the "i want to lose 50lb by 2011" thread

a1 cant get any brighter than that haha :)
i have some staining at the tops of my teeth so hopefully they will go brighter than they are already!! haha. the dentist said they will lighten up but not as much as they would if i was darker :)
:asskick: That's for the pizza Colly (bad girl!!!).

I have to admit that when my teeth get a bit dull (drink a lot of black coffee) I just use bicarbonate of soda on my toothbrush for a few days (after normal brushing) and they seem to come up quite nicely. :brushing teeth:

Yay!!! :wee: Hit my second goal today :party0011::woohoo:
Lost 5lbs this week
Another 3lbs off for me this week. Can't remember when I last put my WI on here:eek: but when I joined this challenge I had 56lbs to lose before my goal and now 39lbs to lose - so going in the right direction:) Hope everyone is ok
Well done Meltdown your doing FAB!!
Thank you Ronsy:eek:
Don't know if I could have stuck to it without the support on here. It's great to know that we are all in the same boat.
I agree it is tough if you don't have anyone who understands and I love that you can ask all sorts of dumb questions on this site about weight (and normal life) and there is always someone on here who can answer you, so you have no need to stress about your weight loss or to go off track. :)
1.5lb off tonight which is the last two weeks.. disappointed as I havent had a bad couple of weeks at all... but its still comming of at least! 10lb gone, 40 to go!
well done hanz, its still heading in the right direction! maybe you've built up some muscle from all that footy! x
0.5lbs loss oh well.
A loss is a loss! Better than gaining :)
just bought Vivien of Holloway for a wedding tomorrow. i am sooo excited for it arriving!!!
Colly this is Gorgeous, you have to post a picture of you in it!!
I will when the wedding photos are back, or maybe if I play dress up again soon! Tell you something, I've never felt prettier in anything than I did yesterday in that- that includes when I was thin!! Miracle dress! O/h just said its the best he ever saw me look too, bless him!
And bear in mind I was 5st lighter when we met. So it really is a compliment!
Well done Hun!!! Can't wait to see your pics :D
pm'd you a pic ronsy :) x
STUNNING!!!! you should have this as your profile pic!!
i'm not sure about that with my tree trunks for legs, lol, but thanks both.

i've been good this week. i know its only a day and a half! but last night i was power craving an indian, and i resisted (for once) and this morning i woke up and thought...hmm..the world didn't cave in when i resisted temptation...maybe i could do this more often!! x