The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

Welcome to the Obese Club! However, as you can see by my ticker I hope to leave the club very soon, but you can have my seat! LOL I put my bmi into the NHSDirect webside and they said: "You are seriously overweight for your height!" Don't know which sounds worse actually obese or seriously overweight. Think I prefer obese, it sounds less serious and much more cuddly, don't you think?

Glad to see that you have actually passed a milestone this week and found something positive. It makes up for the disappointment of the 1 lb I hope. All that pound says to me is that you will have a good weight loss next week. I'd put a bet on 4 lbs next week, but I don't gamble!

Just for me, get on and off your digital scales five times and tell me if you get the same weight twice. I think it is an outrage that they get away with it. I would seriously consider taking them back to tescos and demanding a refund. You can even let the manager do the same thing and let him/her see for themselves are unreliable they are. Are they Tesco's own brand or is there a make name on them?
Gem, why doesn't your ticker show your bmi? Mine does and it comes from the same site. maybe you just need to select Show BMI or something, or did you not put your height in when you created your ticker?
They are Tesco's own brand. Dread to think what the Tesco Value one would have been like!!!!

Right, just for you Frances :):

W1: 18st 1lb
W2: 18st 1lb
W3: 18st 1lb
W4: 18st 0.5lb
W5: 18st 1lb

Looks like they aren't that bad after all!!! Not sure how this compares with my CDC's scales though. Hope it's right!!!

I didn't put my height in. I will update that. The NHS website does seem to exaggerate things a bit. I felt like I was on the verge of death when I put my stats in. Mind you, maybe I was!!! Who knows!!! Not anymore though! Yay!

Mike's just come home and told me he has got a promotion yay!!! Means he will be away from home a bit more but he will be a junior manager so will have more flexibility over holidays etc. xxx
There we go! Ticker updated to show BMI yay! It's saying 40 but I went by the Cambridge website which said 39.9...I'm going to be well into by next week!!!
Just taken my measurements aswell and I lost 2ins off my waist last week and half an inch off my thighs. Lost 37ins off my body in total!!! x
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Your scales look pretty consistent. Not like mine at all. Now all you need to do is weigh yourself after your weigh in.......if you remember as you are gonna have so much to celebrate next week -- into the 17's and no longer a very obese bmi!!!

That's great news about the promo! Hot chocolate tetras all round to celebrate!!!!!
Hehe! Celebrating with CD! I'm planning a chocolate mint mix a mousse for my birthday on Monday as I can't have a cake!

I would love to lose 6lbs to get to the 4st mark but I can be patient. I would be happy with 3lbs to be honest.

How has your day been? xxx
You'll be there in 2 weeks.

Oooh mousse.......very elaborate. Let me know what you think of the mousse mix. Never bought it, but chocolate mint is my favourite.

My day...........hmmmmm......a bit naughty...........didn't do very much work! I have a deadline for tomorrow, an article of 1200 words, and I still haven't even started it! Just not in the mood. As far as I can tell it is a real deadline as the mag is actually going to the printers tomorrow! Oops. Had a brainwave about 4pm though, I remembered an interview I did a couple of weeks ago that I could use, so I'll be fine. I'll bash most of it out tonight and finish it in the morning.
i didn't realise you were a writer Frances. i bet that's fab!!!

i have had mix a mousse before. doesn't work so well with the tetras as they go a bit stodgy. but the choc mint makes a gorgeous one!!! x
How are we all today?

I am totally cheesed off. This rash looks awful (for those who don't know the water flavourings have given me a rash over my collarbones and on my neck) but at least it hasn't spread any further and isn't itching as much.

Also, I am not in ketosis anymore. This is so unfair. I don't feel I deserve this!!! I don't ever cheat! :cry:Oh well, will save my last ketostick for Sunday and test to see if I am back in. Then I have a whole week of fat burning to try and shift some serious weight before my weigh in.

On the plus side though, I stepped on my scales this morning and saw the number 17!!! Weighed myself 5 times to check and all 5 said 17st 12lbs so fingers crossed this is pretty close to the truth!!! xxx
hi there, I really do keep forgetting to come here now it's been moved. If you post, and you can see I am online, please pm me and will come here.

Poor you with the rash. If you had said I would have known from what Susan said what it was but that would only have saved you a day of it. It will go soon. And don't worry about ketosis too much. You will still lose weight whether or not you are in ketosis. I am rarely in ketosis. Stopped bothering to test now.

And for goodness sake what are you pissed off're in the 17's!!! Five times!!! Woohooo.

Don't be too impressed about me being a writer. I'm no Johnboy Walton (blimey, does that show my age, please tell me you remember The Waltons!?) I write about really boring things like banking systems, nothing readable!!
Gotta get some work done now. Only wrote 600 words last night! 600 to go by lunch time! Ooh I do love the swishing sound of deadlines as they fly past!!LOL
Hi Frances,

I used to watch The Waltons on a Sunday morning!!! Also used to watch Little House on the Prairie and Rawhide!!! Loved it!

I see my CDC on 8th Nov so a week today. I can lose some serious weight in that time!!!

Just weighed myself on Mum's scales and they said 17st 13lbs and hers are the pretty much the same result as my CDC's so I'm going by them. Yay!

Can't you subscribe to this thread Frances? Then it will come up on your User CP page when someone has posted. If you don't know how to subscribe it comes up under Thread Tools at the top of this page xxx
Little House on the Prairie! It made us what we are!

I am subscribed but I don't tend to go to my user cp when I come. Just go straight to CD thread and see what's new.

Glad your rash is clearing up quickly and you are defo in the 17's!! Now what was all that downheartedness about! I must be unusual. When I sts or only lose a pound it just makes me even more determined to stick to the plan, because I know that you cannot NOT lose weight on this diet. I know I do wish the weeks away. Wed WI is the high point of my week!

I've only got a strawberry tetra left, and I don't think I fancy that one hot. Will probably just keep it for emergencies. Will definitely get more tetras on Wednesday. I am amazed how just adding hot water transforms the chcocolate and banana ones.

Hang in there everyone!
I love my tetras. I wouldn't be without them now. Am very tempted to try bars again. Might get 4 for the next week and see how my weigh in fairs.

Even when I only lost 1lb, I was still determined to stick to the diet but I was just being a misery guts!!! I wouldn't have lost 1lb by eating how I used to eat after all!!!

I am going to treat myself to some new jumpers today with the birthday money I got from my dad. Going to get them in an 18 so they last me a while. I know Sainsbury's have got some lovely tops reduced down to 3 quid so might look there.

Work on Monday...rubbish! What a birthday treat! At least I am going on a course so I won't actually be at the school. Now going to job hunt again!!!

Good news though, Mike and I are hoping to move into our own place again next month yay!! xxx
I'll be at the beach next weekend and I'm so nervous! This bikini doesn't look as awesome as I wanted it to look by now. :-\ It doesn't look dreadful either though...

I;ve been disappointed b/c I'm follwing the diet and still haven't lost weight. :(
Hi everyone!!!

GT, it will come off hun, don't panic xxx

Guess what I'm wearing guys???


I just bought 2 different pairs from Tescos. One from the large size section which is stretch denim and one from the 'normal' section which are not stretchy. And blow me down they both fit and are even a tad too big!!!! I'm so happy!!!

After all, if the jeans fit I must be a 22 right? Those trousers are so close to fitting now aswell. I would say another couple of weeks!

I'm so happy!!! xxx
Hi Everyone,

Hope we are all ok, from now on can you all PM me your WI results when you get them (as well as posting on the team thread if you want to) It's getting a little confusing now the deadlines have changed and i want to make sure i defo have the correct info. Can you also let me know when your WI days are (apart from Gem and Frances i've got yours thank you) Just off to do the team challenge results if i have everyones info.

Right, i've had a good trawl and as far as i can see we only have 4 results this week (correct me if i'm wrong) Helen's Wi was cancelled due to car trouble, and GT hasn't posted a WI result so i'm assuming she hasn't met with her cdc yet. I'll go and sort out the results based on the four Wi's if thats ok with everyone.

Gem- sorry hun thought i had written a post to you re your pics, but having re-read it looks as though i haven't (how rude) you can see such a difference and you look really good in your hol snaps its great to have a nosey at peoples photos so thanks for posting them. Also.....................CONGRATULATIONS ! I bet you are on top of the world, if i were you i would burn the stupid trousers you have been trying to fit in to, they are obviously not sized properly, you've prob been a 22 for weeks and been getting frustrated with them. Also i think jeans are the hardest trousers to buy as they are unforgiving, i still buy a 20 now even though i'm an 18 in every other style! So well done.

I love hearing about everyones personal achievements, it makes this journey real.

I'm feeling ok today a touch on the grumpy side but with life in general, the diet is defo a positive in my life. I wish people would comment and tell me what they really think, all i'm getting at the moment is "you're looking well" to be fair everyone said that when i was bigger so not sure whether they are commenting on my weight loss or not. I would just love someone to say "WOW you've lost loads of weight" i'd be justified in spouting the benefits of CD then.

I did have a strange weight related moment this week, i'm still close with my best friend from school and we were both always a size 8 during our school years.....she has always stayed an 8 sometimes a 6 whereas i erm wasn't. She came to see me this week after not seeing her for 6 weeks and i burst out laughing as she is 20 weeks preggers and cos she is so slim her bump looks huge, she burst out laughing and said....."where've you gone? and you've got young clothes on!" So both stood laughing and hugging at my front door for a few mins lol.

God i better get on with these results!

How is the rest of the team?

Thanks Hayley. Seriously, you need to get a before and now picture on here!!!! I bet you will get loads of lovely comments and you will feel so much better. GO FOR IT!!! xxx