Total Solution The Miss Mac Diary! Operation Egypt!!!

I turn 32 tomorrow so thought I'd pick my birthday to start and give myself 12 months. Just doing it myself...don't have the time to go to meetings! lol

I was really considering exante but since being back on here and looking at all the oldies from last year who did it, I noticed that everyone I looked at had all gained most of the weight again and I can't be doing with that, I need to make this THE YEAR. And am happy for it to take a year to get there. :D

Off to update my diary now. I won't be on as much I wouldn't have thought but will try to nip on every day or two and I'll still be watching you Mrs MM so stay good! hehe!!! ;) xxxxx

Oh Happy Birthday for tomorrow!!

Yep I think if you dont change your ways than you will gain again no matter what diet you go on to lose the weight. I think you are being very sensible in taking your time to do it especially with all you have going on at the minute!

I thought about ww but I know the slower losses would de-motivate me, but hopefully if I ever get to goal, I might look at doing something like that to keep me on the straight and narrow.

I will be here to help you along too and will be watching you with interest to see how it goes for you! xx
What a bloody fantastic loss. I'm determined to get a proper good week 1 loss this time :D xxx

Oh its lovely to have you back LMP!!

We can do has got to get easier, right!!

You will have a bloody fantastic week 1 loss and I will be playing catch up, but we WILL get to goal xxx
You know you can hun, I truly think if you can stay motivated it's the easiest diet ever. It's the maintaining I'm dreading :sigh: :hug99: xx

Yep, I am trying different tactics this time in order to stay motivated.

I am sure with the amount of effort you have put in, you will be brill at maintaining too!! I will be watching you to see how the expert does it and getting pointers for when its my turn to maintain!! haha :)
Week 2 day 2

Was surprised at how easy I got through yesterday and thought it must have been a fluke, but I have to say, I have been totally fine today aswell!! :D I am loving it at the minute and I hope it lasts!!

Tried a maple and pecan porridge tonight and couldnt decide if I liked it or not, but I finished the bowl so concluded that it mustn't be too bad!
I think I have given up on the soups. I have tried 2 and have 4 more different flavours to try but I dont think I can face them so think I might ask my counsellor if I can swap them on Sunday.

I had a bit of a mess up with the water last week. I thought I had to drink 4 litres and was really struggling, then I read the brochure again and realised it is 4 PINTS or 2.25 litres!! So now I have that figured out, I am actually managing the water ok too!! xx
It's through not having to make food choices that's helped me do so well on this diet.
My downfall is mainly bread and other "white" carbs, so after my holiday week and then once I reach my goal weight, I'm looking at doing Atkins for a while. Otherwise I just know I'll put it all back on again! :sigh: xx
Glad you are enjoying the cambridge diet, I must be strange because I actually like the soups! I have a shake for breakfast a bar for lunch and a soup at tea-time, just seems to make sense that way round. You shouldn't have any trouble swapping them I did cambridge a while ago and my consultant would swap anything i wasn't fussed with. Good luck and keep it up xx
Maple and pecan porridge sounds yummy! Lol at the water :D
It's through not having to make food choices that's helped me do so well on this diet.
My downfall is mainly bread and other "white" carbs, so after my holiday week and then once I reach my goal weight, I'm looking at doing Atkins for a while. Otherwise I just know I'll put it all back on again! :sigh: xx

Yep I agree. Taking all food out of the equation is so much easier. It means I can over eat as I know its 3 packs and thats it.

I think I might try something like that too as I dont think carbs actually agree with me. I love pasta though!!
I have a lot to learn or re-learn food wise and am hoping that getting to a goal weight for the first time in 13 years will give me the motivaion I need to keep the weight off xx
Glad you are enjoying the cambridge diet, I must be strange because I actually like the soups! I have a shake for breakfast a bar for lunch and a soup at tea-time, just seems to make sense that way round. You shouldn't have any trouble swapping them I did cambridge a while ago and my consultant would swap anything i wasn't fussed with. Good luck and keep it up xx

I just find the soup powdery and tasteless to be honest. I actually liked the exante ones but I had to half the packs to make it like a cuppa soup as I found it too thick otherwise. But these ones I just cant get away with.

I put off having any bars this week in order to get another week under my belt before I started 'eating' and chewing again. I was scared it might set me off wanting to eat. I think I will go for it next week though!! xx
Maple and pecan porridge sounds yummy! Lol at the water :D

Lots of the products on these diets sound yummy, but most should get done for false advertising!! haha
Will try the apple and cinnamon porridge next week and see how that one goes.

I know I am an idiot! I was almost drowning!! haha xx
Yep I agree. Taking all food out of the equation is so much easier. It means I can over eat as I know its 3 packs and thats it.

I think I might try something like that too as I dont think carbs actually agree with me. I love pasta though!!
I have a lot to learn or re-learn food wise and am hoping that getting to a goal weight for the first time in 13 years will give me the motivaion I need to keep the weight off xx

There's a recipe section on the Atkins forum, and I saw there (or in one of their diaries?) a recipe for courgette pasta that looked nice. Lol I lurk on there and drool! :D xx
Ok, so I have to say I am currently loving doing Cambridge.

As you know I have tried 2 of 6 soups and really cant get away with them, so text my counsellor to see if I could swap them for porridge and she has just been round and dropped them off for me!! How's that for service!!

Didnt get through as much water today but just didnt feel like it today. I have still drank plenty in total though so should be ok.

Still managing ok which I am so shocked at and keep thinking this is too good to be true but I will roll with it while it lasts!! :D xxx
Morning Miss Mac, glad to hear your are finding it easy at the moment ,I hope this continues for you!! It is such a good feeling when you feel in control:)

\hope you have a great day!:p
Hi ya sexy maccy,

Looks like you doing GREAT, xxx. Have a wonderful day xxx.
Morning Miss Mac, glad to hear your are finding it easy at the moment ,I hope this continues for you!! It is such a good feeling when you feel in control:)

\hope you have a great day!:p

Thanks Jac

yep I do feel a bit more in control. I hope this feeling continues for as long as possible! xx
Well nearly another day done and still going good!

I am looking forward to weigh in day on Sunday and I know it might be greedy but I am still hoping for another good loss.

Feeling very tired tonight and the weather is cold and miserable so might have an early night I think