Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

You can just swap in something else in place of the fish or prawns, just make sure it is still cooked through. I lived with someone who made sausage curry though. That was pretty funny.
Lol your right Fran I think you can make dishes out of any old weird concoctions and sometimes they are the best dishes
You can just swap in something else in place of the fish or prawns, just make sure it is still cooked through. I lived with someone who made sausage curry though. That was pretty funny.

My OH had the mushy pea curry last week with hot dogs in it - he said if mushy peas can go in, so can the dogs :D

How you doing today texty? Xx
Good Evening all hows everyone?? Im wishing the week away for my long weekend :D and holiday shopping.

My scales still arent budging though im not happy :(