Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Yeah I do hun thanks - but I had loads with brekkie and dinner today so figured none with my tea today wouldnt really be so bad lol oops

I have a herniated disc between ribs T8 and T9, I have an osteophyte and a schmorls node, which basically means I have a bulging disc and a growth/spur on one of my bones too :-(
Was just checking incase lovely.
Blimey that sounds technical.....and painful .....and there's you bloody wallpapering! X
Was just checking incase lovely.
Blimey that sounds technical.....and painful .....and there's you bloody wallpapering! X

No problem hunni much appreciated.

I know :-( I shouldn't have but the wall was stripped and it was bugging me staring at it lol - im knackered now :rolleyes:
Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Would he like to come and do my house top to bottom tomorrow??? I've done hardly any housework today! Although I did hoover the toaster!! X
Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

I wish kev would go on a washing mission!! I saw this on fb earlier.... 1385238885161.jpgThat's what it's like in our house!! X
Yeah I do hun thanks - but I had loads with brekkie and dinner today so figured none with my tea today wouldnt really be so bad lol oops I have a herniated disc between ribs T8 and T9, I have an osteophyte and a schmorls node, which basically means I have a bulging disc and a growth/spur on one of my bones too :-(
:( my little sis has a bulging disc xx