The epic journey begins!

Sometimes in life you need a good rant don't you think?! So here's mine! What a morning! Im soooooooo tired.......I'm up at 4-4:30 every morning as Freddie has turned into an early rising baby....and not getting into bed till 11pm as I'm having to pick Mia up from rehearsals every evening from town....a 20 mile round trip each time..... so, I'm tired....scrap that exhausted...I'm potty training and I have a teething I really should've known better than to have left the house this morning! But I just wanted to exchange a pair of sandals for a pair of jeans in new look and buy some baby food in asda...hmmmmm that doesn't sound too bad....... :argh: i had had to try some jeans on....big soon as I started taking my clothes off Freddie goes into full on I tried to multitask....take jeans off with one hand whilst madly shaking his toy robot at him and in the process ripped one of my nails 3/4 of the way...owwwwwwwwwww! gave up on jeans and decided to go to asda...Freddie calmed down as we moved which was fab....get to asda and decide to buy some nail scissors which I can use when I get out the shop because finger is really sore....3/4's of the way round I notice that Jacob is stood there holding himself so we abandoned shopping and went on mercy mission to the toilets only to have him freak out when we get there because apparently we were previously in the biscuit aisle and he wanted to look at the biscuits?! :beam: in process of doing his shorts back up I ripped my nail even more, prompting a near tearful response from me! We manage to pay but now Freddie is screaming again and everybody every two minutes random people are me what's wrong with him...if I knew..I'd be doing something about it!!!! Ask cashier girl for scissors to cut my scissors open as they were unopenable and of course she doesn't have any...customer services may......but as we walked past there's a ginormous queue... manage to get to car, manually rip my nail...causing huge pain but it had to come Jacob to do wee on potty in the boot of the car and packed them both in to their car seats. I climb in the car and promptly burst into tears!! Enough is enough....there was only so much this Mummy can take on limited energy! so.......not Cambridge related at all really..but boy do I feel better now! :tongue:

Wow sounds very stressful!!! Rant way, it's better out than stuck inside. x
So weigh in day today...and only lost 1.5lbs :cry:Not quite sure why as stuck to everything and haven't maybe it'll show up next week, 1.5 isn't bad.....just bit up to my usual standard! .......she has amazing scales that show you body fat, muscle water etc and apparently I did lose 2.5lbs of pure fat ? But then you'd of thought that that would reflect in tour weight loss wouldn't you......I'm going to have to learn the science of these scales because she wants me to buy them if and when I qualify as a consultant! At the moment they just confuse me!
Hope everyone is doing ok.......? I've dropped back down from ss+ to ss now that the crazy week is over but it's making me feel really hungry!! I may have to step back up to ss+ on Thursday if I'm struggling.....after 12 weeks on CWP I think my body really enjoyed a few extra calories!

Had my telephone interview for cambridge this morning and as scary as it was it went really well and I'm booked for my training day in September :bananadance: Whopee! Shame it wasn't august but never mind, just counting down the weeks now !
Hope everyone is doing ok.......? I've dropped back down from ss+ to ss now that the crazy week is over but it's making me feel really hungry!! I may have to step back up to ss+ on Thursday if I'm struggling.....after 12 weeks on CWP I think my body really enjoyed a few extra calories! Had my telephone interview for cambridge this morning and as scary as it was it went really well and I'm booked for my training day in September :bananadance: Whopee! Shame it wasn't august but never mind, just counting down the weeks now !

Am so pleased for you. x
Weigh in day today...and another 1.5 lb loss :confused: I know it's a loss but at this rate it'll take 8 weeks to get to goal instead of four! Neither me or my consultant are quite sure what's going on so the plan is to stay on ss+ this week and give my body a bit of a shock as it may have just got to used to the limited calories....... So annoying ...I'm not on the verge of giving up or binging or anything.....I have too much riding on this and I've been really happy with my journey so far, just want my 3-4lb losses back please!!

however on the plus side I got my 3.5 stone certificate so that cheered me up a bit!
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Weigh in day today...and another 1.5 lb loss :confused: I know it's a loss but at this rate it'll take 8 weeks to get to goal instead of four! Neither me or my consultant are quite sure what's going on so the plan is to stay on ss+ this week and give my body a bit of a shock as it may have just got to used to the limited calories....... So annoying ...I'm not on the verge of giving up or binging or anything.....I have too much riding on this and I've been really happy with my journey so far, just want my 3-4lb losses back please!! however on the plus side I got my 3.5 stone certificate so that cheered me up a bit!

Happen to me last week, week 2 and no loss. I was mortified. WI tonight, fingers crossed for a loss
Oh no!! Pop back and let me know how it goes! I'll have my fingers crossed! X
Blimey!!!!!!!!!!!! Pops that is awesome!! you must be walking on air well done for you!! :D
Weigh in day today...and another 1.5 lb loss :confused: I know it's a loss but at this rate it'll take 8 weeks to get to goal instead of four! Neither me or my consultant are quite sure what's going on so the plan is to stay on ss+ this week and give my body a bit of a shock as it may have just got to used to the limited calories....... So annoying ...I'm not on the verge of giving up or binging or anything.....I have too much riding on this and I've been really happy with my journey so far, just want my 3-4lb losses back please!! however on the plus side I got my 3.5 stone certificate so that cheered me up a bit!

Well done on your 3.5 stone loss that's amazing!! I would be really interested to see what ur loss is like next week moving to ss+ as I am having the same issue 100% ss and no loss this week and only 2 last week it's so demotivating and I don't want to give up I just want a decent Loss for living on 500 calories a day! I deserve one for gods sake! Haha let me know how u get on xx
That's awesome!! Kind of what I was hoping would happen this week's quite common at some point to have a a really low loss or none at all as your body clings onto what you're putting in and tried to store it before letting it all go. Up unfortunately that just hasn't happened to me yet! It's still clinging on! Pops you must be over the moon!!

Princessava hopefully the same will happen for you at weigh in also.....when's your next one? Xxx
I got weighed this morning and lost 1lb :-( I am hoping my sudden drop will be next week, I don't know how much longer I can hold out with 1lb losses especially as I am 100%!! I do feel strangely motivated though so I'm wondering if I have lost some inches (my consultant measures every 2 weeks) so I'm going to plough on and up my water intake to 4 litres and see if that helps! How has everyone done today? Xx
Oh PrincessAva , you're doing so well to stay strong, my mind has started drifting to food and I've started craving all sorts but it's all totally psychological as I can tell I get moments where I'm drifting into a 'sod it' moment! I manage to pull myself out but I know it's due to being so good and everything stalling on me!

We we just have to have faith that this plan works and that we will at some point, get a huge loss to make up for all the crappy ones! I know it happens, it's just a matter of when! Xxxx
I nearly had a sod it moment this evening as well, ended up coming upstairs at 7pm so I wouldn't give in!! God this is hard but we can do this! :)
Well done! We'd both feel worse if we caved in that's for sure!

Ive had had a few sod it moments this weekend but stopped myself and tried to drink more water instead....the hot weather def isn't helping the weight loss I don't think.......and looking at the scales this morning (I'm still a serial weigher!) they've moved by a pound which is really good considering last two weeks the scales haven't shifted at all until weigh in day....hopefully a good omen! I've got a weekend off on the 9th/10th aug so just hanging in there till then! Normally in two weeks I'd lose half a stone so fingers crossed that I can be at four stone down by the weekend off....that'd be amazeballs!
Ok so I thought because I am mentally struggling I would write a quick, short list of the positives of my weight loss......hopefully all different from my last list! So............. :thinking2:

1. I'm enjoying being a size 12 altho still keep picking things up in a 14 'just incase'!!
2. Love my face being thinner, it looks more angular in photos as opposed to a round blob!
3. I bought a pair of shorts today which I would only ever normally wear abroad and certainly not locally where people could see me!
4. I have collarbones!
5. When I lie down my tummy looks flat and I can see my rib cage and hip bones!
6. Tummy has reduced...altho a considerable way to go yet!
7. Starting to get a real thrill out of clothes shopping again instead of 'what can I buy to cover up arms, tummy, bum'
8. Love the fact that Jacob ( Mr.3 year old) can now snuggle up on the settee next to me and still have room.....I used to take most of the settee up before!
9. I'm less physically tired ( I'll always be mentally tired with my crazy family!) starting to believe people when they give me a compliment :tongue:
Great list! I had to empty out my wardrobe today as we were moving furniture about to day in the flat and it made me realise again how many clothes I have that are lovely and can't wear - most of them are size 12/14 which is the size I want to be, so hopefully it won't be more than another month before I am back in them all. It is the maintenance side of things I am freaking out about!!

One thing I find really helps with the mental side of the cravings / behaviour change is to stop and think "I am only doing this today, if I still want it (whatever "it" is) tomorrow, then I can have it." It takes the edge off in that moment I find, and of course if you make it through to tomorrow your resolve is stronger still and the craving has gone anyway. Works for me anyway and I have no willpower at all. Although doing this diet is the easiest time I have had as the sugar cravings are non-existent as my carb intake is so low. It really is true if you don't eat the carbs and processed crap you don't crave it!

Carry on anyway, you have done so well! Have you been SS all this time?
Hi hon, yes sole source...altho about twice a week if I'm struggling I'll have a plain omelette or a couple of hard boiled eggs to keep me going.....someone on the Facebook group suggested that could be why I'm having small losses because my body is needing me to increase my calories so we'll see.....I've enjoyed being on plan...I never thought four months ago that my body would've changed so dramatically...I really feel like a different person :D