Team 23 - Mission: SlimPossible

ok, im going to write this down.
i am going to ss for 2 days. if i can get through 2 days i will go for three.
if i need to eat it will be veg and i will have bars cause i like them (i know its not strictly advised, but something is better than nothing.
this is my vow, 48 hours, no food.
i will however have to drink as going out for a party so going to alternate perrier and diet coke.
lets see how good my will power is now i ve got over my stress ful week.
ps lost the plot with my boss today - i guess knowing i am leaving helps you say a few truths, he needs to develop a back bone, i told i was p000d off, and i was sick of doing work for others, cheeky git said when i was the boss i would be telling other people to do things they didnt like.
I said to him that when I HAD been a general manager, i would not expect my staff to do something i wouldnt. he didnt know what to say. christ i might not be a celeb, but get me out of here!!!
Hey all, I am posting off my phone, it is such a slow connection! welcome back miss mallow! Sorry to hear of your loss, good luck with your first week on cd. well done on your weigh in lizzie, thats so good. Cd is amazing the losses you can get every week if you stick to it! scojos good luck with you weigh in. I have had another splurge tonight, eaten easily 1000 cal, I really dont know why I am doing it apart from just wanting it right there and then. I might make a post and ask on main board. I wont cd weighing im this week as I am afraid that if I do and I have put on I will go off the sails even more, I dont need anymore motivation to stuff up this week, I have done a good enough job me it on my own. I have had a sh?! House week at work this week with SATS, school gave up no extra time to mark and to top that off I have reports due on friday. Agh.. Prob didnt help
hi, i know all about the pressure of reports and marking, i broke up for 2 weeks today, you should have seen the rubbish we had to do before the end of day yesterday!!!
i am about to have my 1st shake of the day, im determined to get through this weekend 100%ss, i have to fess up that i weighed myself on my mates scles today, showing 12. 13 which is only a 2lb loss and not 5, but hey, im still 12 something and not 13 something now!!!
im cool, didnt expect to lose anything at all, so that is great, going for 12.9 by the end of this week!
Hi Guys

Sorry you're having a rough time AR and Scojos, hang in there, you will get there eventually.

Scojos - well done on the 2lbs (or 5!) and good luck ssing this weekend, just take it an hour at a time - that's all I ever do!!

I don't think we'll have enough results to post this weekend but at least the team's picking up which is all that matters really - being there to support and understand each other!

I'm off for a day at the BTCC tomorrow so won't be around and will probably be soaked to the skin if the weather reports are to be believed!

Catch up later xx
Hey guys just popping in to say hello!
Im on day 4 ss 100%, not having any major problems really. I hate drinking water but im making myself do it.
I've worked out now that if I force myself to have the required amount before lunch time then it's easy to sip away at some more for the rest of the day.
I really love the chocolate shakes and especially the choc mint! tried a banana one this morning and I liked it as well... im really pleased as i think this diet would be so hard to do if i wasn't enjoying the shakes.

aussie raquel: thanks, im so glad to be back!

lizzy: I will have been on the diet for 1 week next wednesday so i'll give you my wi results then.

Im going to work tonight for the first time since starting the diet. I do night shifts in sainsburys, im just taking bottled water with me for my breaks and no money so I won't be cheating via the vending machines! lol

Hope you all have a super cheat free weekend! xx
hey everyone i went to my weigh in and lost 6lbs. I cant believe it especially with all the picking i've done. I was ready to quit today too but it has lifted me. I gunna still take it another week at a time but feeling loads better xxx Hope you guys are doing good xx soooo 20 pounds in 4 weeks WHOOO HOOO XX
Thats fab rainbow!!!
Do you still find it hard after 4 weeks?
Im only on day 5 and i am really really struggling.
Im so hungry and I live at home with my parents and 4 siblings ( 3 brothers) and all they do is eat!! its driving me mad.What makes it worse is that they are so skinny.... grrrr.
Anyway i think when i see weight coming off at wi it'll give me the kick up the ass i need!
Hi Guys!

Back from a very wet Donnington but have walked loads so hoping the scales will be down 1lb in the morning!!

Jo - huge well done on the 6lbs, really glad it's given you the extra motivation to keep going. You need to take CD a day or even hour at a time as it is such an emotional diet to do, I've been on this for 16 weeks now and still find each day a battle, I still have a lot of demons to get rid of I think!!

Miss Mallow - hang in there, you've done so well to get this far, week 1 really is the worst. I find that watching other people eat really makes me realise how much I used to and find that quite scary! You've only got a couple more days until weigh in and that will spur you on!

Hope you're doing ok Raquel and Scojos.

Catch up later xx
I've just posted the results for us guys, with 3 weigh in's this week, we've lost 1.82% and this week's biggest loser is RainbowFrost with 2.84%!!
Hi Heva

We sure do! Welcome aboard!

How far are you into CD? There's a variety of us in this team, all at different stages of CD so hopefully have a lot of support and advice to offer.

I'm in my 16th week now and have lost 48lbs so far - determined to be here until the bitter end!!
Hey guys, day 6 is over me.. thank god!
I will just be weighing myself since I don't live near my cdc, I'll also be going to my gp once monthly for check ups.
So tomorrow I will be hopping on the scales first thing, hope i did well i didn't cheat once!

Welcome heva :) x
Hi Heva

We sure do! Welcome aboard!

How far are you into CD? There's a variety of us in this team, all at different stages of CD so hopefully have a lot of support and advice to offer.

I'm in my 16th week now and have lost 48lbs so far - determined to be here until the bitter end!!

Well..I'm finishing my first day of my third crack at this...I'm doing the 810 because my BMI was over 40 and my CDC felt it would be easier for me to have something to eat.
Ease your way in gently Heva, it's probably the best way to do it. This is my second time so I feel your pain!!

Good luck for tomorrow Miss Mallow, hope you're pleasantly surprised!! Fingers crossed! You'll see that all the pain has been worthwhile!
Hey everyone, checking in from my phone. Well done on the 6lbs loss jo thats just fab, imagine your loss with no picking! What great motivation:) hope you are still going well miss mallow, good luck im 1st weigh in. Welcome aboard heva! I am on my 4th day straight 810 no picking and I feel great, hoping I have undone damage I caused last week. Will check im again later tonight.
It's probably your body getting used to the water Heva - if you've been 100%, there is no way you are getting bigger!! Well done on making it through another day!

Well done on the no picking Raquel, how are you enjoying moving up the steps to maintenance?

Any news on your weigh in Miss Mallow??
Morning all, heva you are probably feeling like that, as lizzie said, cos me the drastic change in your diet, you will feel awesome soon trust me. Lizzie, I feel good though I am really conscious that losses will be a lot slower and I just wanna get the last few kg off you know! The meal is very filling and I love being able to have some yogurt instead of milk. I have not felt need to pick, musta got that out of my system last week :) have a great day everyone :) :) :)