Team 17 = sisters of slim =official thread =

Congrats everyone for doing so well.
Serena, theres no pretending darling,you are a skinny minnie, well bloody done ,so proud of you.
Julie, I need to know your results, NOW, hope it went well, I did a drive by at 9pm, hoping you would still be there, but couldnt see your car.
I have to work, to pay for the things cris wants, hes on min wage, so its down to me, Have to say its catching up with me, and making me want to eat and sleep at the same time, is that possible?
Hey Penny how have you been apart from madly busy?

I bumped into Julie on her way into the group, don't know how she's done yet but she looks fab.
Bless you, iam fine, just very tired and should go to bed, but cant switch my head off..
so very proud of you, miss healthy BMI.
Off to bed, you take care and dont forget my hotpants.
I still havent made it to the cd centre yet, but I will, but probably not this month,lol.
Congrats again you ickle star.
Am not quite at my healthy BMI but thanks all the same hunni, the hotpants will be winging their way to you shortly ;-)

Night night and have a good day tomorrow xx
Hi girls how are we all today?
Penny I was at the cd centre til about 9.15 blimey cant believe i missed you again,me and martine were the last to be weighed and there are 11 of us so i think im gonna be quite late most weeks so i may catch you hopefully one day.
Serena (without wanting to sound like the mutual appreciation society) looks absolutely flabbergastingly fantastic.serena you look so slim standing there in your baggy pair of size 12 jeans!I was so pleased I got there in time to see you well done on the loss and being normal!!Isnt it amazing to think in only september we started that group feeling all fat and miserable!!:eek:
Jules glad youre back on track you must feel so much better now you are,i just irritate myself when im naughty and feel so much better when im not,well done love.
debs hows you today?back at work today?thats good innit 1 day back then its the weekend,now thats my sort of job!:8855:
Angie,wish you lived closer we could start our own keto cleaning company,we'd get 10 houses done in a day,we'd be the fastest cleaners in town,most likely we'd be up for a services to the community award!!
Vicki how are you doing?have you had your wi yet if so how did you do this week luvvy?

Right I lost 6lbs I wasnt that pleased as I had lost more on my scales but never mind,that puts me back to what i was before xmas,will post my results with the others later,off to work

Fab losses everyone this week - Julie you star, 6lbs off eh!, you've motivated me to stop picking! Serena - check miss 25.something bmi!!!! Well done you. Penny, hope you managed to switch your head off and get some sleep luvvy. Soola, if I dont stop arsing about with cd this month then I am never gonna get the rest of the pounds off but am hopeful! Promise you'll wait for me when you get to the finish line? Jules, 0.2 off is still off so well done missus! Vicki, hope you're well.

Managed another whole day yesterday with absolutely no picking whatsoever but still not back in the pink - am hoping tomorrow will be pink day! Weighed myself this morning and have stayed the same since my weigh in on Monday so am more determined than ever now that i need to be 100% focused again - not expecting a good loss next week but its my own fault entirely!

Back in the office today and could do without it really, much prefer being at home in my pj's and slippers - found myself searching the internet last night looking for specialist sites on how to marry a billionaire - there are many!!!! Thought that would be ideal, could give up work and cd and just have some lipo and a tummy tuck, boob uplift, thigh lift, bum lift (when did my arse slip down to the back of my knees???), bingo wing reduction, etc, etc - and my new billionaire hubby could pay for the lot! Then i thought sensibley about it and came to the conclusion that it would be most likely that my billionaire would be old and i'm not sure i could sleep with a wrinkly old man just for cash and surgery, i have to draw the line somewhere! ok, am seriously aware that i'm thinking out loud here so i'm going to stop!!!!

Off to work now, and glug down some more water - havent done much of that this week so need to get the water down me!

Have a good day all.

Well done Debs keep going, just remember that lovely huge bar of choccy or whatever it was at the finish line if you win the race (sorry Soola & Julie) ;-)

If you find that billionaire can you find out if he has any rich brothers - or sisters for that matter as I think I could turn for a bit of cash to get rid of the old bingo wing-age...

Julie I love the Keto Cleaning Co idea, maybe go onto Dragons Den and ask for their backing...tell that Theo bloke that you need £50k of his "children's inheritance", £5k which will be for startup costs, dusters and sh*t and £45k for CD packs to keep you and Soola in keto...

Talking drivel now I'm just sooooo glad it's Friday!!

Have a good day sisters xxx
Choccy? Did someone mention choccy? Where? I want it now!!!! However, i'll settle for my lovely choccy tetra instead!!!

Serena, you make me laugh! Not sure I'd turn for the sake of my bingo wing removal, but then again, maybe I shouldnt rule it out either!! Will let you know how my billioniare search goes and of course i'll make sure he has brothers/sisters/cousins/unlces/aunts/whatever - enough for us all!!!

Choccy tetra here I come...... dx
Debs...was 14.3...lost 13.12
Serena...was 10.4...lost 10.1
julie......was 13.12..lost 13.06

Could soola,jules and vicki add your losses please me darlins so I can work out the % for this week
Thankyou muchly
Haha you two are naughty naughty girls chasing after men for their money,my ex hubbys loaded but hes an annoying little twat I wouldnt wish on my worst enemy so be warned!!
Well done Debs keep going, just remember that lovely huge bar of choccy or whatever it was at the finish line if you win the race (sorry Soola & Julie) ;-)

If you find that billionaire can you find out if he has any rich brothers - or sisters for that matter as I think I could turn for a bit of cash to get rid of the old bingo wing-age...

Julie I love the Keto Cleaning Co idea, maybe go onto Dragons Den and ask for their backing...tell that Theo bloke that you need £50k of his "children's inheritance", £5k which will be for startup costs, dusters and sh*t and £45k for CD packs to keep you and Soola in keto...

Talking drivel now I'm just sooooo glad it's Friday!!

Have a good day sisters xxx
That is one fantastic idea serena,plus Ive always wanted to be on the telly
Hi serena well I cant remember as far back as yesterday as I am mrs goldfish brain,spose I had a good day or I would have remembered the shitey parts if I didnt so thanks for asking and I would think my answer is yes!!:rolleyes:
How is everyone today?Ive been to work and tescos...I hate that shop,my mums coming with my step dad hes portugese and hes lovely,but we are having a meal(im having chicken and 3 spoons of salad)and you have to finish before he does also wear ear plugs as he makes us feel ill snorting away and then he licks his plate!!:jelous:I am going to try and set a place for him facing the wall away from me but I think he may notice!!
Anyway have a good day everyone
yeeha the 11s (again) lol
Debs...was 14.3...lost 13.12
Serena...was 10.4...lost 10.1
julie......was 13.12..lost 13.06
soola......was 12.1...lost 2.....11.13
Debs...was 14.3...lost 13.12.....................2.51%
Serena...was 10.4...lost 10.1......................2.08%
julie......was 13.12..lost 13.06.....................3.09%
soola......was 12.1...lost 2.....11.13 .......................1.18%

Team total.....................2.26%

Well done soola on being in the 11s and the loss
Hi serena how are you doing luvvy hope you see this before you log off,I managed to scan my disgusting pictures from the group in :jelous:I am never going back to looking like that again!!
Hello luvvi

Just had a look at the pics, I really cannot remember you looking like that at all but my gosh how noticeable is it now?!

You had a good weekend?
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yuk arent they disgusting make me wanna throw up never mind eh onwards and downwards!!Andy been moaning doesnt want me to lose any more haha!!then my mum came and said Im going anorexic for gods sake!!Ive still got 2 and a half stone to go yet they were all ganging up on me!!