspire them but I have done so bad lately that I feel like a fraud!
Dont be daft you nana!

You have done brill and we all have off weeks and mths etc etc! Least you know where you are going wrong adn you know how to change it

You are definetly not a fraud, listen Taz if losing weight was easy there would be nobody with a weight problem, we have to juggle so many things in our life and as usual our needs get left back, its just a blip and will pass. xxx Loobylou
Thanks Looby, a few people have said I inspire them but I have done so bad lately that I feel like a fraud!

i know exactly how you feel taz. i was a model SW-er from april til august and it's all gone t**s up since then! ok i haven't gained everything i've lost but i can't seem to get back into the frame of mind i was in earlier in the year.
i know exactly how you feel taz. i was a model SW-er from april til august and it's all gone t**s up since then! ok i haven't gained everything i've lost but i can't seem to get back into the frame of mind i was in earlier in the year.
I don't think we ever get that just-started-raring-to-go feeling again. It gets to a case of finding a pattern that suits and making it a lifestyle rather than a novelty.
You are so very right Taz. I think to get that feeling back again we would have to slip right back and start all over again. To do that we would have to go through all the feelings of failure that come with raising the white flag :giveup:and giving up, leaving us back at square one.

When (and if) we eventually get back on course again we will still have to get to the stage we are at now and recognise the hard slog and the lifestyle change and understand that this is the only way to succeed.

Taz and Karen - you are doing really well but I think you have reached that boot and braces hard slog stage. Celebrate your achievements and keep going girls cos I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel :character00238:
Right well I didn't take all my measurements when I started SW but I do know that my waist was 44 inches. I did my measurements today and my waist is now 34 inches! That's 10 inches off my waist! I am very pleased with that!
That is fantastic - well done!!!
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