The fat is back

Welcome back sugar plum.
Those pesky kg's are dust!
Where are the minutes going?
I wish my kgs would disappear as fast as time seems to be slipping by....never have a minute to spare!!!!

Day 3....things

Have got by with just a few hiccups, not, 2 apples, yesterday 1 apple and a mouthful of peanuts because I was certain I was gonna pass out and was afraid that I wouldn't make the drive home...really shakey and come i didn't feel any of this first time round?

Thanks for all the lovely welcomes....I promise to spend a couple of hours at the weekend catching up with all my old butty's, but must put my princess to bed now!!!:eek:

Hoping for ketosis by tomorrow, but with the teeny blips, not sure if that's gonna happen.......

.....but.....feeling much better today than yesterday, and a quick jump on the scales this morn made me smile....have to love this crazy diet!!!!
Well done you. The slip ups could have been much worse and glad you're seeing a change on the scales already.
keep it up and you'll be in ketosis in no time.
So, I feel great!!!

I’m trying not to talk too loud, ‘cos how on earth could I be in ketosis, it’s not as if I’ve been 100%. But after YEARS of experience, I am beginning to understand that – I’m not eating, I’m purging my body of food, and an apple isn’t really gonna make a huge difference…’s the strength to stop at one apple that makes the difference. I’m in a taxi on the way to school at the moment (7:30am) and will not be home ‘til 10 tonight as I have a night class after work today, so wish me luck….I’m praying that my little theory works out!!!

So what have I been up to in my absence? Where shall I start, I believe I last dropped by in March this year. I was having trouble fitting into my jeans, feeling, well….disappointed in myself. I believe I started then at 80kg, I took it down to 74 in 2 weeks….I think….need to check statistics. But, on the weekend of the 2nd week, something strange happened…..I lost it, and I don’t mean with food…..I got really angry with something really tiny and walked out of the house. I stayed out all day, even went to the movies by myself….coming back really late at night and sleeping in the spare bed. I didn’t know what was wrong. I went to work on the Monday morning and a friend who was joining me in this journey of ‘back to slim-dom’ recounted a similar weekend of nastiness, angriness and general loss of emotional control…!t….a chemical reaction? Whatever it was, I (and she) stopped ss’ing immediately. The weight stayed off for a little while at least, and then in April I went on my holiday of a lifetime to Borneo…..I had the most amazing time (and would definitely recommend to anyone who is as fascinated by the jungle and tribal cultures as I am), but the food…..south-east asian cuisine, buffet style every morning and night…..nothing else to say, I was probably back up to 80 by the time I came home. In May, I went to a conference for work, and there I went to a workshop about healthy eating and encouraging children to live healthy lifestyles. It was put on by Weight Watchers, and I spent the majority of the session in tears, nodding to myself as I associated with everything that they said. I decided to give WW a try. I went to 3 sessions before I started my Summer holidays and I was happy, I went down to 77kgs and was still able to eat!!! I tried to continue counting, even without going to the sessions, but it was hard. I was back up to 80 by the start of school. I started Belly Dancing in September which has really helped to tighten my stomach up, and I really love it! But a visit from my bestest friend in the World at the beginning of October was a big problem food-wise for me. You see, food is incredibly important in Chinese culture, and there is a lot of different kinds of food, all of which is absolutely scrumptious[FONT=&#23435]。。。。。[/FONT]so, 84kgs….that’s how I got here……hope not to revisit and will certainly not miss those extra pounds when they leave….

…….Lunchtime now, just had a chicken soup and a bottle of coke zero…..feel fine hunger wise, very tired and greasy though….does anyone else experience extreme greasy skin when the ss?
It's such a well known story, it's so easy to do. We are all guilty of enjoying food a little too much otherwise we wouldn't be here. You sound as if you're going great guns hun. Well done.

I can't remember on the greasy skin thing to be honest. I've not been very good in ages. My housemate is SS'ing at present and she says her skin is dry. - I guess it effects us all differently.

Enjoy your busy day although i'm sure it's almost over now.

ss awol -again....but not doing too bad on the eating front....I can't be doing with the no poo thing, it's really distressing uncomfortable and just not worth it.....

......after semi-ss'ing for just about a week, I am still clogged up and in pain almost a week later.....eurgghh....sorry...tmi!!!!

So, I've been making better choices, and I think I'm gonna try to go back to WW....maybe online?

There's so much snow here, it's beautiful....I love my home! But, have been having a nightmare of a week, kids coming down with H1N1....NOT GOOD!!!
Well done on making better choices.
It's all a step in the right direction.

I'm thinking of giving WW a go myself to be honest.

A long time since I've been here! A deserter? Sorry! But I'm back! And I've got a pretty good head on! Hahaha!

I also have a new addition to introduce! Baby Liam, the most perfect surprise, arrived on October 29th....he turned my world around as is the most beautiful little man. His big sister is great with him and is my little helper!

But, all of that joy....a little bit of stress, a lot of hormones, and here I am again....

I'm 108.8 kgs. That's 240 lbs. 15 bloody stone! Aaaarrrrgggghhhh! Liam is already 6 months old. I was 107 kgs last weigh in before he was born and 103 the next day! What the hell have I been doing to myself??? I'm part depressed, part delighted! I'm back to the same weight as I was when I first did CD three and a half years much more motivation to kick myself in the @ss and get myself going! I'm a little bit scared, but i have to stay determined! I have a wardrobe full of beautiful clothes (all ranging from size 12 to size 20 with every size in-between!) i have heel spurs in my foot so large that walking is becoming so painful! I have two young children and i know that the extra weight doesn't help the pain. I want to be able to run around, dance and play sports with the kids! I'm setting myself some mini goals. I hope they are attainable! Today is May 2nd 2011. By June 2nd, I hope to be 99 kgs. By july 2nd I hope to be 92 kgs.

I know a lot of you on here have seen me come and go in the past....I have to do this this time. I WILL DO IT! I need your help! xxxx
Hey honey - always lovely to see you! Just wish you wouldn't leave it so long!!! lol.

How are you planning to lose the weight then? CD again or something new?????

I too am struggling food wise and need a good sharp kick up the backside. Reluctant to go back to CD but think it's the only thing that I can stick to for some pathetic, ridiculous reason grrrrr lol.

Great to hear from you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ooooh welcome back and welcome to Liam also!!!
Karen1972 said:
Hey honey - always lovely to see you! Just wish you wouldn't leave it so long!!! lol.

How are you planning to lose the weight then? CD again or something new?????

I too am struggling food wise and need a good sharp kick up the backside. Reluctant to go back to CD but think it's the only thing that I can stick to for some pathetic, ridiculous reason grrrrr lol.

Great to hear from you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hiya Angel!

I know, I'm always going AWOL! If not from minimins from Facebook, usually both! I do think of you and so many of the other wonderful people I met here often!

I'm back with CD. Day 3 over with (10:30pm here) and feeling pretty good. Hubby made me laugh on day 1 though, telling me to stop looking at Liam as if I was going to eat him! Hahaha!

I haven't had a chance to go on minis on my computer yet, just using the app on my phone which is taking a little to get used haven't found your diary yet. But will be having a quiet few days as hubby has taken 2 little ones back to his home town this evening (I'm almost in tears just now at the thought mind you!) so I'll have plenty of time to turn on the computer and visit you all!

Hope you are doing good cariad!


Where did Puggso go! You're looking good young man! ?

I shall catch up with you soon and find out about what's been going on in your life!

Love to you!


He's still here..honest :) But thanks! No need to catch up, little has changed really in my diary. Same old just tracking and going along with it!
Still here!

I've been pretty good over the past two and half weeks, not completely 100%, but pretty close, and blips have not been every day, more like one-a-week.....yeah-hey!

So...I've updated my ticker for the first time. I'm doing it today instead of Monday as I seriously do not understand how working mothers have time to get online and do stuff (except, of course online shopping on Taobao- the amazing Chinese e-bay!:D)

Drum-roll 20 days, I have shed 8.5kgs, almost 19lbs! Yeah-hey! It hasn't been too hard going, but definitely not as easy as first time round. I think I remember it getting so much easier when people started noticing....and this week there have been a few comments here and there...spurring me on...spurring me on! (There was also a comment asking 'how come you're still so fat, how old is Liam now, 6 months, hmmm, you need to find a way to lose some weight Paula!' And another asking if I was pregnant again:mad:.....China...where tact is just a word that rhymes with fact!')

It's super windy today, not too sure where to go. Fancy going for a long walk. Might drive out of the city and find a nice spot by a lake to have a walk around, or maybe just to our local park for some kite flying.

I will try to update again soon. I also had/have a grand plan to read some other diaries and find some old friends.....and another plan to go through my own diary and read over my original journey. I still have that plan and will try to fulfill....but have just been hollered at to move my bum so that we can go I'd better go now!