The diary of a spod.

Back. See my diary, had a moment(one of many!) I know what you mean about the quick fix thing. I always wanted it off quick and easy. But it aint either, so going at it slow and steady now, with a few hiccups along the way. You're doing so well, with all the temptation around. Really admire that. Wanna move to China now for all that cheap beauty stuff!
Yea! Move to China - its all mega cheap here for us laowai but the Chinese people get paid diddly squat in comparison to us, so the prices fit their budgets.

Feeling crap today. Got mega bad sore throat and a couple of white spots at the back of it......I have no medical training but I know its really not a good sign....and my glands are bl**dy massive. Will do the diet good tho cos if it gets much sorer I wont be eating...every cloud and all that!

Having a good day food wise tho. Had egg & tomato noodles in soup(v. yum & only 50p) but confused the lady in the uni cafe by ordering drinks as well as soup. Luckily one of our students was with us, so he explained that we wanted bottles of water for our afternoon classes, but it caused much confusion.
Dinner tonight, not sure yet. Husband is bringing something home with him cos I am wrapped up in my blanket on the sofa feeling sorry for myself with an oucht throat.

Hope everyone else is avoiding the horrible winter germs!

hey spod. thought i would come and find you :) i don't have time to read your whole diary just now but have read the beginning and the end and you seem to be doing really really well :D

just look at that graph!!

hope you get into the 70s.

abz xx
Oh dear Spod. It sounds like you may have a wee bit of tonsilitis coming on there. Had it before and if the spots are on the glands at the back its usually a sign. You should maybe pay the gp a wee visit. Antibiotics sort it out in no time. Hope you're on the mend soon. I think you're right though, November does seem like a bugger of a month!
Thanks Abz! You are doing really well - over half way to your target - thats great!!

I am having a sh*tty evening. Really feel like crap now. My throat feels like its been rubbed with sandpaper and I am sitting here being all tearful and feeling like and looking like rubbish. Dont want to go to work tomorrow but cant afford to take time off - only been in the job for 10 weeks. It will look really bad if I take time off already. Dont know what to do!
B*llocks. I dont want tonsillitus (and I cant spell it either) the white spots are at the back but they are only really small at the moment and there is only a couple so I hoping they will have gone away by the morning. Is that likely??! God I'm cr*p at being ill.
oh honey. look after yourself. do you have some nice soup you can have? or juice you can make hot to try and soothe it?

hopefully it won't be tonsilitus and a massive dose of vit c will help.

abz xx
Oh didn't mean to alarm you. Sorry hen. Just had it before and it sounded like the symptoms. Paracetamol will probably help for just now. You may just be run down and a good rest would help. See how you are in the morning. It aint too bad if it is, just painful and if you need Anti bs they kick in really quickly. Didn#t mean to worry you. Sorry.xx
I have had tonsillitus (sp??) before and it has really wiped me out for a couple of weeks. I am drinking coke (the bubbles are nice on my throat) and hot water with slices of orange in (its a Chinese orange tea) so hopefully the vitamin c will work! Its funny I think that I am sitting here on the other side of the planet posting messages to people on the other side of the world. Weird. Its night time here (nearly 8pm) but it must only be early afternoon with you guys.

I hate being ill and feeling cr*ppy. Thanks for being nice. Really appreciate it xx
Dont worry - you havent freaked me out! Husband has said the same thing too. (ex paramedic in the army)
There is no way on this planet I would have my tonsils out either. Would rather put up with feeling this cr*p once a year of whatever than do that!!
Thats an odd thought but you will be in bed when I am at work tomorrow - its weird!
janey. stop panicking. you gave good advice :) it's horrid that you are feeling horrid though babes.

and it is an odd thought. i keep forgetting you are over in china...

abz xx
Thanks for the good advice last night! My husband was saying the same things here (and was suprisingly sympathetic)
it is a weird thought of people being somewhere else but still in contact via the magic of computers!!

My throat is still mega sore but I went to work this morning cos it was only 1 class. Poor students. My voice is croaky (and I am slightly stuffed up too today) and they have a hard enough time understanding Academic English and my accent most of the time but today - god only knows how they coped!! (dont think some of them did...)
Not sure about tomorrow tho, cos its wiped me out just teaching 1 class. Tomorrow I am there all day (but only teach 2 lessons), guess I will see how I feel later before I make that decision.

So anyway, here I am drinking green tea (again) in the hopes it will make my throat feel better and it will help with the weight loss malarky. Not feeling v. hungry, but I have some pumpkin (they are only little - v. cute) so I think I will cook that for lunch and that will be yummy and soft / easy to eat and healthy. Pumpkin is such a big thing here and yet I never ate it in the UK nor did I see them for sale other than around Halloween. But its delicious and you can make loads of different stuff with it.
As for breakfast - that was naughty this morning. Only had a yakult and a glass of water but I didnt want anything else.

Anyway I am off to make some lunch (have now got in to the habit of eating lunch rediculously early - lunch break here starts at 11.30) so I am hungry now!
Hope you are all fast asleep!!
i hope you start feeling better soon honey. look after yourself and get as many fruits and veggies inside you as you can to help your body out.

what is it like over in china? is it as politically rife as you hear about? is the poverty as desperate as we think? think your opinion, having moved over there from here, would be really interesting to hear.

abz xx
Glad to hear you sounding a wee bit brighter Megan(thought I better start using you name, nice one too) I know you're a wee bit worried about taking time off cause its a new job an all but being unwell is not something you can help. But hope you will feel better later.
I love pumkin soup, you can have it free on my plan. I tend to make a wee batch once a week, with loads of chilli in it(yum!!!)
Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well Spod - I thought of tonsillitus as soon as I'd read your post as well :(

You're healthy eating regime seems to be going really well. Well done :)
Good to hear from you Caws - how are you?

I am feeling better in myself today my throat is not as sore but I have lost my voice!! Dont think boss is too happy, but husband said there was no way I could go to work (I was going to try to...) At this rate I wont be in tomorrow either cos its not any better now than it was last night but I will see how it is later....

I like the idea of pumpkin soup with chilli Janey...that might clear my head! Will make some for lunch in a little while.

Abz I am being good and having lots of fruit juice / fruit tea (am drinking orange tea as I type this).

Your questions about China are difficult to answer as its such a huge country and experiences are very different depending on where you are. (for example Chengdu - where the earthquake was, to Beijing is 1000 miles - and that not even the top of the country to the bottom!)
So here is China, according to Spod...

It is an amazingly beautiful country with a facinating history. We have been made to feel very welcome by the majority of the people we have met (I can only think of 3 people who have been rude in shops!!)
People go out of their way to try and speak English, especially if you are trying to speak Chinese. The government are well organised (- they dont lose immigrants like they do in the UK) and the country is developing quickly - the area where I am is a great mixture of ancient tradition and Western influences, which makes for an interesting and eclectic mix.
I personally feel the news in the west is very inaccurate on occasions and biased against China and I strongly believe that GB and USA need to look at the own human rights records and what is happening now before they comment on other peoples' countries (e.g. sort out Southern Ireland & Guantanamo Bay).
I think maybe if I was in Beijing it might be different but here in my experience politics are far more low key. (I personally think its like London and the rest of the UK - in my experience, maybe other people have diff. experiences??)

There is a lot of poverty in the farming communities and a lot of people leave their kids with grandparents and move to the cities to work and then send money home. Out of 10 Chinese friends, 8 people live seperately from their husbands, which they dont like, but its a necessity. There are also a lot of working class, middle and upper class people too!
I live in a good area with excellent schools and facilities. Our city is more expensive than other places cos it is a v. big tourist destination which has pushed the prices up (like in Cornwall in the UK). Urm...dont really know what else to tell you. If you have specific questions I am more than happy to answer!

Off to make some pumpkin soup with chilli. Yum!!

Just weighed myself which was a stupid thing to do cos a) its not first thing in the morning and I have eaten 2 meals (pumpkin soup was good!!) and b) its not Sunday / Monday and therefore not a weigh in day. So now I feel annoyed cos I am 81kg and annoyed cos I was trying really hard to not weigh myself more than once a week but I forgot.
Ho hum.

So I am now killing time posting in my diary cos I am bored not being at work and it too much time to think about stuff.

So the thought of the day is...

What will I look like when I weight 10 stone? What dress size will I be? Will I want to lose more weight? (Cant imagine being 9 stone something...actually can quite imaging weighing less than 11 stone at the moment)

Ok. So that is more than 1 question (maths was never my strong point). But I want to know! Have been reading the WW newsletter that I still have emailed and there is a woman who is the same weight as I am now (and I think looks like the same size in her before photo) and she looks absolutely stunning in her after photo - thats what has got me wondering...
I know you cant answer the questions but thought I would share them with you!!
