The Body Magic Team (formerly exercise bike challenge)

even better! :D
blackwidow said:
even better! :D


Best get house hunting I guess!

So my '3 mile in 30 min' friend went running tonight, I couldn't go as its a rest day, she only managed a mile. I'm really starting to doubt her super speed 3 miler!! ;-)
Morning all

After some advice....

I'm just up to the end of week 6 on friday of c25k and notice that from here on out it's just run for 25 minute blocks...

I've signed up to a fun run (8.5 miles) in June. I don't expect to be able to run all of it being a beginner but i'd like to do the best i can. I ran for the 20 minutes the other day, wasn't the fastest but i did it. I did the 2 x 10 minutes today. I don't find it eas but i can do it if i push my mind to it.

Anyway, should i switch now to the c210k from week 6 to push me through or just keep trying to push myself further and go by what my body says... I'm still doing it alongside the shred x
Do whatever is comfortable. I would say work on being able to run 30 mins non stop at a nice slow steady pace. Don't worry about 10k at the moment. Work on being able to do 5k regularly.

My shin and knee are a bit buggered. Really having to force myself to rest. I wanna ruuuuuun!!
Thanks, i think you're probably right, i'll keep with the run i'm doing until i'm running it comfortably :) x hope you're better soon x
2lbs off tonight guys and got slimmer of the week, i'm now 2.5lbs under target and i've got 2 baaad weekends coming up so thats a nice little buffer me thinks!!
nice one Lucy!

RKM, i totally agree with what Dan says - you want to be able to comfortably run 5k first i think before you try for 10k.

PT had me running today, i really dont get this love of running.. its not happening for me! :p My right shin is hurting too, feels like someones got a firm hold of it.. kinda like a tight sensation but pushing into the inside of my leg, rather than the up down sort of tightness from sore muscles.

also i am mega annoyed that the PT is being nice to my PT partner (but not to me!).. i know shes a bit sh*t in comparison to me, but i want him to make her do more situps or upset her or something.. shes such a b*tch to me at work, she deserves some meanness! :p makes me feel better watching her get tortured. I did feel better that I powered through my sit ups and she just lay there saying she couldn't do them, but meh :p not nasty enough for me! I get more weight, less rest time on running, more incline, faster speed. I suppose I ended up as tired as she was, and the point is that hes still working me to my limit, but I dont know.. i'm never happy LOL! :p
Ouch - hope your leg is better soon!!

I agree i need to master the 5k first so i'm off to run for my 20 mins tomorrow and see how i get on, fingers crossed x
So after no running since sunday I hope to go tomorrow after seeing a house at 2pm.

I think all the let down's and no offer's on the house had put me in a state of denial as it suddenly hit me last night that i've actually sold my house and we have no-where to buy!

Its meant to be a buyer's market but not if A. You can't afford them, or B. Like any of the other one's !!
i'm fine, other than still battling away trying to at the very least maintain my weight - had a very bad weekend as it was my birthday!!

Bokwa last night, PT today.. then i need to try for a run sometime this week :)

hows everyone else? xxx
Oh dear oh dear oh dear, totally been a disgusting few days and now I feel awful, haven't stuck to plan properly for 2 weeks, didn't weigh last week and seriously if I go tomorrow I could be out of target and have to pay!!!!!
would you rather pay and get back on track or not go and risk another week not being on plan? thats just how i would see it. Take it from someone who has lost and gained around 4 stone, probs more than 4 times!! Go to class and face the music!! :D

dead quiet in this thread lately.. have to say i'm still doing loads of exercise but only just managing with the diet over last few days :p you still running Lucy? x
I've been awol from this thread for a bit-I'm now running 3.8 miles 4 nights a week + bootcamp 3 times a week-really seeing a difference inch loss wise :) xx
would you rather pay and get back on track or not go and risk another week not being on plan? thats just how i would see it. Take it from someone who has lost and gained around 4 stone, probs more than 4 times!! Go to class and face the music!! :D

dead quiet in this thread lately.. have to say i'm still doing loads of exercise but only just managing with the diet over last few days :p you still running Lucy? x

You are right - I need to get to get back on track, i'm just embarrased at the prospect of gaining more weight than Xmas!

I haven't been running in a few weeks now, been so busy, hoping to start up again at the weekend.