The most important 20 weeks of YOUR life. Do this with me.

I'm in you guys. I found Mayweather's post inspiring and simply captured everything I've ever felt about my life and opportunities. My most recent disappointment was not going to the Leaver's May Ball before I left Sixth Form because I felt too fat to be in a nice dress :(
I know I don't really fit into your category of just starting or struggling but I definitely would like to be alongside you all in our united goal of being 100% until NYE. I'd love to be the slimmest I've ever been just to know! Just to know what it would be like!
Good luck everyone and let's stick it out together xx

Edit: Oh, uh...I didn't put what weight I wanted to be :eek: I want to lose at least 20lbs xx

Fairplay Evy!!
just 20 weeks of sheer and total and utter commitment. i just ordered photos of people/events from facebook that im sticking on my bedroom wall. the Leavers Ball - you know we all been there for one event or another! :)

Massive congrats!!! You've already lost 50% of what you wanted to lose, i.e. that's no accident. So you know you can do it. From losing and regaining, this is the first time around that as well as get diet/exercise/sleep/water,etc... all right, i also know i have to focus on my mind. Im a big believer that once you lose a certain amount of weight, you sometimes plateau because subconciously you think you ARE a certain weight, and cant actually visualise yourself any lighter. Lets all really go through each week imagining that 2/3 lb weight loss. And if we dont lose anything, rather than get down about it, we double the physical effort we put into exercise the following week. None of us are morbidly obese to the extent that being 100% for 20 weeks won't fundamentally change how we look and feel about ourselves.

What we do now over the next 20 weeks, is actively shaping how we're going to feel about ourselves and our lives on New Years eve. everything.

For 20 weeks, anytime you feel tired/hungry, etc...just think of that person on new years eve, and how the next decision you make will either help them or harm them. everytime you avoid temptation, you're increasing the "muscle" that you need to say no. every time you head out for a walk even though you're tired from work/didnt sleep, you're telling your body that you refuse to give up. I actually cant WAIT for autumn when it's raining and I go straight out into it! I cannot be stopped! ...well, maybe snow..:D

lets do it! :)
How's everyone doing so far? Weird day here, lots of work stress and an unprecedented loss of appetite! Never happened to me before. :confused: Anyway, have grazed all my pro points successfully ;) Hope everyone else had/is having a great day :D
I'm in, I also have tried to loose weight for over 2 years now and after reading your comment at the start - its inspired me to start with you and be at a ideal weight by NYE/Xmas
my start weight is 233.2lb's and I am sick to death of feeling like a fat frump with no clothes that fit me......... the new me is going to be awesome and this time round am going to also work on my 'head' as well and put sometime each day into 'ME'
I know I am a little late but I would like to join you all I have 2 stone to lose(32lbs) and need the inspiration and support
Mayweather - that is one of the most inspiring posts I've ever read!! Good on you!!! :) :) ;)
My WI is on Wednesday so won't be joining the Sunday weighers, but I'll be with you in spirit! I've been on my diet two weeks today and am doing well with it, and I ain't giving up until I've lost what I want to!

I'll be following you guys, YOU CAN ALL DO IT!!!! :gen126:
Mayweather, you should be some sort of therapist! I find your posts very inspiring. They really hit home. Thank you!! It's almost like you are writing about me! Lol

Today is the day of my first WI on the 20 week challenge, I'm very excited to report back later :)

Welcome to you newcomers!! Let's all have a brilliant day, stay focused on your goal!

F x
LadyFi, we should! :D We could invite all the people who doubted us and blow em out of the water with shock, hehe.
Thankyou for your posts Mayweather, and let me start us off with saying that I'm one pound closer to my goal on Monday's WI. The first step towards a slimmer happier person for all of us, because I'm not just doing it for me but for all of us because we are in it together :) xx
Good luck LadyFi, we're all right behind you!!

(Not literally of course, that would be impossible! XD)
Mayweather, thankyou for such an amazing post which has motivated me to make changes right now, no more putting off until tomorrow... what can be done today :)

Hope you don't mind me joining here... I know i'm slightly late but I believe I was meant to see this post. I'm a lurker here and I'm not sure what prompted me to lurk today but this is where I ended up...

I've weighed in today at 274lbs and would like to lose 60lbs by January 1st

Thanks Ladyfi and well done gettingfitat50 :) x
Well done LadyFi! You've done us proud ;)

Hi Rainstar - nice to meet you!

I've had a small victory today...I can now take my jeans off without unbuttoning them! Go small scale triumphs that nobody else sees!

Hoping that everyone else has had a good day...
I've had a small victory today...I can now take my jeans off without unbuttoning them!
<---- Awesome, congrats!

My own small victory: surviving another day without giving up...

Keep going everyone!
Well done gettingfitat50! I know if there was ice cream in the house I'd find it hard to resist, especially after a taste!

And woohoo honeybee, those are the small victories I like! Mind recently was getting into a bra I bought ages ago, we are talking years here, that still had the tags on as I couldn't even do it up!

And keep going Sapi Ketawa, one day at a time :)

I'm going to Compile all the team members into a list to make it easier to keep track.. This could take a while!

F x
Thank honeybee :) Nice to meet you and great news about the jeans x
So this is team "20 weeks" as it stands, apologies if your info is incorrect, please copy and paste then amend it! Sorry Lola, I wasn't sure what your goal was? :confused: I hope I didn't miss anyone!

Evy_Starlight - (20lbs to lose - 20lbs to go)
gettingfitat50 - (21lbs to lose - 21lbs to go)
honeybee1711 - (48lbs to lose - 48lbs to go)
LadyFi - (44lbs to lose - 40lbs to go)
lola0607 - (??lbs to lose - ??lbs to go)
Mayweather - (60lbs to lose - 60lbs to go)
Rainstar - (60lbs to lose - 60lbs to go)
Redbox - (32lbs to lose - 32lbs to go)
Sapi_Ketawa - (60lbs to lose - 60lbs to go)
shazzamataz - (81lbs to lose - 81lbs to go)
1985 - (65lbs to lose - 65lbs to go)

GOOOOOOOO TEAM!! :family2:

F x
Well done all of you guys! We have gained (by losing hehe!) so much today that we didn't have yesterday, and the same again for tomorrow when we will be one more step closer to our goals :D
Welcome also Rainstar, to the team xx