The Rest of My Fabulous Life Challenge

ummmm - yes?

Yes! YES, YES, YES! Believe in YOU RD, I DO!

Now drop that Ummm young lady, right now!

OK - ummm dropped as requested lol :)
Oh my goodness Barb. 4lbs!! That's fab.

Well done mate :clap:
KD, you did know that was .4lb not 4lb, didn't you? Only you sound a bit enthusiastic for less than half a pound. Not that I doubt you could enthuse over that amount, if anyone can, you can!

Just don't want to feel cheered by an 'unreal' post!

Also, well done RD, I was confident you'd see sense, tee hee!

KD, you did know that was .4lb not 4lb, didn't you?

Whoops. Missed the 'point'.
Wondered why you didn't seem over happy

Still... 0.4 is still down. Down is

Well done :)
No worries KD, I guessed right! I am OK with .4, it's more than I dared hope for really.

Need to do better though; not sure if tonight's vino and chinese is going to contribute too well to progress but after the day I've had I'm not too bothered! You know what Scarlett would say, ' tomorrow is another day'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, thanks a lot Scarlett, not a great help at the moment! I'm ok, not great, managing the balancing act of work/home/parents/kids but not finding it easy. Diet getting little more than lip service but trying to at least not nibble and when I do eat not over do it.
I was seriously considering an organised diet yesterday; like SW or something, which I have never tried. Trouble is I can't imagine making the time to learn about and do it. I'll see how the next week or two goes but if I feel I am slipping, which if I'm honest I think I am, then I will have to do something about it. I am going to lose weight this year. I must.
Hi Barb
If you DO resort to a mainstream weight loss support group, why not consider Rosemary Conley? Knowing you as I do on here, I think the plan would suit you better (fewer 'fuss' and 'rules') and you also get an exercise class which is tailored to suit people of ALL ages, weights and fitness levels (although you don't HAVE to attend the exercise bit). I'd DEFINITELY go again if there was one near me - which unfortunately, there isn't.

Here's a link to the ones near you

Class finder

Just a thought. :)
Thanks RD, it is a good idea to think about RC. I've just had a look at her online membership and I reckon that would suit me.:D

Haven't made a definate decision yet as am loathe to risk deciding then setting myself up for failure. Although, even saying that I am thinking ' why should I fail, why shouldn't I suceed?'.

We have been talking a lot about Alaska today(our hol in September) and I know I could have a much better time if I was a lot lighter.:eek:

So, why do I hesitate?
Maybe because it's bloody scary making a commitment 'yet again'. I should know because I've made dozens of sweeping 'I'm going to do it this time' statements. Clearly, I never committed fully to ONE of them.
When it all goes to rats I feel a failure - and if I've made a public statement then I feel a public failure. Not a good feeling.

That's why I've kept it calmer this time. It's more a case of yes, I'm giving it my all but I'm human and guess what - I may slip!!
That's not a pessimistic approach - just a realistic one. I'm not going to yell from the rooftops anymore - one slip and the fall is hard and painful. I'll just sit quietly on a bench and wave a flag instead - less pressure and people still notice :)

I thought RC might suit you because you're so good with your cal counting. I don't know about you but I just can't get on with psuedo words like 'syns' and 'points' (I'm not slamming those plans though - they are fab and work brilliantly for some people ... just not for me). I just like my food to be food - my cals to be cals and my fat percentage to be just that ... not converted to anything else. I know where I am with a calorie!

You've shown you have the control and the determination now you just need the self-belief. Do you think a structured plan might help you? Or would it make you curb the things you don't want to curb.
Your method IS working but at a very gentle pace. There is NOTHING wrong with that but the question is ... Is it enough for you? Or do you want more?
Perhaps it's time for some soul searching and only you know what you REALLY want then you can commit to it. :)
Deb, I want MORE! It's no good pretending. I have had a chat with my darling daughters tonight and i realise that they know me so much better than I do myself. Both say i'm lovely as I am (which i know bloody well i'm not) both will support me whatever! How lucky am I?
DD1 said that the one thing i always do well at and always say 'works' for me is cal counting. She's right. It does work, it gives me flexibility and structure, the 2 things i need the most.

OH and i went out 4 dinner tonight. I had starter, followed by a starter. Because thats what I wanted. I didn't have chips/sauce/pud; i didn't want it or need it.

So, I am going to spend tomorrow getting organised and on Sunday I am going back to flexible cal counting. I want to do a bit of 'zig-zaging' so will aim at;1200, 1600, 1800, 1400, 1500, 1800, 2000, 1200; and see how it goes!
Aha!! A plan!!

Now you have some direction, you watch how rapidly things change.
I know you did really well with your calorie counting last time (when you kept your food diary). Much as we'd all love to throw 'structure' in the bin and lose weight instinctively, the sad reality is that for most of us, failing to plan is planning to fail.

Good luck Barb (although I know you won't need luck now you've got your diet version of 'SmartNav' in place :))
Thanks RD, your support and encouragement mean so much to me, especially at the moment when life is being a bit tough. My parents situation is colouring my life so much; I know I am at the brink of losing both and it really is too much to bear at times. Yet at the same time I know that I have to get on with my life, that they may yet 'rally' and all this worry will recede and some kind of normality will return. I don't want to use this time as an 'excuse'for remaining fat. I want to change. I can and i will. Like you say, I have a plan. I am happier when I have a plan. I can do this Deb, you and me together, we can do this.
Absolutely. We both have challenges ahead but we can and WILL see this through ... and don't forget, we've still got to have that coffee one day :)
Lets up the ante - lets say a champagne lunch with our other halves. Strolling along the quay side, feeling healthy, strong and happy!
I'm totally up for that - either end (Gunwharf or Eastbourne): You're on!!
Maybe because it's bloody scary making a commitment 'yet again'. I should know because I've made dozens of sweeping 'I'm going to do it this time' statements. Clearly, I never committed fully to ONE of them.
When it all goes to rats I feel a failure - and if I've made a public statement then I feel a public failure. Not a good feeling.

That's why I've kept it calmer this time. It's more a case of yes, I'm giving it my all but I'm human and guess what - I may slip!!
That's not a pessimistic approach - just a realistic one. I'm not going to yell from the rooftops anymore - one slip and the fall is hard and painful. I'll just sit quietly on a bench and wave a flag instead - less pressure and people still notice :)

I thought RC might suit you because you're so good with your cal counting. I don't know about you but I just can't get on with psuedo words like 'syns' and 'points' (I'm not slamming those plans though - they are fab and work brilliantly for some people ... just not for me). I just like my food to be food - my cals to be cals and my fat percentage to be just that ... not converted to anything else. I know where I am with a calorie!

You've shown you have the control and the determination now you just need the self-belief. Do you think a structured plan might help you? Or would it make you curb the things you don't want to curb.
Your method IS working but at a very gentle pace. There is NOTHING wrong with that but the question is ... Is it enough for you? Or do you want more?
Perhaps it's time for some soul searching and only you know what you REALLY want then you can commit to it. :)

Yes, you are human Debbie and you may slip...BUT I still hope you can shout your achievements from the rooftops for us all to see and cheer!....;):D..xx
How about both! Why not, we'll be entitled to a double celebration!
LOL - love your thinking!!! And I think it's a great idea - we can check out each others' stomping grounds.