Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

No lol im wide awake - done taxi run, had my dinner, made a sb cake, put some washing in. Im watching a film now, ill probably be zonked by 7pm lol x

Hi Sheila :), sounds like you've had a productive Sunday. Enjoy your film. Hope your well.

Kay xx
Hello :) I'm very impressed with your angel efforts at the party last night well done. I'd have eaten I'm weak when it comes to buffets. Are you having a nice day? X
Hi Sheila :), sounds like you've had a productive Sunday. Enjoy your film. Hope your well.

Kay xx

Hi Kay good to see you how ya feeling? Im fine thank you, just finished loading the dishwasher, done lunches for tomorrow. All I need to do now is have my bath and bed yayyyy x
Hello :) I'm very impressed with your angel efforts at the party last night well done. I'd have eaten I'm weak when it comes to buffets. Are you having a nice day? X

Hi Cookie thank you :angel09: I was very proud of myself even if I am blowing my own trumpet lol. Just chilling now until I have my bath after my food settles. Then an early night I think x
Me too! I'm already in bed watching Legally Blonde, love it, Brett's not complaining as he's watched his football all day. He's done our lunches for tomorrow salmon salad I'm looking forward to it. In work for 7am though :(
Ooh salmon salads, baths, early nights, sounds lovely for everyone in this diary!
Me too! I'm already in bed watching Legally Blonde, love it, Brett's not complaining as he's watched his football all day. He's done our lunches for tomorrow salmon salad I'm looking forward to it. In work for 7am though :(

I'll be up at 6 and starting at 7.15 :( its not good I wish I could afford to retire lol. Id have the salad and pass on the salmon thanks lol x
I'm just wondering whether to be super organised and make matty's lunch for tomorrow now??? It's reading about everyone on here being organised... I feel left out lol x