The Body Magic Team (formerly exercise bike challenge)

Lol I think 15 is fine. I know people who lose all the time and always have max syns. Go for it :) I'm sure you'll have lost!!

Starting up some complementary therapy practices next year, want to promote a healthy body, mind and soul :)
good luck with your weigh in today x
Lol I think 15 is fine. I know people who lose all the time and always have max syns. Go for it :) I'm sure you'll have lost!!

Starting up some complementary therapy practices next year, want to promote a healthy body, mind and soul :)

...........Sounds interesting.............
Many dots indeed!!!

I'm back from weigh in, I lost 1lb this week, so thrilled with that as i'd built myself up for a gain.

2 more pounds to my 2stone shiny!!!!

I've managed another 20 tonight, i'm bloody knackered but I really want to try and get that 2 off next week.

Any tips for a perfect week eating wise guys???
Well done! I am a bit frustrsted with my gain so I cooked two enormous pans of soup! Gonna try to eat it every day. I also did two massive batches of bolognase too. I know that if I don't have several options to choose from I'll look at takeaway lol!

Drink plenty of water too :) well done being so close to 2 stone. I was only 3 away from my 2 stone until that stupid gain. 4lbs away now grrrr!!!
Nice one Lucy.
Same as me 2lb to get to 2 stone.
I've made lots of soup too and eating lots of veggie meals. Going out on Friday night for our xmas work dinner and still hoping for a loss although its very doubtful.
1st day back at work today and no exercise for me. I think I might have to try do some before work now as I really can't be bothered when I get home.
Let you know tomorrow if I do any before work, ha that means getting up even earlier :eek:
I know exactly what you mean with the whole "Cant be bothered when you get home!!"

I had a night off tonight, cooked myself a lovely meal instead and i'm just sitting here deciding what to watch next.

I can feel another early night coming on as I get up at 5.30 every morning so i'm pretty much tired all the time, especially as little Alfie still wakes on average 4 times a night.

Day off tomorrow so hopefully manage the bike and some Kettle, got some new moves to try out!!
Got in from work and exercised right away. Didn't even let myself sit down, just got changed and picked the kb up!! Then bike then rower. if I sit down after work I don't get back up!

Had a really cr@p day at work. Like uber cr@p. I very very nearly ended up ordering a pizza and sitting in front of the tv!! Thankfully resisted :)
It was close! Felt rubbish after reading about some great weight losses on the minimns forum. Don't get me wrong, I am so pleased for people who are doing great...I guess I'm just having a few days where I am sick of being a slow loser. As a bloke with lots to lose I thought I would lose faster but it doesn't seem to work out that way! I know slow is good and everyones different and its better to lose slowly....but 4lbs in November has just ticked me right off I think lol! I am being super good this week - a great loss at weigh in on Tuesday will get the motivation going again!
I think I know how you feel Aesir, i've lost 4lb in November too and beginning to wonder what's going wrong.
The only thing I can think of is lack of exercise. Maybe its that with both of us.
From tomorrow I am going to start my food diary again to see if I am doing anything different to what I did a couple of months ago, or I might even look back on earlier diaries and try a couple of weeks the same to see if that helps.
Out tonight for work dinner, no alcohol for me and hopefully won't do too much damage.

enjoy your day and exercise both of you :wave_cry:
Awww, you two!!! Aren't you happy with the average 1lb per week then?? I too lost 4.5 in Nov but i'm pretty happy with that to be honest!

I definately recommend a food diary, it does make you think about your meals more before you cook it....With Extra Easy sometimes I wonder if I really did have the 1/3rd SF for example.

I've ust looked back at the 2 weeks that I lost 2.5 and 2 the week after which is very rare for me and the following sticks out:

I drank a lot more water, prob 5/6 pints a day.
Yes I exercised - it was the first weeks of this challenge.
I did EE and had way more than the 1/3rd SF.
I eat more protein than carbsat the majority of meals, ie a lot of salad and chicken rather than say chicken, potatoes and veg.

I hope you both can have a couple of fab days, I really want to get my 2lb off as soon as possible, I wanted it before Xmas but after next wed's weigh in I have something on every week to hinder my plan!!
I'm slright with 1lbs a week but would prefer 2 lol! Work is really bad today, and its days like this I would normally have eaten takeaway. Instead I'm making up homepride pasta bake bacon and cheese. Will have half of it (8.5 syns) and a bowl of veg soup
Well i've managed 10km's this morning and hoping to get another 10 done when Alfie's in bed. Edited to say I managed another 7 in the evening..

I've also done 100 Kettle sit ups!! Get me!!!

Bloody hurt though!!!
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Well done Lucy! What kg bell are you using?

Yesterday was my exercise rest day. I have changed the bike slightly this week. Instead if 30 steady minutes, I'm doing 20 minutes of interval training instead. See if it makes a difference on the scales this week :)
I use the 5kg for the sit ups and I just did 20 squats with the 7.5....Oww!!

Managed just 10km's today, been very busy putting up the tree!!!

Hoping to do 13 tomorrow to take my total to 100, that should make up for last week a little bit!!!
I use the 5kg for the sit ups and I just did 20 squats with the 7.5....Oww!!

Managed just 10km's today, been very busy putting up the tree!!!

Hoping to do 13 tomorrow to take my total to 100, that should make up for last week a little bit!!!

I must get out my kettelbell today, you are dong fantastic with it while mine is gathering dust.
Silly question but what is the sit up and to do a 100 well, all I can say is 'wow'

I did 23.5k yesterday on the bike which takes me to about 68ishk so far but will do some more shortly.

Went out for xmas work dinner Friday night which was lovely, tried to be good and picked from the deli board and ate as little of the scrummy houmous alone as I possibly could but not much left in the bowl at the end of it. I did manage to leave the bread rolls and butter alone.

Weighted in this morning and lost 2lb and got my 2 stone award so totally over the moon which spurs me on yet again.
I am loving this SW as the more I eat, the more I lose which is great.