Team 5 - SLIMYMPIANS-potential gold medalists

well done the looks of i i think we are gonna win!!!!
hope you didnt find the maths too taxing janie.....!!!!
are most people gonna do their wi on a thurs now......mandie how come you cant pm?????
I am going to weigh in today (10am) so will ask CDC if I can weigh in on Thursdays from now on (should make next weeks weigh in a nice one!).
I'm off camping for the weekend armed with shakes, soups and tetras.

Speak to you all soon.

M x
Wow--didn't we do well? :grouphugg: Well done everyone--and Mandie, have a great time camping :)
OMG!! Well done everyone!! Thats brill!!

How have the other teams done? Are the results posted on one thread yet??

Hope everyone is doing something nice this weekend!! Enjoy the sunshine if we get any!!

Kj xxx
Morning everyone just checking in my son came back from his nanas yesterday after 3 weeks so didnt squeeze him off the laptop!
Off to a show with my horsey today please dont rain!!!!

Have a nice day all xxx
Hi Team,

How is everyone?

I'm back from camping and boy did I find it a struggle.

We went to Northampton as this was a half way point between ourselves and friends that live in Derby. Friday was okay as our friends didn't arrive until Saturday morning, but when they did it was really difficult. I felt like a social outcast. I made tea and sandwiches for everyone for lunch followed by cookies and comfort foods....I sat with water and a CD bar. In the evening we all did a BBQ with yummy foods whilst I have a shake, I did give in and eat a small piece of chicken breast but felt guilty and texted my CDC straight away. She said as I was on week 5, to use it as a add a meal day, so I felt a bit better. Sunday was pretty much the same except we all went out for a meal for lunch and I sat with a sparkling water. I did have a can of diet coke in the evening but it seemed to taste disgusting (I used to be a coke addict before CD) so I regretted drinking that. I'm back home now and can jump on it easily.
What does everyone else do in times like these?
I also have an invite to join my husband and his work collegues (that are over from the USA) but they are also going out for food.
Saturday evening we are meant to be going out for drinks with friends but this usually leads to a curry afterwards...why does life revolve around food?

Any ideas?

I know that once I have lost the initial weight I will be able to adjust my diet/calories to suit social events.

Dont worry gang, I will still be sticking with it.

if you are gonna eat...then eat....stick to protein ...have no carb...i had a bbq yesterday and a piece of pavlova, felt as guilty as hell yet jumped on scales this morning at 1\2 may catch up with me but will stick to ss now til thurs...or at least try to....i think if you need to go for a curry have a tandoori mixed grill...again just meat.....listen you are only human, and i think i said in one of my other threads ok so you want to be slim....but you are doing this for yourself no one else and you are still a human , i think we must all remember not to become obsessed with dieting or it ends up taking over your life.....!!!!!
You sound like you did really well and to be honest i would have done exactly the same. Use your Cdc advise a little chicken and green salad is ss plus so use it to your own advantage on social events. Looking back on it you never cheated at all just did ss plus for a day and it wont affect your ketosis or weight loss for the week at all so dont feel guilty hun xxxx
Thanks Guys,

Its times like this that its nice to have people in the same boat and that know how I feel.
I just want to succeed so much.
Can you tell me if you can throw in the odd day of ss+ when on ss or whether you should do whole weeks of each?
I know my CDC said I should 'add a meal' every 5 weeks whilst on ss but want to know whether the odd day of ss+ will cause a problem.
I am going to cut and paste a post I made on another thread and hopefully you will see why I am trying to lose weight.
Does anyone else have a reason why they are losing weight other than health?
This may be a good way of getting to know each other.

p.s. Where is everyone in Slympians from? I am from Swindon, Wiltshire.
***A previous post I made***

I have started CD sole source SINCE returning from my wedding in Jamaica on 11th April 2008.

Yes, I felt like a princess, but in a size 22 wedding dress, I sure didn't look like it. I know people will be saying why didn't she lose the weight before she went but the answer is...I really don't know. I guess I kept thinking to myself, there is always a bigger bride around, but during the 2 weeks we were there, I didn't see anyone bigger.
When I returned to the UK I kept telling myself it will be fine, I'm married now and he loves me for who I am. But reality was...I was ashamed of my wedding pictures and DVD. So many people wanted to see them as we got married abroad and only a few family came. So watching my many chins on the screen over and over drove me mad. My make up had crease marks in it and I was sweating all day. I wouldn't say it ruined my wedding, but it sure didn't help.
After a trip to the doctors to ask whether she had any idea's about my tiredness, she was straight with me and said...'If I was carrying 4 stone extra around, I would be tired too, thats like carrying a sack of potatoes around every day'. She also recommended CD.

Well, if that wasn't a kick up the bum, nothing was. I spent the evening in tears and searched the net for a CD counsellor. That was on the friday and my first meeting was on the sunday.
I am lucky enough to be returning to Jamaica for my first wedding anniversary and I INTEND to wear a size 12-14 dress and have my wedding pictures redone. This time I will not have several chins or be sweaty all day.

This may seem harsh but I know I'm lucky to be able to have my pictures redone, not everyone will have this chance.
Mandie it doesnt matter if you do one day of ss+ or three u can alternate them or the days you feel u need a little extra u can add the meal whatever works for you hun xx
5lbs gone from me for the team this week!
Wow Janie thats great, well done you.

Feeling weak and tired, so after a long chat with my CDC I am off to Asda to get some chicken breast for tea.

So I am still sticking to SS but adding a 200c meal.

Hope everyone is having a good week. x
Good idea Mandie i did a mixture of ss and ss+ last week and my results say it all xxx
Just had 120g of chicken breast with a small amount of broccoli and cauliflower and I feel stuffed. Was gonna have a vanilla shake made with ice cubes for dessert, but think I'll wait a bit.

Janie- Thanks for all your advise, its great to have people to chat with.
or 22 bags of sugar try putting them in a rucksack and walking round with them all day!
Thanks guys, its great to have your support.
I am feeling better today and doing just SS but will be doing SS+ on saturday as we are going out ith friends, I will take your advise and have chicken tikka with salad.
Thanks again