The really slow loss team!

Yes tomorrow I am meeting a friend and we have not seen each other since before I went away and she goes away Saturday.

The weekend I am not sure as we are going to the ballet

hun, do you know where your eating out? if you do then ring ir go online and look at the menu, work out the best meal to have and work out exactly how many syns it guessing that the cheese will be your hexa etc, you need to know the exact amount..if you cant find the syn value online ring the helpline, thats what they are there for. that way your in control your not guesstimating and you know where your at. also.....i think you should delete all the ups and downs on your ticker.....its upto you but it will not be helping to look at what you were and what you are now, its not very motivational for start, start as you mean to go on, total honesty, no guessing and 100% effort, if you go over just own it and say youve gone over, your only human its not the end of the world. you CAN do this i know you can. now get doing that research :D
Lou - you're post is fantastic!!!
I think it expresses what many us tortoises feel about weight loss.

BUT . . .
You do have to decide WHY you are doing whatever diet you choose, and WHAT you want to achieve.
MINDSET is the bee-all and end-all imho.
If your head isn't in the right place then you aren't going to get there.
You'll make every excuse under the sun as to why you aren't losing. OK some might be valid - eg hormonal related problems - but some aren't.

I know I did! And it wasn't until I accepted that I was FAT and needed to do something about it that the results arrived.
Like you I cut out the snacks, I cut out the carbs and after about 6 weeks, hey presto I wasn't hungry any more.
And I started losing weight. Mine was 1lb or less a week but at least it was consistent.

Unfortunately, you do need to work out though what works FOR YOU.
With me - carbs are a major problem. So I just cut them out for all but 1 meal a day. Yes I was hungry to start with but it soon passed.

I go back to my mantra, time and time again, and it inspires me.

Losing weight is hard.
Being fat is hard.
Choose your hard
is it just me but....soup is a starter for me ! i think i have a mental problem with accepting soup as a meal LOL it doesnt matter what is in it its still soup in my head
Felicity - turn it into a meal in itself. More of a mini stew than a soup.
Make Split pea and ham hock soup, chicken and chunky vegetable, beef and veg. Anything with meat and loads of veg in a pot. (so long as you're doiung EE)

I do red days mostly so normally do a superfree, green veg soup for lunch and find it soooo filling, followed but fruit and yoghurt I never feel hungry in the afternoon.
All about minset again!!!

Todays green soup mix was a courgette, lots of brocolli, leeks, green beens and chicken stock. Wizzed up at the end to make a seriously thick puree.
I love it it with shredded cabbage and chopped carrots added after puree stage to add some chunkiness.

Totally agree Pom. I was trying very hard in that post not to come across as pushing the particular path I'm on, I've tried many many different things and this is just what works for ME. I also find that many people, myself included before, ask for advice say they need help but when you offer it are unwilling to try something new and the crux of it is I think you have to be ready in your head, for many who start dieting they want to lose weight but can't quite accept that they have to stop eating the way they were and I know cos I've been there. No one loves take always more than me!!! But the thought of one now doesn't come top of my list anymore, yes I still fancy one but I'm not consumed by thoughts of it. Your so right Pom and I need to thank you on this... You said a while ago the whole battle with weight is in your head. It's rung in my ears for months before I actually clicked but I knew it was true I knew it was my excuses and 'sabotage' (hate that word) that were stopping me losing. Nothing else. I'd recommend everyone concentrating for a week on their thoughts about food and challenge yourself as to why your eating every time you eat and how you felt after. You'll learn a lot about yourself.

The soup thing, I've never seen soup as a starter tbh I'm
More of a prawn cocktail girl lol. I agree about the chunky soup very very filling

Been naughty this morning. Official weigh in was yesterday and I was 10.13. But felt skinnier this morning and I weigh 10.12. Damn it. Wish I hadn't changed weigh in to wed now lol I would have had a 2 pound loss thus week lol. I must stop weighing every day now haha

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Thanks for your post Lou. In my teens I was a typical comfort eater but SW got me out of that habit. I realised I didn't need to turn to food for comfort, or if I really craved something there were "good foods" I could eat & enjoy.
I love the freedom of SW but obviously my freedom is limited. I know no food is Free/unlimited but technically you should be able to have a cup of cosucous with your meal & not wonder if it's too much, in truth it's not, but I guess with me it is. I don't give myself excuses for a bad week, if I don't stick to plan I don't deserve a loss, it's as simple as that. After a lot of research I have come to realise that my hormone problems are probably a big part of why I don't lose consistently, but if I have a week where I gain I don't think "oh well that's down to hormones". I may never work it all out so I won't use that as an excuse, I'll just try to adjust things hoping for a loss the next week. In truth I feel I have a reaslitic approach to SW/diet. I think I eat very balanced meals & I don't overeat. I've done stupid things in the past & my metabolism has paid for it, I have to accept that & just try even harder. I'm seeing my Dr Monday & going to mention that I find it hard to lose weight & see if he can recommend another pill that may balance my hormones as I know I have excess estrogen which is why my problem areas are my problem areas. (Funny thing is last year I told him I struggle with weightloss whilst having a pill check, he knows every hormoine problem I have & never even mentioned there can be links between the two) For me the frustrating this is I do SW by the book, I stick to my syns, I don't overeat free food, I snack only on Superfree so there's no reason I shouldn't lose. If I can find the underlying causes it would be a miracle. I also know that I don't snack for the sake of snacking, to me eating 2 apples & a satsuma over the course of the day as snacks isn't stuffing myself on food I shouldn't be consuming, it's making wise choices when I want to eat something. I just hope someday I'll find a balance between it all.

I had some bad new last night, my Great Uncle who lives in America died yesterday, I was incredibly close to him, we emailed every couple of weeks & chatted on Skype, he was just like my grandad. I've been lucky not to lose people very close to me but now he's gone, I've cried so much. I'm at work today, looking terrible.
:character00238:Just booked my airport transfers,only 17 more sleeps till the sunshine ogf Majorca!

Whoop-whoop! We had 10 days in Rhodes (got back last Thursday) and I can't tell you what a difference a few days of uninterrupted sunshine has made to me :D Now all we need is some here for a welcome change :rolleyes:

We were supposed to be doing a bike rally in Essex this weekend, but the weather forecast looks so pants that we have decided against riding nearly 300 miles, possibly all in the rain, only to sit in a cold wet field in a tent and we are staying home. There's always plenty to do here both in the house and garden! If we get a few clear hours we can go to the Usk reservior or Llyn Brianne to take Lily for a long walk and a bit of a swim instead - no ruddy chance of me going in here...... too darned cold, although I was more in the water than out this time last week on Rhodes :sigh:

Have a fantastic time Ann :D :D :D
Lisa I totally see where your coming from, you are doing everything you are told. From my point of view I think my slow losses are down to me, eating out and drinking too much, but to carry on exactly to plan and not get anywhere must be very frustrating. I still can only think that I know this plan has been good for you in the past but maybe your body needs something different. I honestly think you do eat very well, it's really balanced for a healthy diet. I can't remember if I asked but how much do you have left? Have you actually considered this may be your bodies natural comfortable weight? And that by eating a well balanced diet and exercising its maintaining the current weight it really wants to be? And yes you can lose more if you start cutting out a lot of things but also with that you are going to have to deal with eating like that forever as, as soon as you stop weight will go back on. So yes cut out carbs etc but as soon as you introduce them again you'll possibly end up gaining again. Dieting is the hardest thing in the world. When you have a lot to lose and it's so so slow its really demoralising ESP when you see other peoples plans and they eat loads more than you and lose loads. But lous right it's about figuring out whats right for you. I still think you should
Go and get your body fat measured. I think an all over health check would be a really motivating tool for u, as even though the scales aren't telling you what you want to hear, I bet your insides are in much better shape than you thought as you are so active and eating a very balanced diet. Xx
Ps Lisa I'm so sorry about your uncle. Hope your ok xx
Lisa I totally see where your coming from, you are doing everything you are told. From my point of view I think my slow losses are down to me, eating out and drinking too much, but to carry on exactly to plan and not get anywhere must be very frustrating. I still can only think that I know this plan has been good for you in the past but maybe your body needs something different. I honestly think you do eat very well, it's really balanced for a healthy diet. I can't remember if I asked but how much do you have left? Have you actually considered this may be your bodies natural comfortable weight? And that by eating a well balanced diet and exercising its maintaining the current weight it really wants to be? And yes you can lose more if you start cutting out a lot of things but also with that you are going to have to deal with eating like that forever as, as soon as you stop weight will go back on. So yes cut out carbs etc but as soon as you introduce them again you'll possibly end up gaining again. Dieting is the hardest thing in the world. When you have a lot to lose and it's so so slow its really demoralising ESP when you see other peoples plans and they eat loads more than you and lose loads. But lous right it's about figuring out whats right for you. I still think you should
Go and get your body fat measured. I think an all over health check would be a really motivating tool for u, as even though the scales aren't telling you what you want to hear, I bet your insides are in much better shape than you thought as you are so active and eating a very balanced diet. Xx

I've got just over 2st to go which I know isn't a huge amount but given how long it's taken to lose 1st it seems miles away. Last October I got down to 10'12 so I know I can get to a lower weight with SW. (In 2007 I got down to 9'9 but that was eating 300-500calories a day which I will never ever do again). I am going to keep calories in mind with every meal, there's no point me eating the daily amount which will only maintain my weight, I'm sure I can lower it week by week until I'm more used to it & feel happy with that amount. I won't cut out carbs totally, I don't think I could! Like you said if I cut them out altogether then when I do have them it's bound to relfect very badly at WI. I'll get my fat % measured next chance I get. I feel really really good inside so even though that doesn't relfect on the scales I'm the healthiest I've ever been & thanks to SW I love fruit & veggies!! :)
That's the thing when you just go off weight and BMI it's not always the best way of measuring how healthy you are. Rugby players have ridiculous weights and BMI but their overall health and fitness are amazing. Same with anyone who does strength training as opposed to strong cardio. You will weigh more and your BMI will show as higher. But it's all about how much fat your body has, your weight isn't a reflection of this figure at all. I think if you feel really good, your energised, and enjoying exercise that is such a better place to be than focusing on what scales tell u. I'll be very interested to see what your overall health check shows, I bet it's actually very good. Xx
sorry to hear about your uncle lisa :(

well i did it, i fit into the dress i bought 2 months ago for a do next week...i was just comparing it to when i was 12.7 and i cant believe how far ive come its starting to sink in nearly there. sent a pic to my hubby while he was at work as my legs look pretty good in it, hes been grinning at me ever since. i know i harp on a bit at times and come over a bit preachy, but its only because i feel so passionate about what i talk about, i have struggled, i have done all the typical diet pitfall behaviour things and i really honestly feel like something has clicked and i guess i cant quite believe it myself. in january/february i distinctly remember resigning myself to being the size i was, i gave up. but something clicked in me and it was giving up that gave me the push to find a better way for me. i guess all i wanted to say was dont ever give up, if it isnt working for you change it in any way you can think of, read information about weight loss and how things can affect you, if you have hormone problems, try to find a solution for that...i take herbal tablets but am going to try acupncture as its supposed to be brilliant. dont reside yourself to being something you dont want to be, you can do it...if i can do it ANYONE can, and i mean that.
sorry to hear about your uncle lisa :(

well i did it, i fit into the dress i bought 2 months ago for a do next week...i was just comparing it to when i was 12.7 and i cant believe how far ive come its starting to sink in nearly there. sent a pic to my hubby while he was at work as my legs look pretty good in it, hes been grinning at me ever since. i know i harp on a bit at times and come over a bit preachy, but its only because i feel so passionate about what i talk about, i have struggled, i have done all the typical diet pitfall behaviour things and i really honestly feel like something has clicked and i guess i cant quite believe it myself. in january/february i distinctly remember resigning myself to being the size i was, i gave up. but something clicked in me and it was giving up that gave me the push to find a better way for me. i guess all i wanted to say was dont ever give up, if it isnt working for you change it in any way you can think of, read information about weight loss and how things can affect you, if you have hormone problems, try to find a solution for that...i take herbal tablets but am going to try acupncture as its supposed to be brilliant. dont reside yourself to being something you dont want to be, you can do it...if i can do it ANYONE can, and i mean that.

Not preachy at all!! In truth I see lots of people posting who are "stuck & can't lose" their weight & they've been doing one plan or another for a only month or so. Can't help but feel upset at that knowing I've been at it since 2009 (& I know you've been trying a long time too). I think words from experiencing trials mean more than someone who does it & the weight falls off instantly, maybe that happens to a lot of people but I know none of us tortoises are like that. I appreciate your efforts & sharing it with us :)
Not preachy at all x

Lisa sorry about your uncle I know how hard that must be x

Annya I am also glad I had a week away with wall to wall sunshine it was much needed .

Right I think we are going to pizza express and according to SW website the mention using the goats cheese as a hex on a green day plus adding some syns for the artichokes. They don't give any advice how many. This is for the goats cheese salad. I don't eat breadsticks anyway and I have not had any hexs today yet.

Without breadsticks and dressing the salad is 394 cals but obviously a lot of that is free eg lentils veg etc so it is difficult to syn but it can't be that much as the calories will also come from the goats cheese.

I wish SW did a proper eating out guide like ww
Latte said:
Not preachy at all x

Lisa sorry about your uncle I know how hard that must be x

Annya I am also glad I had a week away with wall to wall sunshine it was much needed .

Right I think we are going to pizza express and according to SW website the mention using the goats cheese as a hex on a green day plus adding some syns for the artichokes. They don't give any advice how many. This is for the goats cheese salad. I don't eat breadsticks anyway and I have not had any hexs today yet.

Without breadsticks and dressing the salad is 394 cals but obviously a lot of that is free eg lentils veg etc so it is difficult to syn but it can't be that much as the calories will also come from the goats cheese.

I wish SW did a proper eating out guide like ww

Well done on the research. Pizza express do a light pizza. The middle is cut out and filled with salad. It's thin base and probably a good option if your worried about dressings. Ask them to leave the dressing off is another option and you could always ask for no cheese on any salad you have? Just ask for grilled chicken and salad? They are great in there and more than happy to
Oblige. Decide what your having before then you won't be tempted by the menu x

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2 on tonight boo hoo!
conlou1 said:
Well done on the research. Pizza express do a light pizza. The middle is cut out and filled with salad. It's thin base and probably a good option if your worried about dressings. Ask them to leave the dressing off is another option and you could always ask for no cheese on any salad you have? Just ask for grilled chicken and salad? They are great in there and more than happy to
Oblige. Decide what your having before then you won't be tempted by the menu x

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Well after all that planning they didn't do the salad as only certain ones do I am so annoyed. I don't eat chicken and the cut out pizza is still 25 syns as it is 500 cals.

The only other veggie dish non pizza was the baked aubergine so I had that as really no other choice since it said on SW not to have the bosco salad due to the fried mushrooms and avocado.

I try to plan and be good and I just can't win as there really was nothing else and my friend had already ordered