Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

HEXA - 30g cheddar
2x wholemeal bread

Brekkie - Jam on toast and a banana

Dinner - Packet of Doritos (bad I know just couldnt be bothered to make anything)

Tea - SW chips with Korma and Rice

Drinks - Tea, Pepsi Max

Snacks -

Syns - Sugar(2) Jam (2) Muller Greek Coconut yogs x 2 (1) Doritos(7.5) Total 12.5

Not a good day food wise today :-(
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

It's not that bad hun - okay so no superfree but you haven't gone over on syns.
Could've been worse x
Cheers hun - I think I just need to get out of the house tomorrow and have a mooch around the shops n get my stocks of fruit n veg in :)
Good afternoon - I had a lovely lie in and then got up and made a cuppa and a SW fry up yummy. Still in my pjs as I have no plans today.

Hows you hun xx
Hi chick - no ive never done it. From what I read on threads lots have and love it. Im not a fan of mushy peas lol

Me neither haha I've just been reading about it it sounds so wrong putting a tin of beans in there too but if it tasted like I was having a healthy curry I'd give it a go LOL X