Team 17 = sisters of slim =official thread =

yes yorkshire thats us the moors the seaside all along the coast it is beautiful just to sit on the beach and look it is so lovely.right i am going i will wish you goodnight and keep up the good work then we will have lost our weight together and bid goodby to this site and just text instead ,night night sister julie
Thats so funny!Hope someone does just so you can say that!!I have to go now hun,have to bath little one,have a good evening chat later,keep up the good work..........and................when are we gonna see some pics?
Mornin' Sistas!!

I did a full day 100% yesterday, no picking, no temptation, just cd all the way and I feel fab for it!!! Oh crap, here I go again, me me me me me!!!!

Soola, you're a nutter, festering bed sores and a 60 stone woman - never!!

Just a quickie from me, for a change, am off to glug water and be a cd saint for day 2.

Have a good day one and all.


Oh, Julie, I'll be brave enough to post pics one day but I fear that I'd frighten you all wih my fatness and be sacked from the team!!!
Hi debs,so pleased for you to have managed a day totally ss you will be on a roll now well done,its so hard but if you can just do it you feel great good girl.
As for the photos how on earth could you say you would frighten us flippin heck youve seen mine they cant be worse than those,they are embarrassing my god!!
Im ill today sore throat,headache and generally feeling like *****,i worked voluntary at little ones nursery yesterday(dont ask me why I dont know!!)and all the kids had streaming colds so it may have come from there.I decided to play ring a ring a roses with them but couldnt remember the second bit so I had to be taught by 2 and 3 year olds.It was funny they kept calling me charlies mum it was like 'charlies mum can i go on the slide'charlies mum can you tell her'It made me laugh,I suppose julie is a hard name to remember!Im going to help there on a tuesday now every week gawd help me Ive got enough grey hairs already!
Anyway hope everyones ok
OHHHHHHHH germie girl, hope you feel better soon darling.
Hi to all the sistas, nothing to report here, well might be going to the cd centre later today, still working on the yes to that.
Catch you all later
Hi penny hope you get to the cd centre please let us know wont you,have a good day
Oh Julie you truly are nuts! Volunteering to work in a nursery, you saint!!

I remember Conor's nursery had a day trip out thingy and they asked the parents to come along to help out if they could - my reply being that I couldnt go as I dont really like kids all that much! You can imagine how well that went down!

Its funny how kids are with their friends mums - Conor's pals still call me Conor's mum, or Mrs McCormack!, despite being told to call me Debs/Debbie/Deborah/Biatch or whatever they are happy with, just not Mrs McCormack or Conor's mum!!!! How old does that make you feel, eh!

Sorry to hear your feeling poorly today, but thats what you get for mixing with snottery nosed little brats - Charlie not included in that sweeping generalisation of course. Are you working today or managing a day off to feel poorly?

Penny, good luck at the cdc centre if you decide to go - would say have fun but am not sure it could be classed as fun!!!

haha debs I hate kids too!!I dont know why i volunteered other than I thought it would look good on my cv!!
I have always thought it would be my worst nightmare come true to work in a nursery and now i know my thoughts were right....always go with your gut instinct!!Actually it wasnt as bad as i thought I didnt really have to do anything except watch them really and the girls that work there are nice,and it gives charlie an extra few hours there which he loves.
Im off today anyway had a cut to do but ive cancelled that,although i was gonna put the money i earnt on the electric key so when we are sitting in darkness later it will be my fault!
Hi Sisters.... Well I'm on day 2 of 100% SS and have to say I'm feeling sooooo positive at the mo..... even tho I managed to pile 7lbs on at the weekend (told ya I had a fab time), thats gonna be gone by Thurs to I'm sure of it.... its surely gotta be mostly water, after all it wasn't quite raw lard I was eatin!!!!

Oh.... Julie... loads of kids..... yuck..... I manage to join in with a 2hr mother and toddler session each week but thats only cause I don't actually have to do anything... I still have to resist locking them all in the cupboard, I really don't do kids... apart from Leon that is... strange how its different with ya own!! Bummer about the cold tho... Leon has one too at the mo so only time before I'm joining you.

Debs... well done on the 100%, it feels good to be back on the wagon again doesn't it... lets hope these last few pounds drop off quickly.

Penny, Serena and Vicki, hope ya all well.

Jules x
Jules loving your picture darling.
Hi one and all.
I made it to the cd centre and their scales show a stone gain since leaving the group before christmas, think that takes me out of the under 200lb club, but hopefully not for long, head and heart arent really up for cd, have a weekend alone coming up,so hoping I can keep it together til then, generally down and in need of chips, nite nite all.
Ah Penny, well done for going..... and a stone really isn't that bad, you'll have it done in no time. Just do what ya can.... all ya sistas will be here when ya need us. Hugs.

Hi everybody,penny am so proud of you for going to cdc that took a lot of courage and you did it.A stone really is ok love,if you remember the first week we started the group you lost 12,i remember as I lost 11 and you bloody beat me!!So in a week or so you could have lost almost all that again!like jules says we are all here for you,you can count on your sistas.(((((((hugs)))))))
Im still ill,but i am mighty happy today,it wont be the same on cd scales cos of weighing in the evening but on my scales I am showing at 12.13 I am so chuffed I havent been in the 12s since I was 18 and that was a long time ago!!Yesterday was a really hard day for me,I found it really hard not to keep thinking about food so I think I drunk so much water yesterday its helped me in a bizarre way!
Have a good day one and all
Jules, hope you're not coming down with that cold huni, bad enough when the kids have it but ten times worse when we end up with our kids germs too! Well done with day 2 100% - thats us on day 3 now!!! I'm feeling really positive about it too now, its amazing what a couple of really good focused days can do for you! You'll have that 7lbs off in jig time, its all fluid anyway - unless of course you is telling fibs and you did eat raw lard!!! Haha, I know we get deperate at times but I dont think we'd ever be that desperate, eh!

Penny, well done on biting the bullet and going to the centre, dont give yourself a hard time huni, look at what you have achieved already, you are truly inspirational and you'll be back in the under 200 club before you know it. When you've lost as much as you have, a stone is really nothing - as the others say, we're all here for you when you need us, and generally here when you dont need us too!!!!

Julie - you in the dark yet? Powering the laptop with your keto power instead of leccy?? Well done on hitting the 12's!! Dont you find it strange that even although we love all our losses equally (like children!!) the ones that take us into another stone are the best ones? Seeing a new number on the scales is fab! Its gonna be a few weeks before I see the 12's but even seeing the 13's was a major milestone for me, I've not been 13 anything since as long as I can remember!! I weighed myself this morning too and am still 13.12 but am hoping that before my weigh in next Monday it'll have gone down a wee bit. Hope you're feeling better soon luvvy.

Serena, Soola and Vicki, hope you are all well.

Hi debs I was looking at your stats and your bmi is less than mine as youre another tall girl, me and some of the other girls would have to stand on a box next to you so as not to get a complex!If i could just stretch myself a couple of inches I wouldnt have that much left to lose any ideas?
as for going into the next lot of stones its a fab feeling even if it reads like 12.13 3/4s it doesnt matter does it!!how sad we are haha!!
i managed to get andy to go charge leccy key up as i was still in bed when he got home,part of the reason for that was that by 2 i had eaten all my packs so i thought id go to bed at 4.30 and sleep til 7 ish then i would be ok!!
Hey Sistas

Well done Penny on going back to the CD centre, I am so pleased for you,like everyone says you have been really brave about it and you will have that stone off in no time at all.

Julie, congrats on the 12's that is absolutely fantastic! You must be feeling so chuffed with yourself, it's milestones like that which make it all worth it.

Same goes for you Debs on being in the 13s and getting back on it, and please post some pics pweeeeze! By the way do you know how SmileyCat is after her op?

Jules, hope you are okay and pleased for you that you've got in the zone again, stay focussed hunni you can do it.

Soola and Vicky, hope you are both okay.

There are definitely some benefits to being tall Julie, not sure how you'd manage to stretch yourself though - hang from a tree maybe? lie down under a steam roller? - not sure but i think that one would hurt a wee bit!!

Bit, being tall has its down sides too. I'd like tips on how to be a bit shorter - would be perfectly happy at 5'8 i think - although that would mean i'd need to lose more weight so maybe i'll not bother! I dont often wear high heels cos i look like an amazon woman and bash my head off door frames. Am starting to wear them a bit more often now as i'm losing weight and dont mind standing head and shoulders above everyone so much as i did when i was at my heaviest, but i'd love to be able to wear 3 or 4 inch heels and still look feminine rather than a freak show act!

Serena, I'm now feeling like a truly crap friend as I'm not sure how Catherine's op went. I did ask my sis in law as she sees her more often than i do but she wasnt sure either! Am going to go and text her now so i'll find out and let you know.

What about walking around with shoes on your knees if you feel the need,I know they do that sometimes in pantos,I think the midget effect is quite convincing if you dont turn round.I have the answer to my problem,platforms 3 inch mininmum,but then I would still have to lose the weight too wouldnt I so no that wouldnt work atall.
Hi sisters,
Hope your all ok, sorry i haven't been on for a while been working and haven't seemed to have any time to myself lately. I read the last couple of pages and it did make me laugh as i am a nursery nurse in a pre-school! hehe
Got weighed on friday and i lost 4lbs but i've had a really bad week and can't stop nibbling on ham and salad (also went out on sat night and had a few drinks - i know thats really bad) and know i haven't lost anything this week, in fact i've put on a lb. Have any of you had any really bad weeks? Sorry to be a moaner. I'm a bit scared of being weighed on friday in case my cdc tells me off!
love vicki xx
Hi vicki,glad to hear from you,well done on the loss,with regards to having bad weeks apart form serena we all have those on our team.Have a read of our thread from around xmas time and it will give you an idea!!
Have you thought about doing ss+ its 3 packs a day and a meal this is what I do most of the time,its quite a good amount of chicken but not an awful lot of salad or veg,but at least its food,you can have cottage cheese or quorn if you didnt want the chicken,or you could move up to 810 and have quite a lot of chicken or loads of quorn or cottage cheese.The losses on ss+ are much the same as ss so might be worth thinking about.Dont worry about your cdc they are there to support you not tell you off,she will be fine.
ah thanks julie, i think i'm just having a bad week, i was looking at some other threads and it seems week 3 is the one that breaks some people lol.
I am def thinking of doing ss+ (i think i'm near enough doing it at the mo) I'm not going to give up and just going to be honest with her on friday. Fingers crossed x