Team 11 Purple Ronnies *~*official support thread*~*

Afternoon all,
Good luck at the hospital Gail - its a pain but you'll get there in the end.
Percy, your diet sounds ace lol.

I put on the 1.5lb I lost the week before but its probably because I have been eating (mainly crap too) after being ill... No more WI's now until the new year so thats me done for 2008. Still, I'm over 5 stone lighter than I was 2 years ago, thats enough for me. Got my xmas night out tonight with work so will be getting sloshed :) hic

Not too bad, enjoy your night out and have a fantastic Christmas and a very happy new year.
When you think about how you would still be if you haven't started this journey...not worth the worry.
Enjoy, and thanks for your support.
When I said thats me done - thats me done for WIs lol, I'll still be here to talk to you guys pmsl.
Sorry, had a G&T whilst getting ready and haven't eaten since 12.30pm oops. Just waiting for the taxi to come pick me up. All glammed up & ready to party

Will report in tomorrow no doubt with a stonking headache!
I see said the blind man as he bumped into the garden gate! Having a good week myself, Atkins is working a treat. Christmas starts this weekend for me, I've only got today and Monday to work then I'm off until 2nd Jan, hoooooraaaaayyyyyyy!
Hope the hangover isn't too bad this morning Donna!
got in at 1.30am this morning & was up at 8.20 with Sam demanding his breakfast lol. suprisingly ok but have found a new vice - flavoured vodka Mojitos! OH MY GOD
Not sure what happened there - but those Mojitos - they are absolutley amazing! Had a lovely meal, did lots of people spotting, got a few 'hellos' (from the boys iykwim! so not used to that) and attempted to get drunk. Sang for hours on the karaoke (love that place) and slept like a log!

Have had serious munchies today though - unfortunately All Bran & Skimmed milk didnt quite cut it this morning & I got my boss to go out & get us all chips :p

Got a busy weekend ahead so might not get on this weekend. Baking & cooking tonight, pressie delivering & entertaining tomorrow then driving to Warrington on Sunday for a playdate!!! (yes, mad I know)

Hope you are all behaving ;-)

Just wondered, how many points is 8 pints of Strongbow????
Sober, NO...Happy? YES.....

Merry Christmas....
Well, didn't think that one person could drink that much Stella! Promised I'd lay off the beer but my will power is non existent....Never mind eh, soon be over.
Hmmm... 8 pints of strongbow eh! Proper filled your boots lol.
How was your head the next day?? I polished off a bottle of wine on Saturday night - my mate had another & the boys had about 10 cans of stella!
Had a nice weekend for a change
Right, not sure if I'll be about again, but Merry Christmas, hope it goes well for all of you and you get what you deserve from Santa. Will maybe get to post over Christmas but fairly busy so not sure. Will catch up with the trials and tribulations after Christmas, there are bound to be some.
Ho Ho HO and all that.
Too Right,
Merry Christmas Everyone. Have a fantastic time & be ready for the new year
hi all hope you all had a great christmas day me nd my family did although i think i am enjoying it a little to much tried to get back to CD yesterday but failed miserably by lunch time so having another go to day i so dont want to put loads of weight on but i have eaten loads of rubbish i said i wouldnt but i just couldnt help myself i did buy myself some new jeans for christmas proper jeans not the stretchy ones in a size 16 thought i could mayby just squash into them well they fiited!!!! so i think i got a little carried away
how have you lot coped please dont say it was just me who was bad
i will check in later to see lol
Morning All,
Gail you are not the only one who has been bad. I have eaten so much rubbish & feel like I have put a stone on! Really need to get some exercise done. Might write out a new mealplan to start tomorrow.... best check the cupboards! Families have fed us since Thursday!!!

Glad that you have all had a nice time

checked on face book and it sure looked like little man was enjoying himself too lol
i hope we havent put too much on !!!!!!!
percy must be drinking lol ans i bet she doesnt put any weight on hehe
i did get a size 16 proper jeans not the stretchy ones and they still fit me so still happy OH's friends came to drop my son up north to his grans for new year and he said to Andrew how good i looked so that made me feel good too well its now 3 oclock i have had 1 bar and drank a litre of water i am hoping to do 810-1000 till new years eve then back onto 810 after that to hopefully lose another stone then i'll do WW to get the last 1.5 stone off then hopefully it will not ever come back i would love to be a size 12 but i would settle for a toned 14 lol back to that bloody gym soon!!!!!!hehe
Hi Irene, Merry Christmas and all that. I haven't lost any, put 2lb on but planning to start again next week. Not really heard from the others, hope to get back on track for the new year..
i stayed the same last week but i doubt if that will happen this week hehe
Evening all....Eat drink and be merry, that's my mantra!
I've eaten very small portions, didnt have any chocs, but some christmas cake, only drinking when there's some in the glass, but have put 1lb on.
However been to the allotment for 3 hours of heavy digging today and feel much better. At home with homemade leek and potato soup today, tomorrow however off to friends for dinner, new years Eve have 4 invites, not sure which one to accept, New Years day, (not looking forward to the hangover) 2nd back to work and diet. Feel that not too much damage has been done, but no progress either....
Have a good rest of the week ladies, and will catch up soon
Hiya girls,

Well, I have put a few lb on but have sat tonight and written out an 18 point mealplan for the next week (starting tomorrow!)

I went out for a jog with my boss this morning and was really looking forward to it! We got a really good pace going then BAM! My foot went through the wood on a bridge and I ended up in A&E for 3 hours with sprained ligaments in my knee. Put paid to my NY exercise! Just as I have got rid of this cold too! grrrr

Hope everyone has a good NYE tomorrow - bring on the new year and even better us eh! Wonder where the others are - hope they haven't deserted us!
