The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

thanks smurf. i always feel a bit miserable when i have a slow week but i keep trying to tell myself that 3lbs in a week is a huge achievement and my body needs a break some time!!! lol xxx
well...just updating my facts and figures hehe!

my body fat percentage has gone from a staggering 44% to a still staggering but better 33.7%!!! i'm so happy about that!

i'm going to start going to Jazzercise as soon as i can find someone to come with me! i feel really positive about that too.

but on the whole i am feeling pretty glum. i don't know why. i just feel a bit miserable :( xxx
Well i'm totally fed up now, 7th week 100 % SS and 2lbs lost! It's a nightmare, i don't know if i will have the resolve to stick with it if it doesn't speed up over the next few weeks, its sooo hard and the only thing that makes it easier is the fast weight loss.

To top it all off its raining!

please don't get disheartened. it was my 7th too (i know i posted 8th-i'm really not with it!!!) and i only lost 3lbs.

i think our bodies are taking a small break. i am willing to bet we will lose much more next week.

whatever you do, don't give up! if anything, having a smaller loss this week has made me more determined to stick to the plan! you have still lost 35lbs in 7 weeks. that's an average of 5lbs a week-THAT'S BLOODY FANTASTIC!!! i don't know anyone who could lose 5lbs a week on a normal diet!

you are still heading towards your target. and 2lbs is still a lot of weight.

A Malayan Flying Fox weighs about 2lbs and if you don't know what one of those is, there is a pic attached.


Gem xxx


  • A Malayan Flying Fox.jpg
    A Malayan Flying Fox.jpg
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Thanks Gem, you really cheered me up, i'm defo sticking to cd until i go to my friends wedding on the 18th Oct, but if i have slowed to 2lbs a week or less then i will have to consider my options. Fingers crossed for a juicy loss for both of us this week.

yeah i hope so!!! i only need to lose 6lbs to lose 3st! that means you must need to lose 7lbs? that's easy!!! we will be so slim! xxx
Lets hope so, i must admit i'm really down today, i was convinced of a good result i've exercised loads and upped my water intake.

Congratulations on exceeding the 2 and 1/2 stone mark, Here comes three stone!

OMG just think, next week we won't have eaten (or got drunk) for 2 months!
thinkthin and gem - What are your current weights? I've only been losing 3-1-3-1 for the last few weeks, which SUCKED! But then I realized that, the smaller my body gets, the less lbs. I will lose in a week. At the weight I am now, it's only natural that I will lose less than I did 35 lbs. ago because there's less TO lose. Look at percentages, too, and things like that and don't get too discouraged. Trust me - I know it sucks. But I keep telling myself that "healthy diet and exercise" lost me 1 lb. a month if I was lucky, so 8 a month is still loads faster. :)
i'm 19st 3lbs now GTPeach (269lbs). i was 21st 11lbs when i started (305lbs!!!). to be honest i am looking forward to my 810 week and hoping that will give me a boost. i'm planning to start doing some regular exercise soon aswell which will hopefully increase my metabolism and my weight loss.

i keep thinking it will be great if i can lose 6lbs this week as i will be at the 3st mark then AND under 19st! i'm keeping my fingers crossed-i know it's a long shot but i would be happy with a 4lbs loss. x
You'll do well. I'm actually looking forward to goingback to SS for a while. Maybe running out of food was good - it might get me over this 3-1-3-1 cursed plateau. :)
Thanks Gt but i've still got a long way to go, i'm 15 st 9, and need to be about 12 and a half stone for bmi 25. Trying not to worry, i'll have to see what happens this week. I'm on AAM in 2 weeks anyway so if that doesn't kick start things then i can always review plans etc.

How is everyone else this weekend? Sorry for moaning all the time i can't seem to get the spring back in to my step at the mo, i think i'm so focused on trying to look my best for my friends wedding so that somebody actually notices that i have lost weight, and 2lb results just make me think that i will never get there.

I'm going to make a real effort to try and cheer up, i just hate the way i look still and am desperate for it to change, but i suppose i can't do anymore than i'm already doing, and i know it won't come off any quicker on any other diets so i'm officially telling myself to GET OVER IT!!!!!!

Phew i think i'm ok now.

Ordered all my new furniture today for the lounge, nothing like spending cash to cheer me up lol, got a great chair from the same place we ordered our sofa from and its called a cuddler as it seats 2 people cuddled cute!

a cuddler sounds awesome thinkthincd! i might have to get me and the OH one of those!!!

i know what you mean about not getting the spring in your step-i have been a bit miserable for weeks now!!! x
Evening Gem and the rest of the violets,

I think that our mood is more than likely due to the length of time we have been on CD, not at the beginning buzzing off resisting food and getting huge losses, but also not near enough to goal to see the results of our achievements. I find the day to day of the diet pretty easy now, i don't really miss food as such, but i do find myself wishing the weeks away to get to the "new me" so i suppose we are in nomans land at the mo, and perhaps this is the reason for our low mood.

Yeah i noticed that earlier....can't believe it same team percentage as last week but this week it puts us in far. GO TEAM 10!
yeah i get what you are saying about no-mans land. that's why i have so many tickers now lol i found it cheered me up a bit to have tickers for each goal. the one for october is very near the end and that made me really chuffed!

i also find it easy. it seems too easy! i am trying to persuade OH to let us buy a Wii console and Wii Fit...i think i am getting somewhere!

i'm planning on joining a jazzercise class too which should be fun. really scared about going on my own though but i should think after the first time i will be well away!

my plan is to get fitter so that i can start going out jogging on the nights when i'm not at jazzercise. i'm thinking that if i do something every evening, i will get into the habit and it will stick after CD! xxx
hi gem and all! sorry 2 hear your a bit fedup! well done on your loss gem do you think we will win this week? ive got totm so im not sure how im goin 2 do this week!!....xx
not too sure smurf hun. you might be ok with TOTM. it hasn't affected my losses much. in fact my best losses are on TOTM week's! hehe!

not sure if we will win. my percentage loss is only 0.99%!!! that's not very good!!! although i have now lost about 12% of my original weight and i am about 25% to my target! WOOP WOOP!!! xxx