Team ideal

Don't let them get to you - we know it works, it works much faster than "normal" diets and just like "normal" diets you can put on weight afterwards so it's no different apart from the results you get help keep you going- that's why I can't face a more "sensible" diet - the amount of time it would take to lose it plus the going down by 1lb then back on with 1lb is just soul destroying.

You do what works for you and dont let them make you feel bad - I haven't told anyone apart from immediate family as I can't face having to justify myself and be made to feel weird - you show them by reaching target & staying there.

Keep strong!!

Your so right...this is the first time iv felt good about doing a diet...iv changed my way of life so much in just a week and feel 100% better for it :)

'those that mind don't matter & those that matter don't mind ' I heard that quote once before and it sound just right for how I feel now xx
jo3791 said:
Hi everyone & welcome new members!

Iv had a bit of a down day today, I woke up tired but feeling good! For some reason today at work iv had 3 people tell me how stupid I am for doing this diet and how it's a waste of money...'healthy eating and the gym' is what they kept saying...the gym does not work for me, I'll be honest I'm lazy! Iv felt so good about myself since I started this plan and I left work feeling really fed up :( I kept telling them, it's MY money & MY body but apparently I'm just 'stupid'...why can they see how much happier this is making me! Sorry for the rant girls but I feel like I can't talk to anyone at work about how it's made me feel...they don't understand xxx

I know Jo I really do everyone around me judged me when I did this previously (and gave up through peer pressure.) Which is y I have only told The bf (he needs to know I live with him) and mum (only person in my life who is supportive)

It makes me so upset and cross when I hear stories like this, not only is it none of there blinkin business but I have actually found that I have saved money!!!! Not buying loads of food at petrol stations or meals / drinks out etc.

These small minded twits at your work they are everywhere they exist in all our lives unfortunately and whether it's ignorance because they have never been fat in there lives before jealousy because they have weight issues themselves they decide to make us all feel crap about r selves because we r doing something about it and funding it ourselves, and not asking the NHS to give us a gastric band or something!!!!

My guess is That there skinny, cos my bf and best mate r skinny and they come up with gems such as 'just eat less and exercise more' oh okay then that solves all my problems thanks!!!

My skinny best mate even works for a small company who sell products like t packs to people (even tho she's told me I'm stupid for doing Almost the same thing) but Cos her company offer surgical procedures to 'sort weight out' as age puts it it's ok! When I met her for coffee a couple of days ago She said they ran out of one of The FLavours and couldn't believe That a lady went mad. I told her that if someone had said that to me about the chocolate flavour with no reasonable explanation why I would have gone mad too. She said oh that's just stupid, it's the same stuff just different flavours. I had to leave it there otherwise I'd smack her!!!

Grrr sorry ranted on a bit but u shouldn't have to put up with it none of us should and it flipping annoys me!
rugger bugger said:
Hi Guys, back from weigh in, "only" 3.5lbs this week, but i think i was half a lb out on last weeks so I've recorded it as 3 on my profile. updated my diary accordingly. thanks for all of you guys who popped by and supported ver what has been a testing few days.

I looking towards dropping 2 stone in 5 weeks bout that would need the next 2 weeks to be 4lb losses, not sure if thats a bit over enthusiastic?

RB xx

Congratulations on your loss :)
Evening everyone. Feels like I've been away from here for ages! I've just been so busy. Was at uni from half 8 to 3 yesterday then worked at home almost none stop til 11:30. Mad panic getting a project finished! Been really busy again today, preparing for a group of 13 year olds coming to uni tomorrow for an activity day. It'll be my first proper experience of teaching so not nervous at all lol :)

Well done everyone with your losses. This team is shrinking by the minute! I've had another 100% day. Determined to get to Saturday without a morsel touching my lips.

I've been thinking I should start a diary, lots of you have one and they're really inspirational :) think it'll help me too.

My mum started CD yesterday so we've got a little competition going on between us. Friendly of course :)

Hope you all have a lovely shrinking evening xxx
harassed_mother said:
I would just over exaggerate it all go mmmmmmm dead loud lol bunch of plebs winds me up that stuff em when u thin and they all fat mingers shake your blender at em lol

Lmao :) totally
silencemylips said:
I've been told/ well overheard that the diet I'm doing isn't good for me. I've never really had people putting their two cents in, but I'm not a fan of it. They don't know it's not good for you, so why say its silly and against it!?

I wish u had the answer to that I really really do - Grrr
Zest for Life said:
Good for you :)
Are these ladies fat or thin? Can't believer they were tutting?! How bloody sad, get a life, they obviously have nothing else going on. X

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Vjdisme said:
Sorry must've misread it on someone else's , maybe you will lol x

Maybe, hope so! Lol

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Zest for Life said:
Yeah, but how healthy is being overweight?! People are so negative, I think the papers give these diets bad press. They never show the success people have only the people who have problems. x

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And people who r successful (like Pauline) it's all 'oh she'll put it all back on'
notlongnow said:
Don't let them get to you - we know it works, it works much faster than "normal" diets and just like "normal" diets you can put on weight afterwards so it's no different apart from the results you get help keep you going- that's why I can't face a more "sensible" diet - the amount of time it would take to lose it plus the going down by 1lb then back on with 1lb is just soul destroying.

You do what works for you and dont let them make you feel bad - I haven't told anyone apart from immediate family as I can't face having to justify myself and be made to feel weird - you show them by reaching target & staying there.

Keep strong!!

Hear hear!! Totally agree with every word you've said. Only my immediate family know too, can't be done with all the questions and comments from people who don't understand the diet. I agree that normal diets are totally soul destroying, I don't have the patience for them. Dealing with morons is an unfortunate side-effect of this diet, but its so worth it. We can do this and stay at target xxx
I know Jo I really do everyone around me judged me when I did this previously (and gave up through peer pressure.) Which is y I have only told The bf (he needs to know I live with him) and mum (only person in my life who is supportive)

It makes me so upset and cross when I hear stories like this, not only is it none of there blinkin business but I have actually found that I have saved money!!!! Not buying loads of food at petrol stations or meals / drinks out etc
These small minded twits at your work they are everywhere they exist in all our lives unfortunately and whether it's ignorance because they have never been fat in there lives before jealousy because they have weight issues themselves they decide to make us all feel crap about r selves because we r doing something about it and funding it ourselves, and not asking the NHS to give us a gastric band or something!!!!

My guess is That there skinny, cos my bf and best mate r skinny and they come up with gems such as 'just eat less and exercise more' oh okay then that solves all my problems thanks!!!

My skinny best mate even works for a small company who sell products like t packs to people (even tho she's told me

I'm stupid for doing Almost the same thing) but Cos her company offer surgical procedures to 'sort weight out' as age puts it it's ok! When I met her for coffee a couple of days ago She said they ran out of one of The FLavours and couldn't believe That a lady went mad. I told her that if someone had said that to me about the chocolate flavour with no
reasonable explanation why I would have gone mad too. She said oh that's just stupid, it's the same stuff just different flavours. I had to leave it there otherwise I'd smack her!!!

Grrr sorry ranted on a bit but u shouldn't have to put up with it none of us should and it flipping annoys me!

Some people just don't have a clue, iv realised that the end of the day it's our life and that's that!
I agree with everything you said, we shouldn't have to justify ourselves to anyone, I'm not going to do it anymore! Thanks Hun :) xxx
WillpowerWoman said:
And people who r successful (like Pauline) it's all 'oh she'll put it all back on'

Yes, because no one puts weight back on do they after WW or SW?! Honestly makes me laugh, you'll put the weight back on with every diet unless you change your eating habits that got you there in the beginning x

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Just wanted to say thanks to everyone....I was on a right downer when I got in from work but thanks to you wonderful people I'm feeling good again & ready to kick ass 2morro :) I'll take a razor to work for the bearded lady lol xxx
jo3791 said:
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone....I was on a right downer when I got in from work but thanks to you wonderful people I'm feeling good again & ready to kick ass 2morro :) I'll take a razor to work for the bearded lady lol xxx

Take immac up I all on your hands then beatch slap her lol glad to hear u r feeling betterxx
jo3791 said:
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone....I was on a right downer when I got in from work but thanks to you wonderful people I'm feeling good again & ready to kick ass 2morro :) I'll take a razor to work for the bearded lady lol xxx

That's better, lol for the razor! ;)

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jo3791 said:
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone....I was on a right downer when I got in from work but thanks to you wonderful people I'm feeling good again & ready to kick ass 2morro :) I'll take a razor to work for the bearded lady lol xxx

Pmsl get her shaved!!! You're doing brilliantly and small minded people like your colleagues seem to only exist to pass judgement. Either through jealousy or because they like making other people feel ****. Either way, they're not worth worrying about. Carry on as you are doing hun, you're doing so well :) in fact they might have done you a favour in making you so determined to prove them wrong! I've always said that the way to get me to do something is to tell me I can't ;) xxx
harassed_mother said:
Take immac up I all on your hands then beatch slap her lol glad to hear u r feeling betterxx

That really made me laugh - great plan !!!
Lmao...I'll stick a wax strip to her chin and rip it off whilst I'm shakin my milkshake at her....thanks guys :) xxx
jo3791 said:
iv not even tried the porridge, everyone has told me it's like glue xx

I've just stuck to the milkshakes this week , may try a porridge next week someone said apple flavour is nice ?
Vjdisme said:
I've just stuck to the milkshakes this week , may try a porridge next week someone said apple flavour is nice ?

Make the porridge nice and runny. Tastes much better. When it is thick it is like wallpaper paste and not so nice.