Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Its felt a little easier today thanks but I think thats because I havnt stood as long. Still had to take painkillers though :(
It's not right hun. It's been ages now and it's not fair for you to have to live off painkillers.

Thanks hun xx Lol the girl who did my workplace assessment said have you been diagnosed, I said yes of course, then she mentioned it being permanent and I said I bloody hope not lol
Thanks hun - the lads were having gammon with bad stuff lol onion rings etc, so I just threw some frozen tikka chicken strips in the wok, some frozen stir fry veg and added mushrooms and peppers, it was really tasty and Ive got loads left for lunch tomorrow
Hi hun it was a stir fry - I bought some chicken tikka strips from morrisons ( frozen) threw in some frozen stir fry mix ( lazy tonight lol) so water chestnuts baby sweetcorns etc, then chopped in extra peppers and mushrooms, added dark soy sauce and garlic. Then there was savoury rice left from OH tea so added that too,. Lots left for lunch tomorrow :D

Fran if I take any more ill have shares in Proctor and Gamble lol
I often throw random stuff together lol like last week, I had chicken kiev with an omelette and peas and it was the best meal id had in ages
I discovered cheese on supernoodles the otha week and its one of new fave things!! One of my fave snacks pre-slimming world was a birdseye potato waffle on a sandwhich with cheese, mayo and jalapenos!! I ate them all the time!! Now thts random ha!! Xx
I will think of some other random things I like - Like malt loaf with cheese on, and fishfinger and fried egg sarnie, processed pea sarnies with vinegar on lol