The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

:party0011::happy036::party0011::happy036:blow me down i didnt think i had lost but..........another 5lbs gone!!!!!
im still dancing round the room!!...xx
No loss for me yet. :( It's so freaking hard this time! I've cheated more than once. :( Someone needs to cane me into doing it right! I think it's because I haven't gotten used to the flavors yet again - just so bleh! The sups are nice, but haven't had the chance to have them yet. I swear that I will do this right though!!

And I have lost more inches!! And still no gain in weight either! That count for something, right?
:whoopass:Naughty, naughty, naughty. What are you playing at?? You know very well that if you don't go all the way to your goal weight you are much more likely to let it slip and the pounds to creep back on again. You are only cheating yourself! If you are gonna cheat go do a cheaper diet!!

There, how that? The kick you need? Good luck with this week, and pop in an let us know how you are doing. We worry if you go quiet for a very long time.
Woohoo, I managed to drink 4 litres of water today! Just wanted to record that somewhere. It was quite a concerted effort. I can do 2 easily, 3 on a good day, for 4 took some effort. Hopefully if I do it often enough it will become habit and get easier.

Welcome back soon to be little Gem!! Thought I'd get in early as I've missed you on here. Hope you had a great time! Hope you manage to find the thread OK as we have a sub forum for teams now!
Hi Gt when is your official WI? don't worry it will be coming off somewhere, look at jan 5 days no loss and then BAM 5lbs!

Rather an uneventful few days here, went to see my cdc today to top up and have discussed my dec plans. 810 for a few days and then up to 1000 before hubbys 30th bday dinner and then stick to that through dec excluding xmas day. She said that i will be only a stone away from goal by then so not to worry too much, she also said that it would do me good to have some practise choosing the correct foods etc before getting to goal. Then she said we can review in jan and see where we are, eg if i want to SS again for a while or move through the plans etc. I feel loads better now i have a plan i'd have liked to stay on 810 as my losses were good but i just couldn't get out of ketosis i suppose its too well established after 11 weeks and i do want the option of a cheeky glass of xmas champers so 1000 it is and a warm welcome to my old friends the potatos lol.

Scales not moving for me this week yet but hoping they will soon.

Better go and tidy up now the little one's in bed .

take care xxx
Just realised only 5 more weeks SS for me then! I'd better make these weekly losses good for the next few weeks lol!
Sounds like a very good plan! And having a 5 week mini goal to get as much off as possible will really help focus you and keep you on track.
Ah have you got Gem withdrawal symptoms hun?
Got it bad! :rotflmao: She's almost as addicted as I am! Think I saw her on another thread. I bet she can find the thread because they are have been moved into the sub forum. Either that, or she just doesn't want to talk to me!:rolleyes:
lolol she will get here soon, i bet she has loads of posts from the 100 % club to catch up on.

So how have you been today? Good, bad, indifferent? I was so cold today that I drank more coffee than water. Ran out of bars too. Weigh in tomorrow. Can't wait.
Did you ever track down your £15 coat? I passed a huge Asda in Bournemouth near our hotel. Was almost going to pop in and check out the sizes they had but I was running a bit late trying to find my way.
LOL yes ordered it online (not arrived yet) and then found another one last weekend in monsoon its winter white and i couldn't resist so now i have 2! Oh well i deserve it for losing so much weight (thats what i told the hubster anyway)

I'm feeling great thanks for asking, finding the diet no probs (i almost feel guilty writing that after reading everyone's posts re cheating etc) just missing a nice gin and tonic after a day spent shouting NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! and running around after a 20 month boy!

How are you?
I'm back!!!

Wow what a trek!!! Loads of posts to catch up on on the 100% thread!!!

I've missed you all! I didn't have probs finding the thread as I am subscribed so it comes up on my User CP :D

I'm a miserable violet :cry:eek:nly lost 1lb in 10days!!! I hate 810. Can't wait to start SS again on Friday! Not getting weighed again until a week on Sat so should have lost a fair bit by then. God I hope so!!!

Well done to everyone who lost!

GT you can do this!!! You have done it before and you can do it now!!! xxx
yay, good to see you back. Sorry to hear about your disappointing weight loss, I don't know why 810 is doing that to you, but all I can say is that it is giving your body to catch up on the weight loss and increasing your metabolism so that you will continue to have great weight losses the following week. At least your are half way through AAMW now.

Did you have a good break? Take lots of photos?
LOL yes ordered it online (not arrived yet) and then found another one last weekend in monsoon its winter white and i couldn't resist so now i have 2! Oh well i deserve it for losing so much weight (thats what i told the hubster anyway)

I'm feeling great thanks for asking, finding the diet no probs (i almost feel guilty writing that after reading everyone's posts re cheating etc) just missing a nice gin and tonic after a day spent shouting NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! and running around after a 20 month boy!

How are you?

As I said on another thread, the cheating one you posted on too, I feel exactly the same as you right now. So motivated. Partly because it is weigh day tomorrow, the highlight of my week, and partly because having reached half way I can almost see my goal at the top of the hill now! It's a great feeling isn't it. I wish so much I could bottle it and post it to others who are struggling!

You were going to get 2 coats anyway, so at least now you have different colours. Of course you deserve it!
yep i took loads of pictures!!! just going to upload them now and put a couple on here. took 250!!!!
how are you? xxx
I'm well. Always am on a Tuesday! Was very cold today and have only had 2.5 litres of water but hopefully I'll get another litre down this evening. Haven't seen any friends this week, and no trips up to London, so I have had a good 100% week. Fingers crossed for tomorrow as you know it doesn't always work the way you expect it to!

Can't wait to see your photos.