TEAM 4 restart - Moving Mountains

baby, dont be so hard on urself. you have just admitted to something most of us have done (but not all admitted to :eek:).
if dieting was easy we wouldnt even be here confiding openly in people we barely know and yet understand us so well.
dont even think about leaving the team.
i wont normally speak for others but i think its fair to say that NOBODY on this team wants you to leave.
i applaude ur bravery in facing what has happened before ur holiday. in all honesty i would have probably stayed off plan until after the holiday then blame the holiday for any gains. u deserve a pat on the back for that hun. :happy096:
Many thanx cheryl. I'm gonna do alot more thinking while i'm away. Try and figure out why i did it? Why i'm hurting myself so much? what is it i'm really hiding from/scared of?
I have never been slim, or the 'right size'. i went from being a bag of bones at 11 to being fat at 12. Is that what i'm scared of? not knowing who this person is gonna be and will i like her?
i know what u mean baby.
i was a tiny little think until the age of six and then i piled weight on quite rapidly after having my tonsils out (according to my mother i had never eaten well before then) so i have no memory of a slim me.
i have sabataged my own weight loss many many times and dont know why either.
i definately DO want to be slim. i dream of being comfortable in my own body But there is a tiny thing in me that wonders if that will actually make me happy.
what happens if it doesnt? what else can i change to begin liking me? scary.
the one thing i am sure of is that if i dont do this i will regret it in years to come but if i get to target i doubt i will be saying in years to come ' oh i wish i had stayed fat all those years ago'
Baby, cheryl being slimmer wont change your personality you'll both be the lovely people you are now, you maybe more confident is that a bad thing? Not in my opinion! :) I agree with you cheryl you def wont regret being slimmer and healthier!! And with you putting on baby you realised your mistake and are bravely facing it head on and sorting it which is the right thing to do! :)
I DO NOT WANT YOU TO LEAVE THE TEAM! And i know no-one else will either, we're a team here to support each other, not throw someone out cause they've had a blip!! You've done so well! xxx
I'm so glad you came back onto the thread baby hun and I wouldn't let you leave the team until you hit your taget so there's no point in even talking like that!;)
We are not here to judge you and you could never let us down, like Cheryl said we're all done it at some point and these things do happen. One thing you have to remember is that no one will ever judge you the way you judge yourself, it's never as bad as it seems and I know you can come back from this.
We are completely here for you and please don't feel you have to stay away from the team thead just beacuse you've had a slip, that's when we can be the most help to you after all.;)
Also if you think about it 6lbs isn't that bad as 4lbs of that will be glycogen stores from your liver from th carbs and that can be gone in a couple of day on ss, so technically you've only had a 2lb gain.;)
Enjoy your holiday hun and don't let this little thing ruin it for you, you have all the time in the world to get to your target but your holiday will only last a short amount of time.
We are always here for you hun, lean on us, it's what we're here for.:hug99:
Just realised I'v not congratulated ELAY on her fantastic loss this week!:eek:
Well done hun you've done so well this week, I hope things have picked up for you in a personal way (no idea what's going on but I'm sure you'll share if you want to in time).
Keep it up girl!;)
Baby theres nothing I can say that hasn't already been said, but I echo it all. Especially DONT GO!!!!!!
We've all been there, thats why we are here for the support!
Well done on your loss Elay, you've done so well in what has obviously been a difficult week!
Well I had my planned night off for my chinese yesterday, and I have to say I had a lovely evening but the meal wasn't all that. Food is a wicked habit that I am hopefully close to breaking ;)
Thank you so much for all your kind words. I feel so much better about the whole thing now. Onwards and upwards :)
I'm promising right now to be commited and focused on my return from 'fright fest'

Well done elay on a huge loss. How was the show?
Hi all I hope you've all had a good weekend. I've gone back onto 810 since yesterday to try and get a loss for my WI tomorrow - I'm not going to hold my breath though! Have a good day all, be on later to say hi :)
Hey all! Pleased to report a 1lb loss this week. That elusive target is still a lb away, but I'm happy with that because I had a night off on friday! The CDC has put me up to 1200 because I'm so close to target. :D:D:D
Had my chat with her about becoming a CDC as well, she's going to get me the application forms so its all very exciting!
Going to be really focussed for the next 2 weeks to try and get a couple of lbs below target, to give myself a little room to breathe!
Hows everyone today?
Hi Everyone,

Well what a few weeks it's been.

Well Weekend away was fabby... show was absolutely amazing, definately worth going to see!! That was the end of the good bit, it kind of went down hill from there...

OH has been promoted to be one of 5 shareholding directors of the company, he was the youngest Associate Director they have ever had at 33. So basically it means his salary will pretty much double (Yes that is good news too) but it means that he will be away for 1 week in 4 travelling to the US and at least 2 3 week trips a year. Yeah fine that's easy enough to cope with! We live right in the middle of the countryside, very small village, not even a shop! Great little primary school though for the kids! Well we moved here 3 years ago (it's just over an hour away from where we used to live) and it was a tough decision for me as at the end of the day it was my life that would change the most, not OH as he would still see same people etc. And basically I lost pretty much all my friends after we moved, they could never be bothered to visit me, even though I went down to them every week, they stopped texting, calling etc. But now my OH has decided that he doesn't want to live here anymore... and wait for it..... he's put the house on the market without telling me!!! I gave up everything, my social life, all my friends, for the move that he pushed for and now he wants to go and change his mind!! It's just not on... I don't know what to do for the best???!!!

Well that's that drama... the next one is, I've had and still got SWINE FLU.... yep that's right I have been oinking like a pig all week!! I was in hospital for 3 days with it (came home yesterday). I was feeling so so rough and had real difficulty breathing properly, so had to have oxygen etc. The reason it properly hit me so bad was due to just being run down to start with. But anyway, am on the mend now... just feel like i've got a really bad cold now.. OH was at work the whole time and kids were with my parents. He still went to work yesterday and today!

Oh well can't really grumble (well not too much anyway)!!

I hope that everyone is else doing well, i'm off to read the posts and catch up on what's been going on.

love to you all xxxx
Well done Vikki hun I bet you're dead chuffed!!!
ELAY hun have a :hug99:, sorry to hear you've had such a rough time with your piggy flu, that's awful!
Great news about hubby though, well done him, funny how good news comes at the same time as bad a lot of the time isn't it.:eek:

Where is everyone else this week, you're right Vikki it is very quiet in here!

Come on guys the reason our team works so much better than everyone elses here is because we've always been such a chatty supportive lot. Come back and say hi, let us know how you're all doing!;)
Baby, I'm so sorry to read that you have struggled the past week or so... I can only echo what everyone else has said, we all have those times where we struggle and question our own resolve, but I know and we all know that you can get yourself back to where you want to be both mentally and physically so don't let it drag you down! xxx
Kelly, how have you been doing?

Just wanted to say that I think you are doing a fab job as Team leader and are Uber supportive and we wouldn't be the team we are if we didn't have you to lead us through! Just sending out a bit of love xx
Hi everyone!!
Basically come to say goodbye to cd! Decided to come off the diet had have been off cd since tues!
My boss (who is a dr and wrks in a diet clinic part time!) and myself have devised a low cal & carb diet for me to go up the plans without cd products! So far going very well and I'm enjoying eating again and still losing, wont know how well till next weigh in on weds for def! I'm feeling much better for it! :)
I'm not dissing cd I love cd its fab without it theres no way I would have lost 3stone so quickly and gave me the confidence to know I could carry on by myself! I know my triggers and weaknesses and am determined for the first time to finish my journey and lose the weight! I'm even going to start jogging for the first time, cause I feel lighter and can run!
Anyway also a HUGE THANK YOU to all you guys for your help and support! And even though I wont be an offical cd girl I hope I can check in on you guys now and again? To find out how your doing and to let you know how I am!
GOOD LUCK guys! Big hugs to you all! xxxxxxxxx
Good luck with your new diet Glitter and please do feel free to haunt us whenever you like hun we'd love to hear how you're getting on.

Well guys just thought I'd let you know I've had a little chat with Cheryl and she's now our official 6th member of Team 4 taking Glitters space on the team!
Welcome officially to the team hun and well done for sticking with us all this time waiting for a space!;)
thanks kelly :D.
glad to be a full member again. gives me that little extra reason to shed the pounds, now they count towards team total :D.
i went for my first weigh in after 3 weeks virtually off plan due to illness . i havent gone mad at all but have been eating carbs with meals.
well i gained 5lbs in 3 weeks.
i could sit and cry but that wont help much.
i could get angry but that will help even less.
so im going to do the one thing i think will help........
move on and become stronger.
im considering today as being day one again. that way i wont be looking at what i need to lose before i am lighter than last weigh in.
So, with a strong head and a renewed team membership i will move on and will indeed be 'moving mountains' :D
Glitter best of luck with your final push to goal! Sure we'll see you around though hun :D:D:D
Cheryl welcome to the team proper, great idea starting afresh, it will probably be best for you psychologically!
May not be on much this weekend ladies so have a good (in both ways!) one all xx