The passage of time - will you use it?

I wrote this for another section of the forum, and have asked permission to post a variation here as this may be useful to some people who struggle or restart. Like many of you, I have successfully failed time and time again.

I'm almost 37 - and have watched the last 20 years disappear into a black hole, not completely wasted but large chunks of it certainly.

Every year I was thinking "next year". Every month I was thinking "next month".

I was thinking "when" I lose weight.

And the time just passed me by.

I tried pretty much every diet going. And always gave up because of the time it was taking, or going to take. It is so easy to think "it's going to take a year. That's so long. I can't do it" and the moment you utter those words, or think those thoughts you are doomed to failure.

All those plans, all that hope, it's gone because time is such a large, immovable object.

Only it isn't.

It's a constantly moving, forever changing, fast and furious ride - where your whole life can pass you by and leave you wondering what the hell happened.

Think about every year - how on earth did it get to be Christmas again already? It flies by.

So it's the end of March now and there are 9 months between now and Christmas. If you can get it in your head solidly, that Christmas is coming regardless of whether you're your current starting weight, or whether you're your current target weight.

I chose last september to say goodbye to "Fat Andy". I became "Losing Weight Andy". I'm not "Healthy weight Andy". And yet, it could have been so different. I could have STILL been "Fat Andy", because time waits for no man, no woman, no person - it flies by.

So which person do you want to be? As you are now, or who you could be? Whether you lose the weight or not, you'll be there - so might as well lose it, eh?

It's hard I know, but if the time is going to pass anyway....


Just felt drawn to finding this brilliant post again and reading it again, and then again!

Thanks Andy :)
wow !!!!
I chose last september to say goodbye to "Fat Andy". I became "Losing Weight Andy". I'm not "Healthy weight Andy". And yet, it could have been so different. I could have STILL been "Fat Andy", because time waits for no man, no woman, no person - it flies by.

It's now a year to the day since I started my LL journey, and am 13st 7lbs, I'm very happy. I could so easily have been reading this back and still been 23+ stone.

So, I will reiterate what I said before - forget how long it takes and ask yourself how you'll feel in 12 months time. Do you want to feel awful because you let that year slip away, or do you want to feel like me? Fan-bloody-tastic.
I love this. So true and inspirational.
Thank you
Andy...very true and very well written I think..

It puts me in mind of once, long ago, I said something to my sister, who then, could not drive, and was thinking of learning..She kept on saying she was going to learn one day..and one day I said to her ' you know that one day you are going to be driving, so..if you start NOW, then, by this time next year, you WILL be.. it will be a fact, so why not just book some lessons to start next week ?

later, she told me that this is what motivated her, when she realised that she was just going on.. time was going on.. and nothing was changing.. Well.. now she has been driving 30 years.. but I wish I could be strong enough to tell her the same about losing weight..Spring will come, and she will say, as always, that her clothes dont fit, that she looks awful ( she doesnt, she aint heavy she's my sister ) but..if she starts next week to eat healthy, and not go on fad diets, but keeps to it, then, just like those driving lessons, she WILL do it.. Her weight has been over for years and years and years with a high BMI... Please. .Please.. DO It for your health's sake

Thankyou Andy for giving me the motivation to get up the courage to talk to her about this/ you have helped loads of people with your words..
thank you for your reminder...well done on your journey and kudos for giving us some encouraging words :)
Thanks folks - lovely to know that these thoughts are still helping some people.

Walkonby, thanks for putting this into a different perspective (driving) because I have said for 21 years that I'll learn and finally sent off my form yesterday to get my provisional license! Wish I'd done it years ago.
WELL DONE YOU !.. you now KNOW that, this time next year.. there you will be... ultra slim, and driving an ( ultra modern ? ) car.

Go for it!!!
This is great :D Will keep this in mind whenever I feel like quitting lol

The driving thing happened to me. Kept dreaming of having my own car and being able to go anywhere I wanted when I wanted, but could never be bothered coz I thought it would take a long time. But then I just booked a couple of lessons randomly and within 6 months I was driving around in my own little car and have been for about 5 months :p Now knowing that, i'll keep going with losing this weight because it'll eventually happen.
What an inspirational way to express what we all deep down know, but all too often refuse to acknowledge. Years ago I was gonna start studying for my LLB through the OU, but got disheartened and gave up the idea after realising I'd be nearly thirty by the time I got it. Well I turn 29 on saturday, not a step closer to my degree and still working in a shop.

Maybe time for that too then.

And on an unrelated note, I love rats, how many do you have? I had a gorgeous little boy called Scooby a few years back but the tumours got him in the end. Couldn't have another, couldn't go through that again. Oh and does your username mean you're a fellow browncoat??
Walkonby, my dad says I can have his old clapped out banger - which is great because I'd have had to buy one of those anyway!

Dextermummy, yes, I am indeed a fellow browncoat! I've even named some of my rats after characters from Firefly (Kaylee and Saffron). I only have 3 boys left (Tom, Huck and Oz - Oz is named after a Buffy character).

Always good to meet someone of great televisual taste ;)
SV...Clapped out banger THIS year......

NEXT will be the proud DRIVER of this 'clapped out banger' and things will ONLY GET B E T T E R !

you deserve it..

Good luck with those driving lessons !
That's a really moving and motivational post :clap:

ETA that I too am a browncoat, but I don't keep rats any more. I now have degus.
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Helpful post Andy, to me now. There isn't a 'Thanks' button for some reason, but that's what I wanted to say.
Read your brilliant post again tonight Andy and wanted to thank you again for sharing it with us all. It really does say it all and is incredibly motivating :D

Isis xx :)