The journey to fat freedom continues... 7 weeks fast track

Wow! How weird is that. They seem to have it licked. I think they must be making a small fortune. Must check out the rest of their piccies.

My mum does cruises all the time, well twice a year and she verifies they are like a hotel, the only time you know you are at sea is when you go on the top deck and look off or open a porthole window... You will have a fab time. I've been to Barbados and Jamaica but I would love to go to Miami. I can see why you want to be swimsuit ready! You have amazing shape and definition anyway, so that 9 pesky pounds will be gone and you will be hot to trot! Is the partner not coming?
Nikie said:
I'm going to try and wait until 7pm to have my final shake too. OH is away for the night now so I am watching crap tv (that he hates!) and may have a bath and relax, ready for work tomorrow. Met a friend for coffee this afternoon and she is really supportive of me doing this and gaining my confidence back, so thats really positive!

It's so much easier when you are on your Todd. At least you can loaf about and roll around on the floor screaming "why me" without anyone judging you :)

I'm holding out... Another 20 minutes then shake
Number 3. Another pint of water and bath time! Still got some series links to watch. Britain and irelands next top model, revolution, walking dead. It's all good. I don't want that hobnob calling me from the kitchen. Do one hobnob.
Bathed... Feeling super tired. I'm not sure if the headache is from the lack of caffeine or from the withdrawal of sugar either way I wish it would go away. Nevermind the little one is just about to go to bed which means I shall be doing to same.

On to day 3!
Wow! How weird is that. They seem to have it licked. I think they must be making a small fortune. Must check out the rest of their piccies.

My mum does cruises all the time, well twice a year and she verifies they are like a hotel, the only time you know you are at sea is when you go on the top deck and look off or open a porthole window... You will have a fab time. I've been to Barbados and Jamaica but I would love to go to Miami. I can see why you want to be swimsuit ready! You have amazing shape and definition anyway, so that 9 pesky pounds will be gone and you will be hot to trot! Is the partner not coming?

I've been to Miami, Jamaica, Barbados and Antigua before. On the cruise we'll be stopping at the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Grand Turks and St Thomas. It's just us girls so the OH is not coming. He is well jealous as he's never been on a cruise and has always wanted to go. I've promised him we'll go next year.

My sister is seriously claustrophobic so we've got a balcony. It's awfully tiny but at least it will give us the sense of more space.

Where has you mum been?
Oh dear... I'm tempted, so tempted to join you...

Woo hoo, day two already! :happy036: Brilliantly done. :clap:
Hi I've really enjoyed reading your diary! I have a lot in common with you I know how you feel on a lot of levels! I get so snappy aswell my poor OH doesn't no what's hit him!!
We went out for Father's Day round Hyde park and I was in such an awful mood cos we couldn't go out for dinner after!! As I was in London I felt like I should go to a nice restaurant but couldn't!!

I threw a full on toddler tantrum this evening because I wanted fajitas and had to have my boring old shake!! Don't no how he puts up with me lol but I'm feeling better for sticking to the shake :D
I'm trying to down more water before bed!

Ill keep following I think we'll get on ;) xx
Hello Hayley - good to know I'm not the only demented witch around! How long have you been doing Cambridge and how much have you lost? Inquiring minds need to know! :)

Lily - You know what. I feel like I can do it this time, armed with the arsenal of information I have collected about maintaining from body building websites...Ha. I'm not doing a Jodi Marsh or anything, but the fact is. Lean Muscle is imperative for health. So 12 weeks, then stepping up. Then Paleo for life...well that's a bold statement but you know. Paleo moving forward.

Mel - my mum did a Caribbean Cruise last year, but she does Med cruises mostly - her fella is ex merchant navy. Say no more. The last one was from Venice, funny to see this massive ship in the tiny Venice port.
I used to work for a travel agent selling cruises and I've been on a few I love them!! So glamorous and sooo much food and drink ;) haha

I've been on it for 4 weeks now and have got my 5th weigh in Wednesday night I've lost 19lbs so far I was doing really well and lost 19lbs in 3 weeks but had a pound gain last week as went off the rails. I've pulled it back and hoping for a good loss Wednesday :)

I'm craving food again tho its driving me mad!! I still want fajitas :( and today's major craving is scones jam and cream!! Hate my food demons!!
I'm just about to go food shopping too for my OH and 2 boys damn them dam them damn them!!!

What is paleo diet? Sounds boring lol ;) xx
The "so much food and drink" is what's got me in a cold sweat at the moment. I'm doing soo well and I know I will relax on my holiday but I don't want to go overboard (excuse the pun).

Crazy Diamond has put on nearly a stone on her holiday so I know it's a really easy thing to do. The last time I went away for 10 days I put on 10lbs :-(. So I'm packing strategically and I'll wear all my structured/ fitted clothes for early on in the holiday and leaving the stretchy Lycra for later on thus allowing me room to grow lol!!

Seriously though I am concerned as I know I have the capacity to lose control. I'm hoping that if I work out in the gym each morning or at least get some type of physical activity I won't put too much on. Here's hoping :sigh;
Cripes...I know the feeling. I do online shop's when I am on the straight and narrow. I just can't cope otherwise, I would end up mugging some poor old nan for her digestives. Plus, I have a toddler and going shopping with her is a nightmare. Best all round if I just do an online shop. I spend less too.

I had a massive thing on my old cambridge diary, about week 4 my DH and I went for a day trip and ended up in some cutsey cafe in wales. There they were in all their beautiful glory. Cream Tea's. My bloody husband only ordered me one too...obviously, let it be known that he is a FEEDER but oddly has serious issues with people being fat, so he feeds you and then rags on at you for eating it.... Anyway, I digress, I had half. It wasn't as nice as I thought it would be. I was gutted. So....let that be a lesson for you. Its never as nice as you imagine it will be. Dream about crystal clear sparkling water, hmmm the way is fizzes on your tongue....ooooooo-weeee! :)

I read a lot and I was reading about something which became known as the "stillman diet" or Dr's quick diet as it was in the 60's. It was allegedly what led Karen Carpenter to lose so much weight before the anorexia kicked in..... It was designed to get peoples weight down to perform surgery or improve their health. Anyway, one thing really jumped out at me and that was "every mouthful of food off plan you eat sets you back one week on your plan" now, this may or may not be true, but it's a sobering thought when I start fondly caressing the malted milk...

Paleo/primal eating is really a way of life, rather than a diet. It's basically taking it back to what we ate before we evolved. So much of the modern food pyramid isnt that great for us. Especially processed grains and sugar. This is why I am now obese. I have faced up to it. Having tortured myself with endless three day restarts at a VCLD. I always knew that I would go back to eating those sugary treats and hunks of baguette with lashings of butter. Why? Well, it was my coping mechanism for the crap that happens AND it was all I knew. This time. I can feel change is in the air.

I hate it when you have a blip and the inner demon comes out....Lock yourself in the bathroom and tell it to F off.

Mel - you know what. I was shocked when I read that, but equally aware of how quick it goes back on if you dont step up properly. (Only too aware) I think if you make good food choices you wont do badly, plus swim in the sea as much as you can, the salt draws fluid retention out - but obviously stick with your 4 ltrs of water a day, we dont want to find out you come home like a sundried tomato. I know you are on holiday and the temptation is to go "to hell with it I'm on holiday" but that's the kind of attitude that got us on this crazy train in the first place. Dont scupper your hard work. It's not worth how shi*t you will feel after you come home and all that fits you is sweat pants. :) (and yes, I have been there too)

Day 3 - Is it too early to say I am feeling fine fresh and fierce? I am just starting to feel that buzzy feeling. I didn't have much glycogen in my system I dont think, so I could be approaching ketosis. Last night I had a headache like my face was going to cave in, yes I know that sounds all wrong, and it was. BUT HONESTLY it was the worst headache I have had in a LONG time and I get some killer migraine. So, today I am feeling ok. Not hungry, but I have that grumbly belly thing going on. I stepped on the scales, yes I know I shouldn't. But already 2.3lbs seem to have got lost somewhere. Encouragement enough methinks.

How's it going for you hun? How much did you lose in your first week?
The journey to fat freedom continues...

hey all.. hope its okay for me to join on to this group.

iam starting today and feel like i need support!!

how much is every1 hoping to lose..
Hi there!

I personally want to lose 5 stone really. I am currently back to my original weight that I started Cambridge back in 2007. Shamefully so. But, I'ts all good. I know what I need to do. I have a mini goal of 3 stone in 6 weeks. I am not sure its feasible, but I am GOING FOR IT anyway. I hope this week I may see at least half a stone gone if not more. Fingers crossed.

Welcome along anyway - it's nice to meet new people :)
The journey to fat freedom continues...


i want to lose 3 stones in 8 weeks.. i dnt also think its possible but going to give it a go!
iam on ss but with ramadhan starting mx week for me i dnt know how it will work..
i did cambridge last year and didnt survive more than a week. i gave up!! i am hoping i do not do the same this year! i my change to step two soon so i dnt miss food and feel like giving up!
Typically you can lose 7 - 8lb in the first week but that's glycogen. Then maybe 4 or 5 tops. Key is getting the water down. Every time you "think" you are hungry drink 500mls of water. Then see how you feel.

Saying that, right about now I could eat my own feet. Maybe a walk will help. I think I need a change of scenery!
Re: The journey to fat freedom continues...

When I started in Jan I lost 16lb first week, which believe it or not was my lowest ever first week loss! But I was close to 8 stone heavier then than I am now! As this is lightest I have been since I left school half a lifetime ago, I've no idea what my first week loss will be like when I do finally restart, but somehow I am thinking it probably won't be quite so big!
Wow over a stone in a week. It's like magic. Hahah. I doubt I will be that lucky. It depends on how much glycogen and water is stored in your fat, but looking at my cellulite, I have more than my fair share.

Having a bit of a wobble and considering having my shake early today and then taking the worlds longest shower. I dont think I can face cooking. May have to veto it. Though DH will probably pull a face since he has been in work since 8am. Responsibilities....hmmm.

I hope that everyone is staying focused. :)
Typical. A new day a new drama. My bloody boiler is broke and I just know the landlord will be a douche about it. So no bath for me. I'm blimmin fizzing!
The journey to fat freedom continues...

nearly day one over! its been feeling like forever! i keep thinkin about food. when i did the diet last year, i lost 8 pounds in my 1st week. but gave up after!

i do hope i lose more than this week.. will keep me motivated..

im refusing to cook for the other half.. i feel like i need something in my mouth..