The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

wouldn't it round up to 4lbs thinkthincd? just wondering :)

my cdc has given me the wrong flavours!!! why didn't i check before today? i asked for two sachets of choc mint and she has given me cappucino and fruits of the forest for some reason :confused: not digging the cappucino and last time i had fruits of the forest i was nearly sick.

will it affect me much having just 2 packs a day for today and tomorrow? xxx
Hi girls,
Its entirely up to you, but in my opinion if you were on regular scales which weighed whole numbers only obviously you wouldn't count this and trying to calculate everything to 1/2 decimal places is too much for my worn out brain.

Let me know what you think, but so far for the team challenge i've only ever submitted results in whole numbers.

Thats 1 or 2 decimal places obv not half (1/2) lol
that's fine with me thinkthincd. i always give you whole numbers anyway lol! i always round (up or down) my weight before and after and then work out the difference. this way it's always whole numbers but still equates to the same overall. if that makes sense!!!! i like to display whole numbers on my signature and also the ticker rounds to whole numbers anyway xxx
Latest comparison pics...

and here they are! xxx


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Pics look great Gem!

I'm going to have to post without 161ds this week, hopefully she will join us for next weeks team challenge so here we go.....

Holding on to her crown for the 2nd week running our week 4 slimmer of the week and current shrinking violets champ is.............................SMURF!!! Congrats hun, well done on making it 2 weeks in a row. Well done to all of you other violets another great week this week.

Smurf -6lbs 2.84%
Soontobelittlegem -5lbs 1.81%
Thinkthincd -4lbs 1.78%
Gtpeach -3lbs 1.70%
Pbfhpunk -3lbs 1.40%

Which gives us a team total of 1.90% a damn good effort if you ask me!
I love us too, we are fab lol.
Well done all - we are an awesome team!
wow didnt we all do great!! sooooo pleased for all of us dont no where i would be if it wasnt for our challenge!!.....xx
awwww im sorry!! but we are all winners!!!:).....xxxxxxx
i just can't believe you lost 25lbs in 3 weeks!!! i wish i had done that. it seemed to take me ages to get there xxx
but i dont no how ive done that much!! if i did i would share the secret with you all;)....xx
bet i stay the same this week!!...xx
even if you do you will still be doing amazingly! don't fret hun, staying the same means you are still smaller than you were to start with! x
thanks gem! nearly gave in 2day and had some munch but went and cleaned my sons car and soon forgot about food!!....xx
Week 8 WI result....

hello team!

lost 3lbs this week. i wanted more but it's still good i think! especially since i was only down by 0.2lbs on weds!!!

hope you are all okay?

gem xxx
great news gem! sooooo pleased for you!.....xx