"The Person Below"

Yes I'm in love :)

The person below is in the middle of reading a good book.
no :( I havnt read for so long and I should really get back into it! am reading this weeks closer magazine tho and there is a couple who did lighter life and look AMAZING!! woo.

The person below needs a shower :p
actually just running a bath, fancy a soak after a hard week at work.

The person below really fancies a drink cos it's the weekend
No, my cousin has one though, I am more inclined to have a go now it won't look like it is disappearing up my butt

The person below is going out on the Razz tonight
Nope, cos I'm SS. But my daughter is and I have to pick her up from it. That'll count!

The person below would love to have chocolate melting across their tongue:p
No, my cousin has one though, I am more inclined to have a go now it won't look like it is disappearing up my butt

sorry to interrupt game - but - PMSL at that one!!! Ali- that was very nearly a coffee on the screen moment!! It just is such a funny statement and visual!!!! LOL

Now - back to the game!
Urghhhh no pierced tongue for me --- I'm not paying for pain :D

The person below is planning a nice early night tonight
I definatly am- feel like crap- just me and a box of tissues :(

The person below is going shopping tomorrow...
No dont own a bike, it is extremely hilly or muddy around here.

The person below has been a good girl/boy all day:)