Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Evening chick im fine thanks hows u?

I am stuffed lol just had a chicken dinner yum yum. Ive also made a pan of soup - butternut squash and red pepper I added some chilli ... hot hot hot lol.

Ill take some to SW tomorrow night for the buffet along with some home made pizzas :D
Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Mmm your soup sounds gorgeous... That's one thing I've never made, butternut squash soup... I wouldn't mind the recipe please :p
No probs hun -

Peel the squash, chop it up roughly into chunks, chop carrots, onions, red peppers, crush garlic, salt, pepper, veggie stock cubes, i added chilli this time i dont usually. I never measure amounts just chuck it all into my pressure cooker size pan, cover with hot water and boil till soft. Then blitz :D
Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

No probs hun -

Peel the squash, chop it up roughly into chunks, chop carrots, onions, red peppers, crush garlic, salt, pepper, veggie stock cubes, i added chilli this time i dont usually. I never measure amounts just chuck it all into my pressure cooker size pan, cover with hot water and boil till soft. Then blitz :D

Yummmmy! Thanks hun :) I bought some veggie stock pots this morning after the hospital.. I must have known lol xx
Im hoping they have somewhere to heat it a SW class lol ive got a flask but its only a small one

Hope you enjoy with the carrots in Brittany x
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Good luck for WI hun xx