The Check-in Point

Ali, you're right about the no-count, that's what I thought, my usual foods are no-county anyway and you get 35 points on vintage to use on no-count stuff a week. So I'm going to see if I can do it. I'm going to see if it'll stop me eating the rubbish and make me plan a bit more. I'm still recording points too, just being guided by no-count rules.

I'm slowly working my way through this entire thread and noting down points as I go along. When I've finished it all, I will post a little about me and my targets as I think it is a great site, but just wondered about the above.

I thought if food had no points in it on the old system, you just didn't count it, i.e. eat as many carrots and tomatoes as you want. What's the 35 points to use on no-count stuff mean?
Morning Mel-lou
Right, you have no 'weeklies' with discover but you have your allotted points and the guidelines are that you can save up to 4 points a day for something, but that you must use them up and break even by the end of the week. You can earn extra bonus points by doing exercise that you can also use or not if you would like to speed up weight loss. I suggest that you only eat the points that you have earned that are above and beyond the points you usually earn - for example I run 3 times a week, but I do it every week so I don't use these. If I also did a zumba class, because I don't usually do this, I could eat extra points I've earned. You are allowed to eat all your activity points though so it's up to you.

No-count or core used to run alongside the normal weight watchers points programme, but wasn't publicised so much. You basically have a list of foods you can use without pointing, BUT you are only allowed to eat until you are satisfied (not full or stuffed). You then get 35 points a week to spend on whatever you like that isn't core, you could have 5 a day or blow them all at the weekend. The hardest bit is knowing when you are full, if you can't read your body signals then it is easy to over eat. I'm giving it a go, but pointing too to compare. Simply filling is the latest ProPoints one, the only real difference is that they have 49 points instead of 35 extras. I suggest you get to grips with the normal points programme first x

How's it going so far?

My previous post can be ignored as it has been answered now! I asked too quickly, but I'm asking as I go as otherwise I won't remember every post, haha.
Thanks ladies! The farm was great though not long spent with the creatures as there wad go carts to be ridden, big slides to be sledged down and sand to be buried in. However the lizards went down well ds now wants a bearded dragon!

I ate well all day, then came home and nibbled ALL evening :( I must get back on it now, I can feel myself wobbling (in more ways than one). I'm off camping next week for a few days so won't be able to get on here, I really don't want to lose it yet. Oh and got TOTM yesterday so there you go!

Must go and plan my meals, have a nice day peeps x

Again, still reading all the posts slowly, but just wondered where this farm was that you went to. I'm always looking for more places to go with my children of a weekend. Anywhere near Herts?
Yes, after lunch is a plan! I don't know what the food is like at Ikea, but is it not pointable at all?

I've been much better this week, but haven't had time to go gym or anything. I've done a lot of walking though, so much on Friday and Saturday that I've been stiff two days running. I've also been shattered cuz I haven't been sleeping early due to being out in London for our anniversary yesterday, then a silent disco on Friday. I don't even think it's a good plan to go to my friend's after work, to try and rest up, but I've had it planned a week now and I said I won't be out late.

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What's a silent disco?