Total Solution The Miss Mac Diary! Operation Egypt!!!

Day 3 done and dusted!!:D Bring on day 4!!

Still dont feel any thinner, and I dont think I will until I get back in the 13's. Which incidentally could take quite a while as the scales ARE NOT being kind to me!!:cry: I hope they pick up a bit for Sunday weigh in as I really need a good loss to keep me motivated!!
Don't be de-motivated honey! You are doing brilliantly well and the losses will surely follow. Sneaky weigh ins are sure evil aren't they! I will follow your advice for week one only then get back on track for weekly wi's thereafter. Sending big hugs your way xxxx
Don't be de-motivated honey! You are doing brilliantly well and the losses will surely follow. Sneaky weigh ins are sure evil aren't they! I will follow your advice for week one only then get back on track for weekly wi's thereafter. Sending big hugs your way xxxx

Thanks Lady G!:)
I wont give up even if it is a pants loss....I cant give up!!
Thing is, being on this diet, you HAVE to lose and I NEED to get to goal!! So I figured I pretty much have to stick to it no matter how slow the scales go down!
Well dont know what is happening to me tonight as have been having lots of food thoughts!!:eek:
This doesn't bode will for tomorrow and the start of the weekend!! I always struggle at weekends at the best of times without the struggle starting on a Thursday!!:(
I thought it was all going to well.....
Well technically it is now friday, so I have managed to get through day 4 100% ts....JUST!!:jelous:

I hope day 5 is easier!

The food thoughts and mind games have just started all of a sudden and took me by surprise to be honest. I think it has a lot to do with my current weight. I am really not happy about it and really want to be in the 13's again!!
But I have to keep telling myself that if I want to be in the 13's, I need to stick to this once and for all!! I know that as soon as I pick, I will sabatage the whole thing, so its not an option.

Heres hoping Friday is a good day....
Here's to Friday Miss Mac (raises a sad cup of coffee !)'re doing a fab job of this restart malarky, am right behind you (day 1 for me tomorrow:) )

Keep up the good work, hun,,,you're fast approaching a whole week. x
MM you're doing absolutely fantastically and youhave to kNOW that you are. I think if my cravings areas strong as yours were yesterday I would have caved so you really are doing fab.

You'll be in the 13's in no time if you stick with it..that's the beauty of exante, it doesn't ever take very long to get to your minigoals when it's done properly!!

I hope you have a much easier day today. xxx
Here's to Friday Miss Mac (raises a sad cup of coffee !)'re doing a fab job of this restart malarky, am right behind you (day 1 for me tomorrow:) )

Keep up the good work, hun,,,you're fast approaching a whole week. x

Thanks Jax, and welcome back!!
I hope your re-start goes well. I think you are mad starting it on a weekend but thinking about it, it might be a really clever move!!
I usually find the first 2 days fairly easy as I am full of motivation and determination, and that would mean getting a whole weekend out of the way right from the start!! You are a genius Jax!!

MM you're doing absolutely fantastically and youhave to kNOW that you are. I think if my cravings areas strong as yours were yesterday I would have caved so you really are doing fab.

You'll be in the 13's in no time if you stick with it..that's the beauty of exante, it doesn't ever take very long to get to your minigoals when it's done properly!!

I hope you have a much easier day today. xxx

Yeah, it was bad BB. Caught me off guard too as I didnt get them until 9pm and I wanted hotdogs or pork scratchings of all things!!!:rolleyes:
Still I did get through it and on to another day today.
I was please to hear your nibbles didnt affect you. You have some will power just to stop at nibbles! If I started I wouldnt be able to stop!! xxx
So here is friday and day 5 of the re-start...oh and the start of the dreaded weekend!!! Please help me!! lol:sign0009:

I really want this week done and over with and start next week to get back in the 13's, although at the rate im going I will need a bleeming miracle for that too!!:rolleyes:
Still, it has got to come off sometimes hey and mine just might take a little bit longer than others!!!:mad: :)
Where's my positive MM gone? Come on chicky....let's have some good wishing vibes here or I shall be slapping your balding head with a mouldy kipper hehehehe xxx

Tis going to be a great weekend. We are going to come on here and whinge our hearts away on here and be silly to occupy our minds. NO food will enter our mouths other than TFR's.... tis true.....i have it on high authority (plus we will let Margie down xx)
Sorry chick. I do feel positive most of the time, but I do have a little blip every now and then. Also, I think I have weekend struggles firmly planted in my head so its tough.
I will get through it though as I cant even pick as it would totally set me off!!
So loads of Minimins time I think to get me through.
Doing well so far...
Cleaned and tidied the house, had a long, nice phone call with my sister and chilled out.
Now going to dye my hair (desperate and mega loads of grey!!) and I just hope loads dont fall out!!
I just had a chocolate shake and a bit of a bar. Really want some more of the lovely caramel ones. Might order some as a treat if I get through the weekend!! mmmm.
You can do it MM, I know you can. You seem so focussed that I don't think you'll let yourself give in! Weekends are my downfall too and it's a real slippery slope isn't it. I think after this weekend I'm not going to set myself up for a Saturday off but stick with it and just get on with it. If we do that we'll be there in no time chick! :D xx
Yeah....don't be sorry about being apprehensive. You are being honest and that is what matters. We'll stick together and get through it chick xxxx
Well I have still managed to remain 100% so far. Tonight hasn't been too bad and not as bad as last night which is good.

Im taking my son to his dads tomorrow and he is staying there for a couple of weeks. I miss him loads when he is gone but on the plus side, I can clear the fridge and cupboards and I wont have to cook anything or make anything food wise for a couple of weeks either. :)
I am feeling quite tired tonight which Im actually pleased about as I have not slept properly all week since I started Exante again. I tossed and turned again last night and I think I finally got to sleep about 5am but kept waking up so not a good sleep. So Im hoping the fact that Im tired means I will finally sleep well tonight!!:rolleyes: xxx
You can do it MM, I know you can. You seem so focussed that I don't think you'll let yourself give in! Weekends are my downfall too and it's a real slippery slope isn't it. I think after this weekend I'm not going to set myself up for a Saturday off but stick with it and just get on with it. If we do that we'll be there in no time chick! :D xx

Aww thanks chick. I try to be focussed but I am all to aware that it only takes a split second to mess it all up!!
So are you having this weekend off then chick?
I think you do amazing with your minimum of 4lb loss each week, wish I could get those results as consistantly so I guess whatever it is you do, it obviously works for you!! :)xxx
I have just re-read my diary to see where I went wrong. First of all it took me 6 weeks to get into the 13's from my original start weight!!:D So I am very grateful that on this re-start it will hopefully only take me 2, 3 maximum!! :)

I had a weekend off then got straight back on, then I had aamw gained half a stone then got it straight back off, then booked a holiday and thats when it seemed to all go to pot!!:(

After losing the aamw gain I really started to struggle. I think I got the taste for food again. Then with booking the holiday, I knew I would be eating then so in my mindset, i thought, well I will be eating then so I may as well start now!!.

Then I gained loads on holiday, then got it back off, but then continued to struggle. Then I came off completely because of my hair loss.

I realise that the aamw was not good for me at all. I think the weekend off went well and I got straight back to TS, but the week off was too much for me and broke me out of the'zone'.

This has just made me realise that I was going strong until that point. Positive and determind and actually enjoying it.

So I am definitely not giving in to temptation!! I now know that I need a straight run at this in order to achieve my goal. I cant do aamw or pick or have any little blips as once I break the chain, I struggle too much.

I think August 1st start of a new month and it being on a Monday, start of a new week was a good re-start for me. I am going for the straight through 100% ts!! :eek:

I now feel positive and determind again to do this. No doubt I will still struggle and it is early days, but fingers crossed!!

I hope the scales are kind to me....
How's today going for you sugar? xx
So I got through Friday 100%, first day of the weekend, now onto Saturday.

Drove my son to his dads and for some reason felt really wierd in the car. Not hungry exactly, more empty and a bit strange. I obviously needed a pack to sort me out but didnt think to bring anything as I dont normally get 'hungry' until round about now. Had a bottle of coke zero which kept me going until I got home though (4hour round trip), and it was lashing down with thunder and lightning all the way back so that took my mind off things :D

So when I got home, I had an Asda mesure up tetra pack which has been in my fridge for ages. I got them to use for instances of car journeys etc, but no good if I leave them in the fridge!!:rolleyes:
Anyway, I know they are not really recommended as they are higher in carbs but I really needed something as soon as I walked through the door. So I POAS beforehand and I will check again later to see if they have knocked me out of ketosis. They have similar calories so that part should be ok. I had the strawberry one and I have to say, it was really tasty too, I actually enjoyed it. Might have been down to pure starvation like but hey!!:)

So weigh in tomorrow and I really hope the scales are kind to me as I have been so good!! Nearly 1 whole week 100%TS!! Yay me!!:p