Team 27 - Weight to go team- The CD Returners

Petrina, what a great loss. Your result will be so different next week for your official WI.

IW2BS - well done avoiding the temptations of the cineam. I couldn't imagine going without something to nibble, usually popcorn. So, did you just sip water throughout?

FNM -tiredness is hitting me this weekend but I'm not suffering like you. A powernap could be just what you need to recharge.

My Freecycle went well yesterday, I wanted to get rid of my exercise bike (Clothes horse!) and the previous day a lady was asking for a bike and treadmill. She collected the bike at 2:00 today. Tat gone. Now, attic stuff to bung on Ebay.
Glad the freecycle went well. And your making money in the process good on you!!

I had an hour nap but have a head ache now.

I am finding I am not hungry at all and am havnig to remember to eat?
Anyone else like that?
Havent been hungry have struggled today though a head thing also i read on cambridge forum that you could have coke zero and i had some put i think it made me worse so gave it away am too paranoid about it effecting my loss :(
Sipped water at cinema am looking forward to having bars for such occasions though :) Dont know what they are like though.
Weekends are defo harder with all kids and hub around all that food !!! havent cheated though and dont want to.
Am fine re the weight loss stats dont mind whats decided.
Has anyone heard from Gamma??
Hope everyone is ok and doing well xx
Thanks guys. Once I get to 10st my cdc said I can start going up the stages. I've just slept this weekend and I haven't felt hungry. But it has been hard because my mum and sister have been eating lovely food :(.
Oh I agree Petrina and IW2BS, weekends are the toughest. Plus, had to go food shopping for the family but it wasn't bad. My 4 year old and I had a girlie time in the make-up area playing with testers.

Although I am not hungry, I feel the need to eat breakfast and lunch but could easily do without tea, of course I don't. The thought that I am surviving on 450 calories a day is strange so, knowing that is the bare minimum, then I could never skip a pack.
Hi guy..... I have lost 11lbs!!! :happy036:

Soooooooooooooo chuffed its untrue.

next weigh in is next monday!

When she opened the door she screamed and was like oh my god I can see you have lost loads in your face and couldnt get my coat and shoes off me quick enough lol.

So for the benefit of the team weigh in i was 17.7 and I am now 16.10 and have lost 11lbs!!

Yea I am but its the fist tiem since i started it that i am hungry! its annoying as i need to get it out of my head that food is a reward!
well done guys check out our team!!!!! Go go FNM i think thats true you feel a bit skinnier and start thinking about food! im still bloody fat though so even though i feel skinnier got to remember im not at all.
Bit dissapointed with my 8bs now :(
Good luck for today and keep going keep going xx
Congrats to our Team. We were way ahead of the others. Lovely of IreneH to pop into our thread to let us know too.
4.19%Weight to go (27) 3 results Sunnysmile (4.98%)
2.28% The Water Babes (9)
W5 4 results Margie (3.45%)

1.88% Mission: SlimPossible (23)
W6 Mat (2.55%)

1.80% The Sliminators (25)
W9 3 results LoobyLou (2.23%)

W10 4 results Food Lover (2.27%)

1.71% Leah's Lightweights (team 1)
3 resultslotstolose (1.93%)

1.47% Fat Guys Slim (19)
W10 6 results baby callalillies (2.36%)

1.35% Flab2Fab (15)

0.50% Shape Shifters (13)
W12 4 results
Count210 (1.90%)
FNM, what a fab loss. You have such a supportive CDC. You are so determined to do this. You go girl!

My weigh in today was a loss of 9lbs:D:D:D
I'm am now the lightest I've been since I had my baby in December. I'm so pleased. Should be another great team entry for us this week.
hello ladies....
sorry i havent been on here for a couple of days - not been very well at all and as a result had to break the diet :-(
however, got on the scales this morning and i have still managed to lose 5lbs so really pleased. Im now down to 10st13lbs - yay!!!!

congrats to everyone with their fantastic losses - here's to a good second week!
YEYEYEYEYEY well done Wez and well done to our team! Gamma dont worry as long as you are well thats all that matters, I have had ulcerative tonsils so I know how hard it is to stick to this diet!

right - determined to get through the week with out being ill or cheating....

i find the week relatively easy but the (regardless of being ill) i find the weekends really hard! what do you do to distract yourself/keep your self motivated...

Hey Gamma sorry youve been ill, i found this weekend really hard im quite down in the dumps today :( yestaerday just went for a long walk but i still wanted to eat in the eve, i find teatimes quite tough usually anyway but that time at weekend is very very hard.
I just kept on thinking about the summer and not wanting my thighs to rub together and not be sweaty and uncomfy.
Try to keep your wedding in mind in know time at all itl be here and you will want to be happy with yourslf and your wedding
ohhh i sent it before i finished... think of your wedding pictures hun and just keep going we are all going to have hard times but if we cheat its harder again and again and we are wasting our money this isnt cheap!!! love n hugs xx
I echo the above.
just think if you cheat is it going to make you feel better? You will end up probably giving up and starting a diet where you dont loose as much per week and then sart this all over again and have to go through those first few days where you are starving and get into ketosis. Trust me this is someone who knows!
Oh Gamma, sorry to read you are ill. It doesn't help when you want to eat and you only have a shake but even they need to be spaced out.
This weekend was tough for me and I am usually at home but not with the family eating on demand. I don't want my 4 year old to notice that I'm on a diet, eating porridge is fine, managed to have a hot choc without her noticing I wasn't joining her with a sandwich and as I was cooking tea for them, she wasn't bothered that I was having mine after she went to bed, like through the week. I think it is only lunchtime on weekends that I am going to have to bluff through.

FNM, you are so right, once you have a taste for food when you are following this strict regime then it is is very hard to click back. Not impossible. It just seems harder. Gamma, at least your goal is firmly set in your mind and the rate you are losing then your journey won't take that long. We are right with and downs.