Team 13 - Shape Shifters Official Thread

Well good morning (or is it afternoon). We went to cinema last night and the projector broke down so we went to watch a different film and have free tickets, my husband went for a job interview on Friday and has been offered the job, my dog has been sick all over the kitchen floor and the boy we foster is being a apart from that life is boring !! reality is i'm supposed to have written at least 5000 words for my tutor on Tuesday and so far they've kicked back all the stuff i'd already done so i'm supposed to be working on it now but life is overtaking me !!
So here I am technically writing in reality playing avoiding and checking in here.
As for food....I'm feeling pre/post and during mentrual !
with love xx
Well Ellie and Oliver had chicken pox on Friday and Caitlin threw up all over herself on the way to school - but last night Ellie started throwing up & this morning i can't even think about stomaching anything more than water (and even some of that didn't stay down) so we're all fantastically well and healthy in my house! With that and the fact my marriage is at breaking point I'm lucky that i haven't eaten the entire contents of the kitchen! *sigh* Oh well onwards and downwards at least with feeling ill and all the stress i'm not eating much.
I sound so positive and full of joy this afternoon don't i?
Oh Rayven. *hugs* But don't make me sick! ;)

Sorry to hear that you're all down with some kind of bug or CP.
Make sure you look after yourself during this stressful time!

Let us know how you get on.
So I have quit. I am going to continue with the supplies I have left, but I can't not eat anymore. I guess that's the issue; I haven't not eaten for the last few weeks. It's really affecting my mental state and as that is precarious enough (stress at work and being so far away from family and friends and having to move out of my place).

I am so sorry that I joined your team and am leaving so quickly. I appreciate all that you have done for me in the last week or so. You have been nothing but accepting and welcoming.

I will keep you posted on my journey.

Love Meg
Oh thats a shame but you need to do a diet that is right for you - at least you've got off to a really good start. Do keep us posted as to how you are doing and good luck with it
with love
Oh Meg, sorry you're leaving hun but as Julie said you have to do a diet thats right for you - and Cambridge is hard enough so you have to be in the right head space.
Good luck with your weight loss journey hun. *big hugs*
Thanks again guys for being so welcoming and supportive.
Sorry to hear you're leaving us Meg :( I hope you find the diet that works for you :) Best of luck with your weight loss. Pop back and let us know how you're getting on.
Take care :) x
Originally Posted by IreneH
This week's Biggest Loser goes to Diet4-40 of Team 13 with 4.49%


Well done! :D

Any chance of joining team 13. On SS for the last 7 days and just had my first weigh in - 10lbs down.

Would love to join your team for the support.

Many Thanks

Hey Jemma, Well done on your first weigh in!!
I can't see any problems with you joining but you'll have to wait for the boss lady to come along! lol
Hi there and welcome
If you have a look at some of the recent posting you'll get an idea who we are and some bits about us.
Take care
with love
Thanks very much for being so welcoming :) - so glad to be part of your team. I have had a quick flick through your thread so far.

Please can you help me out with a few questions -
  • How do I manage to get the Shape Shifters shiney thing? (not a techincal term I know - but I am new to this!)
  • How / When do I post weigh in results?
  • Are there any particular thread rules or anything else I should know?
Not having many problems so far - think the first couple of days seemed to be the worst - glad to be through that.
Completely over the CD Soups and now sticking to the shakes for a week. Have got one bar to try this week as well. Is everyone in this team doing SS?

Thanks again


p.s Count210 refers to controlling my temper, and not getting to a size 10! Just thought that must look odd, as my first goal is for me to be 12st with a BMI of 29 - hardly a size 10!
Hi Jemma,
Hoping to answer your questions :)

To get the Shape Shifters logo in your signature.........copy it from one of our postings, then click on 'quick links' and down to 'edit signature'(same place you added your ticker :) ) where you'll be able to paste the logo :)
Weigh ins need to be on the thread by 7pm on Saturday evening. You need to post your weight in lbs at the start of the week, your week's loss in lbs and your new weight in lbs :) If someone has already posted a result, then please copy and paste into your post and add your to it :)
Hope that all makes sense lol
No thread rules. We're just here to support each other and talk about whatever you like :)
I try to stick to ss but do have to occasional ss+ days when I'm really struggling(hormonally for example!)
I don't have the soups anymore either. I just have cappuccino shakes, hot, with 2 tsps of coffee for breakfast and tea, and I have a cranberry crunch bar for lunch :)
Hello again..I have been abysmal today. I have to produce 5000 words by Monday and spent the day re-writing and then scrapping all I'd written only to be left in a worst position than I was this morning so my solution - rather than have a break was to eat left over pizza ( I don't even like pizza esp cold). So thats today over -its now Wed I'm out of ketosis/ glycogen levels will be full to bursting and I'm at work til Friday so any written work will be juggled around children/life and no sleep !!!
Penance over - I've watched Shameless, done some ironing and so far today I've drank one litre of water...however it is only 1.50 in the morning ........!
Have a good day everyone and especially welcome Jemma
with love x
i have a confession - I've eaten! *shock horror* I'm blaming hormones as i haven't had a period since my c-section and am WELL over-due, plus started a new contraceptive pill which is making me hungry.....................this week is going to be a bad week, what with my 30th tomorrow and all! Anyway enough of the excuses - back to ss today!
If it makes you feel any better, I nibbled on some rather delicious cheese! lol Was a bit shocked when I checked the label and it said 26.5g carb per 100g eek! Amazingly I am still well and truly in ketosis this morning. Weigh in at 6pm tonight. Think it'll only be a couple of pounds but it'll be in the right direction :)
Well done for getting back to it Ray and Julie. These things happen. The important thing is not to let it take over and to get right back to glugging the water.
Have a great day everyone :)

Have you still got a space on your team? If so could I join? I am on day one of ss today!

Look forwrad to hearing from you Le xxx