Consolidation The not so very secret diary of Atropos, 11 &1/2

I see you're already planning the 18+ audience (cigarettes!)
I see you're already planning the 18+ audience (cigarettes!)

Ha! Yes, I saw that today!

I can't imagine writing a story set in in combat in the 40s without lots of the things.
(Although, thinking back, I think Band of Brothers managed to be suspciously tobacco free - I'll have to go back and check).
Atropos said:
Definitely running before ironing. I hate ironing

It's a rollicking old fashioned film script, about the ww2 in Africa. Lots of sex, death and cigarettes.

Sounds fab! :) well done for sticking to good stuff during your crazy few weeks, I think I would have gone bonkers!

How's conso going for you all? :)
Back in the saddle, to lose a bit of Christmas padding and an additional 8lbs below my first conso weight.

Here goes...
Best laid plans....

I had hoped to incorporate more exercise this time around, but I've just buggered up my foot and can only walk very short distances. I'd swim, but there is no affordable pool near work.
Hello there lovely one... darn re foot (what did you do?). Please regale us with your menus if you can be bothered cos I'm endlessly repeating the same stuff (yet not getting bored!). You'll need to update your CP so that we can follow your progress.

Good luck! Anything you'll do differently for your restart? (some things have changed, of course, but I don't change how I Dukan diet!)
Hi there jo

My menus are verrrrrry boring right now, as I am doing 12-14 hour work days (cue twitching eyelid) and not much time available online.

I'm taking full advantage of the appetite suppressing effects of attack to see me through the long days. Luckily I cooked a large piece of beef on Monday which is still feeding me. Beef. More beef. Gallette and beef sandwich. Zero Yogurt. Beef.

The foot is plantar fasciitis - bloody nightmare, as resting makes it worse, and so does using it. I have to just take short walks every hour around the office and sit down again.

I can see differences already second time around - much less reliance on supermarket cooked chicken! I don't care if I never see a pack of tesco cooked chicken again in my life!
Welcome back and commiserations re the foot! Ouch and double-ouch!

Well done on the re-start, knowing you it will be no problem to reach the revised goal in no time!
Here we go - if peeing was an olympic event I'd be on Team GB by now!
I'd be delighted to have you join me there... (I wish the same were the case errrr the other end ;)) LOL!
Um, yeh - the other end, different story!

I've realised one huge difference 2nd time around - I just don't have as much glycogen in my body mass (presumably because I've been following Stablisation rules, pp day etc) so I don't see the huge drop in water weight in attack that I did a year ago. Nor did I get any of the headaches, bad breath, bad taste symptoms this time around.

One the one hand, this is very good news - in means that stabilisation make a huge difference in the way the body stores excess carbs. In fact, it doesn't.

On the other hand - you don't get that immediate huge drop in weight which does so much for initial motivation.

I wonder how big a factor that motivation (or lack of it) is in the difficulty some of us seem have in starting again.

I know I felt idiotically disappointed to just to be losing at normal cruise rates. That passed as soon as realised that I was losing!

Veggies today!
I've been wondering whether the initial attack phase can be almost too good to be true - people do it then expect to lose just as quickly in cruise and give up when that doesn't happen. We all crave quick fixes but slow and steady is the best way to lose weight long-term. I'm glad you're not suffering the dreaded headaches!
Could be - I also see people assuming they will lose more faster by extending attack, when in fact there is only so much glycogen/water in any body, and after 3-4 days weight loss will start to slow to cruise levels anyway, whether you introduce veg or not.
Still stuck at bloody work - 7 late nights out of the last 10 worked, some of them very late nights after very early starts.

There has to be an end to this.
Poor you, you must be knackered. Have you the weekend off to recuperate?
hopefully you will get finished soon :(
Tucked up surfing in bed.

It just annoys me that work sucked up all my freetime in the week, and now recovery will eat up so much freetime at the weekend!

I don't want to just wake up after two days sleep, iron my shirts and go straight back!
