Team 7 - Fat Fighters (Official team thread)

Doing good MInz - had a good day so far.

Been a bit disappointed with my weight loss - just hope I'm on schedule for my 3 stone by Christmas. Hope so - will be giving it my best shot anyway :D

Hope everyone is having a good weekend
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Good morning Ladies,

Are we all female in this team?

Well I have come on to confess all I'm afraid and to get some help!!!!
I went out with my best friend for her 30th birthday around Liverpool and I was full of good intensions but sadly they didn't last very long. To cut a long story short I ended up having about 6 or 7 drinks and a chinese in china town at the end of the night.
Sadly thats not the worst of it.........
I told myself that I would get straight back on it sat but all I did was eat all day, toast with butter and marmalade, a few bowls of cereal throughout the day, cheese, biscuits, cups of tea with milk. I felt sick and bloated and I don't even know why I did it. I went to bed feeling very angry and disappointed with myself but I got up this morning and decided that only I can do this, I'm the one who overate yesterday and I am the one who is spending almost £50 a week (i get 4 portions a day 'cos I am over 5' 11") and it is all just a waste if I don't stop messing about with my body.
My friend has just rang me and i am meeting her at the gym in 20 mins so hopefully I can try to undo some of the damage and burn off a fair bit of the glycogen stores that will have mounted up over the past 2 days. I am a very honest person and I just wanted to come on and post how I am feeling and what I have done because if I don't face up to it then i won't get back in the saddle and carry on!!!!!!!!
I have got an exercise schedule sorted for this week so here I am, back at square one and needing loads of support to get through this week and to get back into ketosis land.
bye for now 'cos I am off to the gym.....

Please don't beat yourself up about it - you know you need to get back on track and you will do it.

I wish I had the answer as to what makes us eat or pig out when we are not hungry - I wish I knew. Believe me that every night on this diet I have sat at home and "fancied something nice" :( No idea why I want it coz I'm definitely not hungry - must be habit or something or a craving for sweet things (my downfall I think).

Ok I've rambled enough lol and prob don't make any sense.

Just be positive - we are all trying so hard on this diet and we know it works :D

Hope today goes well for everyone
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Morning ladies - here's to a good CD day today.

Lindsay - don't beat yourself up over the blip......but learn by it. Write down exactly what you ate and how you felt after it and look at it at times of weakness.

One thing I noticed about losing weight is that you can do a lot of damage if you don't draw a line under a mishap straight away, and start again. We've all had the 'what the hell' times, when we've slipped up, then feel sorry for ourselves and eat to try feel better ......but the momentary (and it is just momentary) feeling of having something nice to eat just simply isn't worth it not only undoes the good work that week, but chips away at our motivation to continue.

Having a good day, gives us strength for the next day, like charging a battery. Then before you know it, you've had a good week, a good WI and that carries you into the next week and then next. Baby steps add up.

Think of what you would like to lose each week and how it will make you feel.....and nothing tastes better than that!

Have a great day everyone! x
Lol aww well its still an award :D
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I received a PM from Mushette and unfortunately she wants to leave the team which is a shame, but I respect anyones wish to leave a team if it's not the right time for them......we put ourselves under enough pressure to lose weight without feeling guilty about letting the team down etc., and it's not always the right place, right time. Anyway, I hope we see her back again - or around minis anyway.
I'll find a replacement for her as soon as I can.

Team 7 - Fat Fighters (week 12) 06 Nov 08
Minz (S) 148.0- ? = ? = ?%

RuthG (Tu) 231.0- ? = ? = ?% Q7
Yasmine-Samara (Tu) 358.0- ? = ? = ?%
Angela1 (W) 166.0- ? = ? = ?%
W3,5,7,9,11 Q9,10,11

Snackerama (Th) 193.0- ? = ? = ?3%
W10, Q8

Team total ? to ? = ? = ?%

biggest % loss each week

:queen:Queen (highest average loss for member's total WIs)
Hello Minz. I just saw your ad for a new team member. I have only started today and wont weigh til next tuesday or wednesday. Is it possible to join still please?

ETA: I should have a great loss next week as it's my first week.
Aww well best wishes to Mushette - hope she is doing ok :)

do we have one space free Minz or two - I've kinda lost track of who is in team 7 oops :eek:

Oh just ignore that lol I see the list of us all on your sig :D

Hey FitandTrim - good luck for your first weigh in and fingers crossed for good losses :D
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Dear all, I get weighed tomorrow and it won't be a big one. When I do SS my body stops and hangs on for dear life. As ir was half term this week I took the opportunity to try SS again and by my scales I have only lost just under a pound in a whole week. My waist and boobs have increased by an inch each! I'll do SS+ this week and hope for a difference!
Hello Minz. I just saw your ad for a new team member. I have only started today and wont weigh til next tuesday or wednesday. Is it possible to join still please?

ETA: I should have a great loss next week as it's my first week.

Hi FitAndTrim - of course you can join - please give me your start weight and I'll add you to the list. Welcome to the team!

Dear all, I get weighed tomorrow and it won't be a big one. When I do SS my body stops and hangs on for dear life. As ir was half term this week I took the opportunity to try SS again and by my scales I have only lost just under a pound in a whole week. My waist and boobs have increased by an inch each! I'll do SS+ this week and hope for a difference!
You never know what scales can do overnight - they've played tricks on me in the past - good luck anyway and either way, you're having such a great run, you're probably due a slow week. x

Team 7 - Fat Fighters (week 12) 06 Nov 08
Minz (S) 148.0- ? = ? = ?%

RuthG (Tu) 231.0- ? = ? = ?% Q7
Yasmine-Samara (Tu) 358.0- ? = ? = ?%
Angela1 (W) 166.0- ? = ? = ?%
W3,5,7,9,11 Q9,10,11

Snackerama (Th) 193.0- ? = ? = ?3%
W10, Q8

FitAndTrim (T/W) Started 4 Oct 08
Team total ? to ? = ? = ?%

biggest % loss each week

:queen:Queen (highest average loss for member's total WIs)
Thanks Minz and snackarama.

Minz - My start weight is 13.12 :cry:.
I'll be weighing in next wednesday.
Well done Angela :D

I've not had a very good night and have fell off the wagon and had a snack :(

Putting it behind me and determined to 'start again' 100% tomoro. I think fooling myself that a little bit of chicken here and there is ok when all it is doing is making me want to eat.

So....I'm going back to 100% SS and my goal is to finish Novemeber this way.

Just feeling a bit fed up with it just now :( its not that I'm hungry, I just miss eating just now.

Anyway, hope you are all doing better than me today lol
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lost 1 lb. 165 lbs now
Well done Angela - any loss is a great loss! :)

Well done Angela :D

I've not had a very good night and have fell off the wagon and had a snack :(

Putting it behind me and determined to 'start again' 100% tomoro. I think fooling myself that a little bit of chicken here and there is ok when all it is doing is making me want to eat.

So....I'm going back to 100% SS and my goal is to finish Novemeber this way.

Just feeling a bit fed up with it just now :( its not that I'm hungry, I just miss eating just now.

Anyway, hope you are all doing better than me today lol

Ah, don't be too hard on yourself Jan, a bit of chicken won't do any harm.....if that's all you snack on :D - you've a healthy attitude, just start again with a stronger resolve, and you'll be laughing! :)

Ruth & Lindsay - how did WI go please?

Team 7 - Fat Fighters (week 12) 06 Nov 08
Minz (S) 148.0- ? = ? = ?%

RuthG (Tu) 231.0- ? = ? = ?% Q7
Yasmine-Samara (Tu) 358.0- ? = ? = ?%
FitAndTrim (W) Started 4 Oct 08
Angela1 (W) 166.0- 165.0 = 1.0 = 0.60%
W3,5,7,9,11 Q9,10,11

Snackerama (Th) 193.0- ? = ? = ?3%
W10, Q8

Team total ? to ? = ? = ?%

biggest % loss each week

:queen:Queen (highest average loss for member's total WIs)
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My CDC is now away so I came home with 3 weeks worth today. I want to be 11 stone by the time she gets back.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
You'll do it Angela - I'm sure of it! Will you be able to post your losses each week while she's away on your own scales? I'm not sure what the difference is between hers and yours but I'm sure you can keep a record - that's what I did when my CDC was away for a week, as our scales are so similar.......your mini 3 week goal is a great incentive to stick to it (not that you need one - your going so well).