The Body Magic Team (formerly exercise bike challenge)

What a horrid week!!

My cat Bella went missing last week. When she was found she had been hit by a car :( rushed her to the vet and then got her referred to a vet hospital. Its been so awful not knowing all week how she was going to be. They finally operated on Tuesday. She had to have her right eye removed. She had a fracture on her pelvis that needed a plate to fix. Her lower jaw had to be fixed and rewired. Her upper jaw had lots of fractures :( she can't chew or the fracture bones might snap into her nose and brain. So she has a feeding tube in for a few more days until they heal and she can eat again. She was hit on saturday or sunday - don't know when because we found her trying to drag herself home on the sunday. She wasn't operated on until the tuesday and she was under anaesthetic for 7 hours. More than twice as long as anticipated. So she was treated as critical for a while after.

Thankfully she seems on the mend now, and will have a perfectly happy life minus the eye but the vets have said she'll adapt and be absolutely fine once she's home. I can't believe she has made it through but I'm so glad she has. Shes a little fighter!

Those who don't have pets sometimes don't understand but she is a member of the family. I honestly sobbed my heart out earlier in the week. I've not been able to think of anything else all week. I was meant to be in London now but had to cancel. Fixing her up has cost a few grand but I don't care, she's worth every penny!!

So I have deffo not had a good week with food. To be honest I have been living off cereal a lot. I know I have gained weight but under the circumstances I really don't care. Hopefully I can get her home tomorrow and start looking after us both again.
Oh Daniel what a sad but happy in the end story!

I love animals and too have a cat and I worry if she's not home after a few hours!

I know something that'll cheer you up......I gained 5lbs!!!!!!!!!!
Speed or distance?

That is my question for today.

We're upping our distance but not getting any faster iykwim 4 miles takes approx 55mins.
I'm thinking of getting out on my own in a morning for a faster paced run??
so sorry you had to cancel for London but i wouldve done the same for Bella shes such a little angel.. been dead worried about her (i've even mentioned her in my diary and all people at work have been asking about her cause i told them cause I was so upset for her!) if you need anything or fancy some bella sitting company gimme a text :) x

Emma i dont know what I would concentrate on.. depends if you're wanting to do anything with it.. if you're thinking about doing events and progressing to longer distances like 10k etc, i would concentrate on stamina and distance. If you just want to run to exercise then i would concentrate on shorter distances.. my PT advised me to do interval runs if i wanted to burn fat etc as its loads more effective than pounding pavement at same pace xx
Thanks guys. Just waiting to hear from the surgeon how she's doing.

Lucy that doesn't cheer me up! Its not a pleasant gain but it will come off quick I'm sure!
aesir22 said:
Thanks guys. Just waiting to hear from the surgeon how she's doing.

Lucy that doesn't cheer me up! Its not a pleasant gain but it will come off quick I'm sure!

Aww I thought it might make you giggle!

Yes it is an unpleasant gain and I hope your right and it comes off soon, I've eaten rubbish and still suffering tummy wise 4 days later!
she settling in okay? xxx
Very quiet in here people - Where has Ange gone??

My exercise is definately taking a back seat for a while, not that I don't get enough with Alfie anyway! Not sure if I said but I sold my house and I'm trying to start sorting things out, nothing too drastic in case things fall through but its good to clear some crap!!!

hi all, hows things?

no exercise for me today but I am defo toddling to the gym tomorrow.. either for spin or general gymming.. depends how late i sleep! :p

hope everyone else doing well? xxxq
I joined the gym today with my friend. It was annoying at first seeing lots of athletic guys with the coveted 'V' shaped torso all around running at like 1543426562546246565429879682968 mph not even breaking a sweat while we were sodden lol!
ooh fab! whatd you do at the gym? :) xxx
aesir22 said:
I joined the gym today with my friend. It was annoying at first seeing lots of athletic guys with the coveted 'V' shaped torso all around running at like 1543426562546246565429879682968 mph not even breaking a sweat while we were sodden lol!

Nice to hear from ya!

Been very quiet on here of late!
Been a stressful few weeks lol!

Just did treadmill bike and stepper. More learning how to use the equipment than anything!
i love and loathe the stepper all at the same time. great for the glutes but i'm so unfit i only ever manage 10 flights before i want to get off and never get back on! :D
Lol yeah its a bit of a love/hate relationship with the stepper! Gonna have a few weeks with cardio then have a few pt sessions (when I can afford them) and incorporate some weights.
do they do shared PT sessions at yours? great way to get some extra in and half price cause you share them :D