The journey continues!

6 days in a row is fantastic, you're really getting back in the zone. I love reading your diary for inspiration, keep going as I'm hoping to follow you.
Thanks smallerme - I love your name by the way, it's great :) I've found it really helpful this week to start the diary, helping me to focus on what I actually want to achieve... albeit one day at a time. Good luck with your journey too, the support here is fantastic, and for me it was just such a relief finding something that could help me get towards my goal without it taking years!
Woohoo, day 7 on plan. Finally, a whole week doing what I intend to do, which is losing weight (well, I guess the real evidence will be tomorrow morning when I stand on the scales) but anyway, regardless of what the scales say, it feels fantastic to be back on track.

I've had a fantastic day at work today, 2 separate people commented on my weight loss, I do think it's finally starting to show, and even I can now tell sometimes when I look in the mirror that there is a lot less tummy to show!

I went to M&S at lunch time to get some new underwear... it was a bit essential as both my knickers & my tights had been falling down, and figured I wasn't looking particularly cool and professional walking round yanking them up all the time! I'd had enough by lunch time so nipped out and got some new stuff. I'm so pleased though, I got some size 16 knickers and they fit perfectly! I tried on petticoats and it's a size 14 that fits best! Unbelieveable... not sure my head has quite caught up, but starting to believe it. The skirt I'd been wearing all day was a size 20, which is getting a bit loose - combined with the underwear situation, just glad I made it to Marks before an embarrassing incident occured!

I'm really starting to believe that overweight is possible for me, and that I really can get to my normal bmi goal this year. Thank you all so much for your kind words & support on this forum over the past few weeks while I've been going round in circles & trying to clear the fug in my head.

I've just done my measurements and I've now lost 11 inches from my waist since I started this, it's incredible. I now have a 39" waist (which I think is officially a size 20 - but clothes seem to say otherwise... random sizing!)

Feeling on top of the world today, and so glad to have found this diet & this forum :D
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Wow what a great day, it's amazing what new knickers can do for the soul, I remember throwing the contents of my knicker drawer out and going buying new ones a few months after having my second baby, it was a really good feeling. The inch loss is fabulous, what a way to lose a lot of dress sizes. Here's to new clothes for a new sized you.
Really pleased I had a 2.5lb loss on the scales this morning. Not a brilliant loss, but good enough for me, now I've finally got back on track. With any luck next week will be as good as or even better! I'm now only got 5lbs to go to get to 6 stone, and then just another stone to go to get to overweight! It's all starting to feel very close!

It's weird to think I'll be able to start shopping in normal shops. I've been using places like Evans since I was about 14! - I don't even know which shops will have the clothes I like... this could get expensive! Going to stick to charity shops & hand me downs on the whole though until I get to my target, as I don't want to get too attached to the weight I am now!
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Yay - well done on the loss - fab stuff. You'll be getting that next balloon in no time

Its scary how much you spend when you can shop in normal shops Rachel. Im now a pretty comfortable 16 and just cant stop buying stuff just coz I know it will fit me.

Well done on the loss!
It's lovely though Joanne, just being able to go into a shop and expecting that you could fit into an item there :)

Today has been a lovely day, visiting cousins who hadn't seen me for a few months so they spotted a big difference! And I was so touched when I got back to see the lovely messages on the forum :) Thank you guys, it's really touching.

I just feel really grateful that this forum exists and for all the wonderful people like Starlight who put the effort in to make it work for all of us. It's such a great resource to find out about the diet, and also to support each other through the ups and downs. I'm not sure I'd have persevered through the last month without knowing you guys were here and would understand the crazy things we have to work through in our heads.

I'm really glad I've identified the elephant thing, it's made a lot of difference starting to separate it from my identity. Although I'm not sure yet that flamingo is quite the right thing to replace it. I think I'd like my new identity to involve tall, elegant, colourful... I think my next step is to work on a poster for myself. I've done this before, when setting goals and it really helps me. For some reason I've been putting it off for a couple of months, so that's my mission, to have completed a poster for myself by the end of the week, to help me focus on where I want to get to by the end of the year!

I'm losing track, but I think it may be day 9 on track now! It's definitely getting easier again, and the 15's are so close now! I stood on the scales this morning, and they wobbled at 15:13, before making their mind up at 16:1... getting there :D
day 10 on track :) (well, had a bit of cabbage at tea-time with my soup!) but still in the realm of WS.
And I've finally started working on my poster - currently ripping out words / pictures out of magazines, to use in it.
Well done getting back on track. I've read your diary and it has really motivated and inspired me to carry on when struggling.
I think your losses so far are amazing.
Woohoo, stepped on the scales this morning and 15:13.5... so just into the 15's, just a couple more pounds and I'll have lost 6 pounds. I'm soooooooooo pleased.

I've been wondering about the giraffe, but our little girl seems really taken with giraffes at the moment. I'll ponder it a bit longer :)
Thanks Rachel, I do feel like I'm getting close to breaking through in my head. With the scales having gone to the 15's today I've still managed to stay 100%, so I'm feeling positive about it all.
As you say, this dream is in my hands, and I am so determined to see it through :)
5 months in and still going strong :)

Just realised I started this 5 months ago. I'm so pleased with the results to date, and really excited that I will be able to achieve my goal (albeit with several more month's work!) I'm really hoping I can have shifted the next stone by Easter, to take me to overweight :D

Now to run up to bed, do not pass the fridge, do not pass the kitchen... I will get to the end of day 12 back on track!
You are amazing, what an acheivement, hooray for the 15-somethings, I can't wait to get there. It's not an easy diet this one but the results are worth the commitment.