Team 13 - Shape Shifters Official Thread

Hi All,

4st - that is great news Amanda! Have you been SS this week? Just working towards the 2st now and it feels like it could take forever. My husband is SS+ at the mo, and losing more than I am. Keep telling myself he has more to lose though!
Going to weigh myself tomorrow to try and keep me motivated until my "proper" weigh in on Thursday.
How has everyones weekend been?
I stood and ironed for 3 hours today, not entirely sure how it accumulates so quickly.Then cracked on with the housework. Not the most exciting day!
Wishing you all a good week.
Jemma x
Right well i NEED to kick start the weight loss again this week. I did so well at the beginning of the year - then i had a pregnancy scare which threw me into emotional turmoil and so sent me running for the fridge & then i had my 30th (which seemed like a fab excuse to eat, drink and be merry) I've only managed to gain 2lbs of the weight i lost but am starting to feel all fat and bloated again! going for it this week - am hoping for at least a 7lb loss (especially as i've gotta use up my carb stores again and am probably holding onto a lot of water due to the junk food)
Gotta start glugging that water again!
Best of luck for your restart, Ray :)
After such a positive week I let myself down again late last night :(
I've deferred my weigh in until Friday in the hope that I can still get a reasonable loss. I don't seem to have a problem during in the week so I thought if I weigh in on Friday evenings I will record a great loss and go into the weekend on a high and determined to stick to plan!
I have already had two shakes, a cranberry bar and three litres of water. Will keep glugging and if I get desperate later I think I'll make up half a hot chocolate :)
How is everyone's day going?
Bet you're working hard, as usual, Julie! ;)
Hope Sarah and Mary are ok :) Haven't seen them around :(
How did your self-weigh go Jemma?
I am sure I posted on here earlier - but perhaps I just put all my days info on some random posting page. Doh! You can tell I am tired!

I finally got my posts to 50 - so can at last PM and look at others profiles. Lots more exciting now!

Weighed in on my scales this eve and they are 2 or 3 lbs heavier than the CDC scales. I took the cautious route and took off 2lbs my scales result, which would mean I have lost 4lbs in the last week. I'll have my proper weigh in on Thursday, so I'll see how I do then.

Good luck for the restart Ray and also to you Amanda for your Friday weigh in.

Hope you all have a good day tomorrow.
Take care

Jemma x
Morning gals - well as i'm on (yet another) re-start I'm starving! Ok so maybe i'm being a little over dramatic but i'm really hungry - so had a bar for brekkie (not the best way to kick start ketosis but better than cheese on toast or a bacon sandwhich! lol) and am glugging the water left right and centre.
I wanted to ask you gals a question actually. I've lost 39lbs since the beginning of the year & while a few weeks ago i was chuffed with the loss, my clothes are too big (i keep losing my current jeans which at the beginning of the year i couldn't even get on! lol) and i've had to buy new underwear as everything i had was about two sizes too big - now i've stuck at this weight for a few weeks i'm starting to feel fat and frumpy again.
Anyone else have this problem? You feel great for a while and then the scales don't move and you start to feel just as fat as you did a couple of stone ago........or is that just me being weird?! lol
I took the cautious route and took off 2lbs my scales result, which would mean I have lost 4lbs in the last week.

Ooooh well done!! sounds like you'll be on for a half a stone loss by Thursday!!
I know just what you mean Rayven. I would have been ecstatic to be a size 12 when I started. I know I look better but I think my brain has now caught up with my body and my expectations have changed. Not necessarily a bad thing-at least it should get me to pull my socks up to lose the rest rather than think about how much better I look in comparison to before :)
Sitting here, thinking about food! Dh is stuck at work and all I can think about is the prawns in the fridge lol I know they would be a sensible choice but I am determined to stay strictly ss with no nibbling as I know what a slippery slope it can lead to!
I will pour myself another glass of water and steer clear of the food :D
Hey Amanda - How did you get on with avoiding the fridge? I had quite a good day yesterday and the scales are already showing a 2lb loss (which will counteract that 2lb i put on last week!) Am psyched up for another positive day today. Hope everyone is having a good week.
Hi Teamies,

I am back, so sorry to let you down last week .... I hurt my neck and had to travel to Kent to see my mum's chiropractor lady, she has put it right and I am almost back to normal.

Have had a crappy week tho, really been in food fog but determined to get back on it.. having a good morning, 1 choc tetra and a pint of water, need to get glugging really as I've just noticed it's 11am!!

Rayven, I soooo get what you're saying about weight loss and where your head is, I was a size 24/26, slimmed down to an 18, have put on a bit and now am a 20.. but I feel bigger now than I did when I was a size 26....What's that all about!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really need to make some 'me' time this week, I generally have so little time to myself and am like a headless chicken a lot of the time - my reward or sometimes to keep me going I eat.. It's like a little pat on the back.. oh my I need a holiday, not long now til we are in sunny Cyprus :)

Hope everyone is well xxxx

Hey Sarah, Glad to hear your neck is feeling better - its no wonder you were in a food fog if you were in pain.

Maybe we have to adjust our own interpretations of what our bodies look like. I was in size 26 jeans - i'm now in size 22 and they keep falling down at the most inconvenient moments (like when i'm carrying Oliver and shopping and have absolutely no way of holding them up apart from wiggling my butt from side to side! lol) But as the weight hasn't shifted recently & even though i'm in clothes that wouldn't even have fit me at all at the beginning of the year - i feel just as fat as i did then! *sigh* Big question is that if thats the case - are we ever going to truly be happy with our size or are we still going to feel fat regardless?!
Hi Rayven,

I wish I knew the answer, for me it's like I have a 'fat head' and a 'normal healthy head' there are times I see myself and think.. 'you look better/slimmer Sarah' especially when I am wearing clothes I couldn't even fit into before..!!! And times when I look at myself and I feel like I am expanding before my very eyes!!

I think the answer is to stop listening to my 'fat head' to ignore the thought or change it into a positive one.. It's the same 'voice' that tells me 'why bother, you're never going to do it' or 'you've been fat for years, people love you the way you are' or my personal favourite 'you'll never keep it off, you're gonna put it all back on so why even try!' So let's do that, lets say to ourselves 'well done!! - you look amazing' or treat ourselves to a nice bubble bath or manicure.. and let's ignore the negative !!!!

Went off on a tangent then.. lol..
Lol Sarah! I've been 9 and a half stone before & even then i felt the same as i do now! I've got pics of me when i was just over 14 stone and i didn't look skinny but i certainly wasn't fat. I have to keep reminding myself that i only have about a stone and a half to go to get to that size and that no matter what i think of myself when i get there - I'm not as fat as i imagine i am.
Anyway - how's your day going? I'm struggling today as i have both kids at home - had to pick them both up from school yesterday Caitlin had a cracking headache and later i got a call saying ellie didn't feel very well and had fallen asleep at her desk! (she's only 7!)
So i'm having to cope with them munching toast right now - and toast has never smelled so good! lol (in the immortal words of Homer Simpson - Mmmmmmmm Toast *drools on floor*)
Welcome back Sarah :D

I survived the prawns calling from the fridge and drank nearly 2 more litres of water instead(yes I needed that much to drown out the fridge lol). Looking forward to recording a decent loss on Friday :)
Dh is away tonight so I will find something to keep me occupied. Might give myself a body scrub and pedicure-if I can be bothered! Would be so much nicer to have someone do it for me lol :)

My cdc says you never really stop looking at yourself and thinking you could lose a bit more so you have to use your head to know when to stop! I am aiming for 10 a healthy bmi and a weight that I can realistically maintain :)

Hope your children are feeling better soon Ray :)

Have a good evening everyone :D
Have survived another evening with dh at work :)

Have made ds's lunch for tomorrow and didn't even lick his hot cross bun lol

Now I'm off to bed :)
Hope you're all doing ok. See you tomorrow :)
Morning :)

totm, which explains my eating earlier in the week I guess!
Despite this I weighed myself this morning(pretty much every morning actually lol) and today they have dropped down to 11st2lbs!! I really can't wait until my weigh in tomorrow evening to see what my cdc's scales say :)

How are your littl'uns this morning Ray?
Hey Amanda, After a night of fever and sweats Tuesday night & the day in bed yesterday - they're fine thismorning - back to school! YAY! lol Don't know what they had but it must've been a 24 hour thing - bit strange though. Just having my first Cappucino shake of the day and then hitting the water. Aside from that its another fun filled day of washing, cleaning, cooking & generally being a wife and mother - rock and roll! lol Am hoping for a half decent loss on Saturday but i doubt its going to be spectacular after eating junk for a week, oh well, that'll teach me to divert.
It always seems like a good idea at the time, i almost talk myself into it, 'i can never stick to this diet', 'its not healthy', 'i could lose a stone a month just by being sensible', and then once i'm off the diet and the scales haven't moved for a while i think about how much weight i could have 'actually' lost if i'd have stuck it out! Why do we torture ourselves like this!