Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Hi lovely,

Just to ask have you ever made the mushy pea curry recipe ? X

Hi hon I have made it loads of times without the beans and its lovely you can't taste the mushy peas which I like but my kids hate and the eat it too :)
Yes thanks it was lovely, brilliant weather had two nice cliff walks for some body magic but. Ate a load of junk on Saturday though so operation pull back for the next four days. Xx
Lol I know - its weird.

Im fine thanks hunni just had a cr@p week foodwise all my own doing x
Ive just been to your thread threatening to kick ya bum lol
Lol I know - its weird.

Im fine thanks hunni just had a cr@p week foodwise all my own doing x
Ive just been to your thread threatening to kick ya bum lol

Haha I know thanks xx just cant believe how much ive let myself go not far off my sw start off at the mo :( but I originally weighed in a 15st5.
Still looking at a gain this week but trying to limit the damage - why do we do it!!!

HEXA - 250mls ss milk
Fruit n Fibre

Brekkie -
The above

Dinner -
2 x wholemeal bread, pease pudding, lean ham, boiled egg, tomato

Tea -
SW chips seasoned with oxo garlic n herb powder, chicken breast with same seasoning, tomato, gherkins, pease pudding, red onion, mushrooms DSC_0713.JPG

Drinks -
Tea, Pepsi Max, Ribena NAS

Snacks -
Boiled egg, banana, strawberries, pineapple

Syns -
2x bread (5) Sugar (1) Salad Cream(1) Total 7

I passed up this which I made for the boys I was drooling lol DSC_0712.JPG
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Me to but you should be proud that you resisted.
Your determination is great - I'll be thinking of that tomorrow whilst trying to stick to plan xx
Me to but you should be proud that you resisted.
Your determination is great - I'll be thinking of that tomorrow whilst trying to stick to plan xx

I am hun I could have done so much more damage. I know what I should be doing but putting it into practice sometimes escapes me. Back on it like a car bonnet after WI x
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Haha! Never heard that saying before.
Your right, getting back to it is the hardest bit, but you've done it x