Team 1 - **leahs lightweights** offical thread.

Oh Mooee thats such a shame you've had no support. You've done fantastic so far, I am sure if you decide to come off CD, you'll lose the rest.

Well I went to the wedding yesterday and was so pleased that I resisted the choc cake, drank water most of the day and avoided carbs. I did however eat 2 sausages but stepping on the scales this morning, its done no damage and I am back in the land of ketosis again!!!

Claire - I hope you and your little boy are feeling better x

Have a good day today everyone, the sun is shining :happy036:
Mooee I am so sorry to hear that your support is a bit non existent at the moment! I really hope that a few more weeks and your losses will go up again. I've had the problem with mine really stalling. I went back to SS and it got worse, so I'm now on SS+, and hoping that even if they at roughly 2lbs a week it will be something to keep it going down, as I'm not happy to be staying at 12 stone, or even 11 or the high end of the 10's.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend in the sun. It's a bit of a mixture still here at the moment xx
Thanks Claire & Natty

I can cope with the weight not changing every now and again and to be fair, this weeks is my fault as I had a bad day or two after the negative response from the CDC last week. But I can't help thinking that if my weight stays the same a lot, that its a lot of money for nothing in effect. I think my body has just plateaued but I am not sure how to change it!

I think that if my weight/diet doesn't sort itself in the next couple of weeks then I may consider a GI diet. Friends who have done LL then gone onto GI have still lost a couple of lbs a week to get rid of the last couple of stone. I have got this far, so I dont intend to waste all of the money by going backwards!
It seems like your head is in the right place Mooee to lose the rest. Iam sure whatever you decide will be best for you. You've come so far already.

I am off to Thorpe Park now. I have packed my tetra pack and bar. No picking at bad food for me today....!!!

Take care everyone! x
Hi Girls - just a quick post to say will post this weeks results later today, off to Child Beale Park today, hoping to have a nice day although feeling rubbish - (my post in 100% forum will clarify - scales not moving plus still feeling unwell too)

Natty have a fab day at Thorpe Park, weather is looking gorgeous!

Mooee if scales don't start moving for me too, I may well be following in your footsteps! Will PM you later! xx
Just posted them :)

Ok girls - we only have 4 results in this week - none from lotstolose, and also nothing from Shlinz - anyone heard from her at all this week?

So with 4 results our team % looks a bit dismal but stand at
Team % lost is 0.60%
Biggest loser this week is Rhiana with 1.64% - Well done Rhiana!
well done Natty that's a fab weigh in result!! xx
Thanks but I am starting to struggle. Its not that I want to eat bad stuff, I just want to eat different foods. Anyone else feeling like this? I am not going to give up though and after my holiday in July, I will look at a low carb diet, like Atkins.
Hey girls, well as expected, my W.I. was terrible, only 1/2lb for me - not happy, but I know I have done everything right, so I don't know why, nor does CDC, she wants me to do another week of SS+ and then try 810 again...nervous as always, not happy, and a bit miffed tonight so I'll keep it short, and be back with renewed motivation in the morning.

Natty keep going hun, I keep swinging thinking shall I change in a few weeks time but I really don't think I could do it on my own, and I think I need the one to one from my CDC, she really is great, and we are trying different options together.

Any news from Shlinz? I really hope she hasn't left us?

Claire x
Ok girls, as promised I'm back this morning.

CDC doesn't seem to be too worried about only losing 1/2lb last night, she wants me to do another week doing what I'm doing and then go from there, I'd be quite happy at 2lbs+ a week now, but 1/2lb or even last weeks (and the other weeks 1 3/4lbs) just isn't enough, for being still at a BMI of 31. I won't give up because I have come so far from where I was, I started at 17 stone and BMI 42.2, and I have lost 4 1/2 stone, so it could just be a long plateau or something. CDC is suggesting that maybe from next week (results pending) to go up to 810 and to stay there as she thinks maybe my body has 'had enough' of SS or SS+ and needs more to keep functioning enough to let go of more fat now, I don't know how right or wrong this is, but I'm willing to try anything to get the rest of the weight going.

Either way, I can't/won't give up, I've got to keep going, and somehow I've got to find the key to results again.
Claire I think you have done amazing so far. I dont think I could do a week of SS or even SS+!!! 1/2 lb is still a loss but I do understand your frustration but just look at what you have lost - 4 1/2 stone, thats fantastic!

I went to see my CDC tonight too. Her scales weigh a lot heavier than mine, as I weigh in the morning, minus clothes!! But according to her scales, I have lost a total of 15.75lbs which does about match my scales and weight loss. I will still use my scales results. She did measure my fat and I was disapointed it was 40% which puts me at obese. Gutted eh but all the crap food I've eaten was bound to catch up at some point in my life :ashamed0005:
Hey Natty - don't feel down hun, the most important thing is you're doing something about it now.

Thanks for comments too :)

I said I'd be back with renewed spirit etc today, and I'm definately there again tonight. So far today I've had 2.5 litres of water, 1choc shake, 1 chicken and mushroom soup (I swore I wouldn't have the soups again after January, but I've only bought 3 bars this week, and intending on only eating 2) choc mint mixamousse and the ss+ meal of chicken, lettuce and mushrooms. Yum - Going to finish my other 1/2 litre of water, and the one good thing with soups for me is I have a lot more than the reccomended water with them so hopefully that will add up a bit more water for today.

This next bit I'm sorry if it's TMI! Was also told that because I've suffered in the last few weeks with not really being able to go to the loo much, to try a laxative tonight, and once that has worked to use fybregel daily to try and correct the problem and keep regular(i think that's it anyway, I'll tell you tomorrow if it's wrong)

I think I would give almost anything for a 3lb loss next week...that's my aim...that would take me to 12 stone 4...
I have that problem too! Its not just me then.

This is the weekI want to lost 3lbs too. Lets go for it this week!!

The weird thing is, I'd like to think that I'm pretty certain I will reach 11stone, maybe 10 st 7lbs but its the maintenance that scares me more than anything. Thats where I will struggle. I am always going to have to watch what I eat. And I always want to eat everything!!!
I'm told it's totally normal to have the 'toilet' problem on CD but the last few weeks it has gotten worse and worse, so I'm going to try the Fybregel, but also definately looking into the Psyllium husks that we're allowed on the diet too.

We're at exactly the same weight by your stats Natty so if we both got 3lbs that would be great (never seems to happen for me when I really want it but I'm still going to realllly try)
Yeah I heard about the husks too. Might order them now. They were 11.99 in Holland and Barrett!! Bit pricy on top of what we are paying already but I do like the sound of them.

Fingers crossed for us both!
I'm not sure what size tin they have in H&B - but online I've found them for 7.95 - though haven't checked p&p yet

Think I'd prefer the Psyllium husks to the fybergel as its all natural and not addictive at all, but just need to pay out more to get them. x
ooo just seen p&p is free - just have to work out tin size against H&B x
I've had a look on H&B website too - whilst on still on (watching Biggest Loser lol) and I think the H&B one is 340g - so its 40g more for 11.99.
Think I will order the tub from healthspan in the morning, I hope it's drinkable - I will attempt it with shake, but if really horrible, I'll just drink it on its own x