Taz's diary - Need to do this!

For sure!
Morning all, I was indeed farming!

The change of plan didn't exactly work out as my managers had all gone by the time I got to work yesterday but I have to see one of them today so hopefully I can sort something out for tomorrow
Morning Taz!
Hi Kat, well done! I bet you're pleased that that part of it is over? Good luck with it and I hope it all goes well. xx

Hi Coachnomad

Yeah I am pleased that bit is over, now the hard work really begins, But the good news is, i lost another 8lbs this week (thanks to Taz and her amazing scales!!) So thats 21lb in 2 weeks.

Hope all is well. Stay happy everyone. Hope your ok with your lates Taz, see you soon. xx
Good morning Taz (and good morning Kat).

Taz - I hope your lates went ok x

Kat - It's all going AMAZING isn't it x

Got home last night to Mr Taz telling me that he'd had to switch the SaniFlo off as it was making a horrible noise. I turned it back on as I needed the loo before bed. It was making a noise and when I flushed it just filled the pan. When I washed my hands the water just stayed in the sink. I left the SaniFlo on for a while to see if it would go down but it kept regurgitating loads of crap back into the pan. So it seems that the system is blocked and we now have a toilet full of disgusting brown fowl smelling water. It is horrible and what's worse is we can't afford an engineer to come and fix it! I am hoping that British Gas can send someone as part of our homecare agreement as they will bill us later for it. The real problem is that the whole plumbing for the flat runs through the SaniFlo so we can't use the toilet, sink or bath, we can't do the washing up or use the washing machine until it's fixed! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
morning Taz, not nice love, I'm assuming the saniflow is some sort of pulping machine for narrow gauge plumbing?
You assume right Jim, it's a system that is used to install plumbing in areas where there is no mains plumbing. In our case, I think the previous owner installed it to save the cost of plumbing the flat to the main sewerage system. I'm not even sure a SaniFlo is supposed to be used for an entire flat, they are intended to be used to add bathrooms etc.

The smell is starting to make me feel sick, I can have a shower in work and I will have to go to the local supermarket to go to the toilet which is inconvenient but I really want that pan emptied as I can't stand the smell :(
I sympathise Taz, I've had to use many a smelly kazi in my time love.
It's a toilet system Jim - you know when the toilet is not in the optimum place. They are usually very efficient but if there is something wrong with the plumbing in general it'll back up.

Taz - what was Mr Taz doing while you were away - did he spend all evening on the loo - is he about to cause the Great Bristol Floods?

Have you asked your dad if there's anything he can do. He might not be able to but it's worth an ask as he's quite practical. I guess if he can't help he'll say no x

Try and have a good morning anyway. I'm here if you wanna bring your washing over x
Whoops - we crossed posts - so there's your answer Jim - in stereo x
Oh no Taz, thats not good. I hope you manage to get it sorted soon, if you need anything, shower/loo ect, you know where I am (I can hide the dogs upstairs before you get here, it might be easier)

Good luck. x
Hey Kat, how are you this morning?
I'm fine Kat, the sun was shining but it's starting to cloud over now, shame I was hopint it would be a nice day. Ah well. How are you coping with the op? how does it feel love?
Well I am waiting for Dyna Rod at the moment. They think they don't 'do' SaniFlo's so aren't sure if they can help. If they do nothing I will pay nothing! If they can at least empty the toilet I will be a little happier. In the meantime I am going to contact the local SaniFlo engineer and see how much that will cost if Dyno Rod can't help.

On the plus side, I managed to change my job for today so I will finish just after 10pm then I am off til Monday!
I hope by then you'll have a sweet smelling flat to live in so that you can actually enjoy your time off x
I hope so as well Taz.