Taz's diary - Need to do this!

or that indeed ;)
She does a lot of sleeping with her medication - when she gets a chance x
Morning Taz.
:wavey: Hope you're ok & looking forward to your long break. x
I reckon she must've got rest day work - she's not been around for ages x
I thought Taz was away myself?
Oooooh Helloooooooooooooo!!!!

Sorry I've been AWOL again, not away until Saturday and I can't wait especially if we have more of this lovely weather! There is an outdoor pool where we are going and I am planning to spend a LOT of time in it!!!

No, I didn't get any work this week so I am getting 3 weeks off which is nice! Just got back from karate and an hour was enough, but there was a load of poor kickboxers doing a black belt grading and they did NOT look good! Ha ha, poor things.

Nothing to report diet/weight wise but I am hoping to have a good blitz on it when I get back from my holiday.

Hope you are all well x
Good idea Taz - get the hols over first. I did that and it's coming off - veryy slowly x
Hi Taz, nice to see you. I hope you are getting plenty of rest love.
Thank you so much for posting about those Morrisons Sausages!! 0.5 of a syn each?!?!?! I know what I'm going to be eating for the rest of my life! :)
Hi Taz - Is all your packing done now? Have a great holiday x :D
Have a wonderful holiday. x
Hope the weather treats you well Taz x
Morning all! Well we have no signal in our caravan so it has been a week of no phones and no internet! But I have come to the restaurant for breakfast where they have free wifi so I am taking advantage! Ha ha.

We have had a great week apart from getting burnt. And thats WITH using factor 30 protection! We went to the beach yesterday and kept reapplying the cream every 20-30 minutes but we were still lobsterfied when we got back!!!

Just today and tomorrow left of our break, we have spent every morning in the outside pool but not today as we don't want any more unnecessary sun exposure! It has been great though.

We are planning on leaving earlyish tomorrow so we can have a day out somewhere on the way home.

Have a great POETS day everyone x