The First Diary of Trudy C age 40 something!

*go trudy go* that's the banner the minimins are all holding up for you as you sing your heart out xxx
Thanks ladies - will let you know how we go! So just back in from Ben's third birthday celebration of the week and then the get together I wasn't looking forward to! It actually was okay apart from what was supposed to be drinks and nibbles was a sit down buffet affair with spring rolls, prawns in filo etc, etc etc. They were v sad when I refused a drink but accepted that I was driving but then totally flummoxed when I refused the food - even the tomato and cucumber!!! So I explained my diet a little bit and apologised for not eating but stressed that I didn't want to break it...... They were fine with that and when food was over I kept on with my diet coke and all was fine.... Just back in with Ben now who had a great time with Auntie Jenny!!!!
Otherwise my day was okay but not inspiring food wise- not taking a piece of Ben's third birthday cake was easy today - not a choccy cake fan!!!
PP day
B - 2 muffins
L - chicken with Dukan BBQ sauce
D - steak/chicken/eggs

Missed out on my full oat bran today and yesterday - just been forgetting to take them places with me and just too late now to eat them!!! Will do better - not like me to miss out on my favourite muffins!!! LOL!
sounds like the dukan shield of willpower is working just fine T - enjoy your show this week even though its going to be cream crackering for you

T next week :superwoman: x
Remerber super heros wear there knickers on the outside of there trousers lol and they will be a lot smaller and sexier than they used to be xx good luck
Well sang with the orchestra today for the first time and got a bit lost!!!! Hopefully tomorrow I will feel more confident with it!!! Habit cuts out alot of ur hearing which is interesting.... Sat in tech rehearsal which is v boring!!!! Lol!!! Not sure wearing knickers over my nun costume will go down well!!!! Lol!
Anyway another pp day!
B - 2 muffins
L - chicken and BBQ sauce
D - tofu creme and muffins
WI tomorrow nit sure what it will be but a STS will make me sad as been a tough week!!!!
im sure the weigh in will be fine tommorrow hun xx
Yayayayay, was scared stiff of standing on the scales today as no idea what they would say but I have lost 4 lbs !!!! Sooooo happy - had really kicked myself into touch this week so relieved that it got my weight shifting again!!! Day off today so gonna have a wee relax in preparation for the coming week!!!!
woohoo !! and look at ur BMI lovely lady :D
Trudy fantastic loss soooooo pleaded for you x your hard work is rewarded x
Fantastic loss :)
So a lovely start to the day with a great WI which was lovely.. Had a few hours peace and quiet this morning then headed to town with Ben - we had some chores to do and then met a friend for lunch - Ben ate his way through a mountain of chips!!! I had salad nicoise (not sure of spelling) and parsnip soup but left the soup cos I think it had potato in it!!! Then went for a bit of clothes shopping and bought a nice top from Primark which looks lovely.. Everyone saying I look quite a lot thinner this week!! YAY! Then headed home to get Ben some dinner before heading off for dress rehearsal.... All went okay apart from the same stupid song which I just cannot follow with the orchestra - am fine with all my others, just that one and it's my big number - spent the entire time during the song watching the MD who was mouthing the words to get the timing!!! Not the most professional look!! Oh dear - anyway, had a chat with her after and a few things had gone wrong with the orchestra and she is gonna make the piano a bit more prominent which may help!!!! ARGH - scared though!!! What will be will be!!! Then to round of a long and tiring night someone broke into the kids dressing room and stole 3 mobiles, a set of car keys and a purse!! Just horrible - the area is fairly secure so quite a surprise, mind you there is a number lock on the entrance door and quite a few people know it so???? Not nice for the people who lost their stuff !!! Think I will be leaving my phone in the car from now on! And only keep enough money for a drink at the end!!! HMMMMM!
So a good food day:-
B - 2 muffins
L - tuna, egg, salad, parsnip soup (2 tablespoons)
D - chicken/ salad/ 2 muffins
Did have a skinny latte too which was lovely........ Anyway it is late now so off to sleep I go! x
hope the piano being louder cracks it for you .... as they say it will be all right on the night :D
Thieves want their hands chopping off what as shame.....hope it all comes right in the end good luck Trudy xxx
What a day, what a day - tried to keep busy doing the accounts as the book keeper here on Friday and nowhere near finished but my tummy was churning all day with nerves for tonight! Kept losing my concentration so probably made a lot of mistakes - will try and reconcile it with the bank before Friday and be sure there are no 'doosies'!
Opening night was fine - some snags with scene changes but otherwise it was fine. Said song was fine with the piano and I nearly cried in relief!!! Let myself down slightly at the end with some not so great singing but hey ho - not a disaster! Hope tomorrow is the same! Got home and one of my girls said her Mum and Gran had been to see it and had cried all the way through my solo and thought it was the best thing since sliced bread - the Hereford Times were in tonight so we shall see what they write on Thursday!!! Scary thought!
Anyway not the greatest food day simply because I did not eat enough and forgot to take my muffins with me for this evening......Will try better tomorrow!

PP day
B - 2 muffins
L - chicken with red thai curry sauce (was yum, yum double yum)
D - two muffins at 11.45pm!!!!

Will try and be more organised tomorrow!!! Couldn't face anything before the show anyway - maybe I need to be on the stage all the time as it certainly stopped me eating!!LOL - don't think I could deal with the nerves!!! ARGH!
glad it went well hun xx
Sounds like a successful first night, that's great news. Now all mistakes ironed out it can only improve,how longs the run? Sing your heart out girl.....wish we had sound minimins to hear you lol and hope reviews are kind xxx