The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

it does'nt seem real does it! i keep thinkin im dreaming and i will wake up still big silly dont you think! ive gone from a 22 jeans to a 18 and still look at size 22 on the rails!!.....xx
awwwww you will! i think im just 1 of the lucky 1's but really dont no y!! there must b some change in you cause yove lost over 2 1/2 stone so far!.....xx
i have the boniest shoulders in the world lol! my upper body is rapidly disappearing but my hips are still massive. maybe they will catch up one day!!! x
mines the other way round!! lol! awww i hope it does for you! im of for a not hot bath then bed ive a early start 2moro with dad so i will post my loss when i get back! good luck 2 every1 who has wi 2moro! nite ladies....xx
Good luck smurf!

Fingers crossed for you 2moro,

Gem-my %this week is only 0.90 so hoping the other girls can pull it out of the bag for this week!


You know - I didn't cheat at all last month. And I only lost 8 pounds. That freaking sucks bollocks. I'm actually quite PO'd about it.
There's enough of me to lose that I should lose more than 8 lbs. a month! :(
Gt- i know how frustrating it is, but try and look at the bigger picture, everyone is saying how great you look, you are wearing clothes you would never have dared before so try not to worry about the weight. The problem is if you are athletic obviously you will have a larger proportion of muscle mass and therefore a smaller body fat percentage so perhaps you body is clinging on to it as it doesn't think you have that much left to lose, maybe one of the higher plans would suit you better, lets say you went on to 1000 cals plan, you get to eat food and still lose weight, i would imagine at the same rate you are now. It may be worth a go for a couple of weeks.

Well, i'ma lot happier today scales are showing over 1lb loss already,but slightly gutted as if i'd have lost it yesterday i could have updated my ticker to 36 pounds lost 36 to go! I'm exactly half way and i can't quite believe it to be honest. I don't feel much thinner in myself, but i imagine that any losses from now will start to really show! Yay halfway!!! woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry had to share that xxx
i lost another 4LBS chuffed. how is everyone?x
Wd smurf - hi team, it looks like we might have won the team challenge for last week, no more results have come in so fingers crossed we are the week 6 winners GOOOOOOOOOOOOO TEAMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!

Well done! (trying not to count chickens b4 they've hatched!)
yay! go team!

i got an email back about Jazzercise and it sounds fab!

£5 a session or £15 a month and you can go as many times as you like. sounds like a bargain to me!!! i'm really pumped about starting it now! i'm thinking i will try make it my October Challenge-to start Jazzercise!!! xxx
no you dont gem!!!...xx
Evening all,

Not a bad day today although seriously need to chug some water! anyone know anything about hair extensions, one of my friends had them and they were sooooooooooooo high maintenence, but i'm seriously thinking of getting them. I hate taking my clip ins out but they are quite uncomfortable, and although they cost me 100 quid the hair is quite a bit thinner and straighter than mine (after mine has been straightend)
Not sure what to do, don't want to be bald, but LOVE having long hair!

GO GEM i used to go to jazzercise and its sooooo much fun, i nearly wee'd my pants at the first class as me and my friend were so rubbish at it. We went to our local dance school to take it and they took it a bit too seriously for our taste so we only went a few times lol but if you get a good class its a great workout.

Hello everyone else we are all so quiet, we should arrange a time to meet online and have a chat, a bit of team building lol.
