The Century Club - Let's Make 2008 Great!

brown eyes and hair ......
Wish I knew who Maisie was!

Starlight which part of town are you from? My work colleague is from Govan - HE has a strong accent - and HE taught me to swear (honest!) lol
I was pure as the driven snow until I met him!

Mich - know any guys called CHRIS???

Youd LOVE Maisie if you met her :)

Im from Glasgow and oddly enough - work in Govan lol

I believe when Maisie & were chatting at full speed noone could understand us lol
OK Starlight next time we'll make sure there are 3 of us gabbing away lol!
Yes I'd love to- when and where is it?
Are we all good on our diets at these meets or is caution (and SS) thrown to the wind?;)
Mmmmm Chris.... let me think now......

Next door neighbour is called Chris.... but I deffo wouldn't so sure you didn';)

Friends husband he's another Chris.....

My office manager another Chris.....

can't think of any more that I know of....:D

What about you CDC's co counsellor???
Don't tell me you've forgotten him already ;):p
Oh my...... sorry cos I've only met him like twice I have to confess he did slip my mind.... and as I see you too.... don't tell him.... please....:innocent0001:

Don't fret chick he's easy to forget!!!!

Mainly as he's never ruddy about when you want him lol!!!

Hope you've been ok these last couple of days and they've not been to evil to you at the gym, I'm debating on offering to keep you company if you fancy it? Need to start training if gonna do RFL especially if mandy does it too 'cos she might expect me to run with her again like last year!!
Hi guys
Happy to report a 5lbs loss this week!
Mich - did you get my pm about the identity of CHRIS? You didnt reply and now I am worrying that it was your friends husband!!!!
Well done on your loss Mrs Pink.... that's fab.....:D Did get your PM..... it was my friends hubby..... lololol..... only kidding... just been busy not had chance to reply.....!! Know the place he worked at don't know him though....;)
Mrs P .... you are cookin' on GAS girl!!!! Another great result - keep up the FAB work!

My weigh in tomorrow at 5pm ... oooh err!! :) (I've deliberately stayed OFF the scales this week after last week's little upset)
Thanks RD!
Good luck at your WI.....
How did the WI go, RD?

I was at hairdressers today - had a bit of a brainstorm - I've been very blonde for - mmm my whole life I suppose! And today I have gone RED!
DH barely noticed :confused::confused: and DS (age 6) said "it's orange" lol:D
(It's NOT!)
Hi Guys!

It's all gone a bit quiet on here..... hope everyone is doing good and sticking to there plan of choice....:D

I've decided to step down to SSing as want to get the weight moving - me and Lacey (Isis) are doing it together.....

Almost completed my 2nd full day of 100% no cheating whatsoever SSing.... which for me is nothing short of a miracle... :D:rolleyes:

Love to all you Centurians..... :D
Hiya Mich
Well done on surviving the first 2 days - after tomorrow it'll be plain sailing! (IT WILL!)
How are you managing with the water?
Hiya Mich
Well done on surviving the first 2 days - after tomorrow it'll be plain sailing! (IT WILL!)
How are you managing with the water?

Hi Mrs Pink...!

Thanks - I can't quite believe I've made Day 2 100% if I can get through to the weekend 100% then it will be good... I usually get to Day 3 or 4 get in ketosis then blow it.....:rolleyes::eek:

Water could be better - am managing 3 litres minimum (don't really drink tea or coffee so no extra there)..... but I know I can do better - last time around I was a minimum of 5 litres a day girl and if defo helped.... will try over the coming week's to up it.... was out walking for an hour this morning so that was an hour out the drinking!!!

How's you???? Hope your still doing good.....:D
Fine fine - wishing time would pass so it was OVER tbh!
Well done on the walking.
Off for a schmooze round the arcade .....
PS..... beauty of this diet is that time will start to pass quickly and you'll soon be at goal.... 102lbs..... what's that approx 8 stone??? Be gone by August if your a good girl... reckon it'll take me about that long too.... long as I'm looking good for my hols in August that'll be fine...:cool:
Oh Mich dont say it in stones it makes it sound worse! But yep, aiming for August.

WI tonight -4lbs off this week - well 6 days actually because got weighed a day early. Off to update ticker- what a palaver! 25lb in 4 weeks - if only it was possible to keep that rate up!!

It's my birthday tomorrow- am considering a planned "deviation" :eek::eek: of the curry variety - but no nan or rice! Also considering a bottle- oops I meant GLASS:rolleyes: of wine- maybe better go and read that "alcohol in ketosis" sticky to scare the cr3p out of myself - that should put me off! ;) lol